....r... ,, dd 5 AND RECREAT/ON _, - ~, g: potvina@badgerjsc.vsc.edu. POB 6345 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 1 MEN PF‘OFE53’0’VAL Land rk GaylLesbian/Bisexual Alliance 363-4961 1 2 ' * Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 Earhart 3 9 Qlly Players. lnC- I Gay Fathers Support Group EAGLE (IBM employees) - 2 . _ ° 3375752 _ POB 746 - Lebanon NH 03766 »— P051012 ' Burlington VT 05402 - POB 234 - Essex Junction VT 05423 ~ - "T093 Middlebury 0Pen Queer Alliance) Brattl boro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 9 1 2 769 4835 (maschatz@us.ibm.com) or , d_ (335) 212-5334 , - 879-7883 dim Ledvens (802) 769 4413 _ 1 ~ Drawer 8 - Middlebury College - 0, - 254.7721 " M‘_’“"l3'" Club ' VT_Ch_aPt6r Gay /Guy Get Togethers in SE VT Jleavins@us.ibm.com - d”"“"eb”’Y VT °5753‘5°33 ' Burli ton Women’s Council Gay Lesbian Outdoor Organization) - Carey at 254-8263 eag|ebtV@us.ibm.com ""9 gs“ 50 ° _ , 0111, (1a)) . g11,11ng1on V-1 (15401 . - Bob Bland, 333-9443 - ‘:4 , ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays “"P¢/’P“°a’9Y-P°“-”"“-°°""EAGLE 3‘ V L 3657200 K bland@sover.net - Men Aflivel . «x / leaglemml , ' ' ' 5. ES F01‘ women over 40 http://www.chiltern.orglchilternl 5 POB 423 - Burli 1 V1’ (15402 . bian/Straight Educators Network Meeis Sundays‘ Bpm‘ Chews House ' ( - - , ~ ) . . ~ "9 °” ‘ r ‘ Dnel Ten (Castleton State College) 7 143 "°"'" '“5“ 5°“ ""'"°“ VT Men's Reading Group ., 5 365-2247 G1-SE, ) C d I W ddddd _ ddd dd“ ddd - 05463 ir . Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) "1 VBTTTTOM . as e on ‘ X DYKE TALK (Women's discussion group) Meets monthly in the Brattleboro , Pod “dd _ Keene NH ddddd _ (503 9,12 . p1,1,,ey1,1 St Mi ‘s College ALLY Group .3 d Mend 7 . area- FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) ‘ 603 357 554 n5346,254_515n_ , r . ails’ pm I . 253.2693 orM1Cnde11:dnnon(8n2) l l j 4 ' d . c/o The Student Resource Center, 3llrl|rl9l0ll Fight Back Olllcer N- 254 dddd ‘ MonadGay@ao|.c0m Juniper@s0ver.net Winooski Park,‘C0lchester05446- ’V_V":°C"5k' l”9X”° C°'°Plv ‘ » ;. . . . M row 664-5595- R (Gay dd Lesbian Literature 8‘ net Ten .Pro)e.ct _ d n Nurses _ 1 Lrndanoiirngdaie 654-2546 or died rddd Tdmdtdds Nddhdm Vdrmddt . . cont ntial discussion & social group for men) 1_pN R - - Laura Craln 654-2388 Fm“ club °l B"""‘9l°"l - Brian 1-300-639-7903 ( 5'. "5" me p'a°m'°"e's' etc") ifrinily Colle e GLBA ‘mm ,5 s°°ia' Gm”) Steven Kopsteln, 434-5653 - -M9315 ,n,,n11,1y'1,1n,n, Ep1scopa1 aw i'5':';ab9‘;‘d-354‘7‘?9‘:_ 3- 9 A 3. n1 Box 6845, f3L'TTERVl_@a°'~C°rn Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont NH. 55 , ss°°'a '°“ ‘ M°'°V Hal“ B””'"9‘°”-_VT 054°‘ ' - 2 Morrisville, VT 05661 - 888-7118 Meets at 7.30 every Monday at Gay Menrs Support Group ' P03 193 ' H'"e5bUi9 VT 05451 ' (802) 658-0337 extension 371 - Godd Threads rhombus gallery/Ait 879-4527 - rba@pwsolutions.com - - « __ 1 space, 186 college (mezzanine), £800) 6397903 Education Association Network otGLB msheets@Chanmnm[yv['edU Le b C t t P bi’ t’ Meets Tuesda s 7 m uu chur h 3 “ °“ 3° “ '°‘‘ '°" Burlignton 652-1103, . Y i p C 1 rs and Their Allies - - . ~ _ , I d I 1 69 waSn,ng1°n Sn Keene_ NH. C I [d M _ M42 dm POB 65 Richlord VT 05476 0055 S639 ca en ar OT events. I Faeries Oil BC ose- arie B - S d 343.7037 5 g0|de1-11red@ao]_c0m er Visions Productions, Inc. Yolanda Pod ddd _ dud" [on W UPPORT 1.1un11ng1°n open womenvs Land St. Albans VT 05473 ' 05402 18650385 . g g I . 2 d A d I . V d An VIVA Gabriel, POB 224 - Brattleboro VT /R”-UA EL/G/OUS 8791;. and Friends 0' open for camping. events. day hikes. lbx m ermon _5 l ) 05302 - 257-4871 T s and Gays (P-FLAG) and more. Presently open for ,\ POB 812 ' Burlington VT 05402 - :1 (11,, gay men over 1°,-1y) topen cinne of Bratlleboro Area, J. Cram - 409 _ new members lor intentional 3550335 5 pog 353 . g1,,11ng1,,,, 1,1 05,102 . ccd . wince Hillsinds - Brattleboro VT 05301 - - community. ° 434-3953 850.1510 1 ’ POB dd Vdr ddddd Wddddddddd 257-5409. n Social/Support group for _ . g , - at - Iternatives for Gay Men (SAM) . Drew 759.2147 . F9””a’ V5 New °°"‘3°‘ TBA 40 and older. ND/NG VIOLENCE POB 479 - Norwich VT 05055 - VTOpenCircle@hotmail.com d'd’[’d‘d|id':d F" Chm" , Brattleboro - 254-7345 . - ecdsmedlydg ;o|.com nttp://www.geocities.com/raintorest/ (school st ddddddd) eginnings Women's Support eesuesa,:-. - .' n c°untV women In cri5l5- t Gay Social A|teyrSnativesp(nV GSA) ermorzttggangha (Tibetan Buddhist) Lake Champlain‘ L” Venner . 23 sigglggéfet Spnngheid VT 05156 ~ , - , , . Birchwood Lane - Bur|'ngton VT ' ' 55854235 Middiebury VT 05753 POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 52334517 - Montpelier 05601 . ddddd _ ddddddd - ' 2. 24 dddr Hdddd, 8352050 r . ' 3553734 ' "“’953@a°‘-°°’“ , ' 1“ °' 5332527 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays 2-4pm First Umbrella Women’s Center d Women s Services, Inc. Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the . i . i . , Methodist Church, Burlington (use the » 16 Main St. - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 POB 828 - Montpelier VT O5601- _ _ 7dB_d6d5 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 ‘ Oman center ton Police Department . _ V , _ 5 School Ave. ~ Montpelier VT 05602 Ufllty Based P0lIC6 Officer . 229.5202 Lieutenant Bill Laware - 658-7658 is information Se,-Vice (W155) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 - (603) 448-5922 - 24 Hour Holllnez sbian Victim Assistance‘ Local Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 - (3oo)259;1535241.1o111. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I l503)445'55-7-5 AVProject@aol.c0m omen of the Woods (WOW) Sex Domestic Violence ,2 RFD 1 Box 5260 -WorcesterVT _ mnnnee 05682 -1 229-0109 den County Domestic ’ e Task Force) ai.EimwoouAve M's DEFINITIVE ljRE TORY OF YOUTH Burlington, VT 05401 ‘ ‘ > - cnine 1,5112; = T - RMO NT AR E A COM TY RES 0 U R c E s. lVermont OUTRIGHT (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) ‘Meets 1 st and 3rd and 5th ldllelgld./r/aViV!V'V]l:Vr.Td:nnCelOn.edU/-TCUl'lIS/ S I dddddsddys in Mompdded '5 Crisis Center I ‘dag’ d: l'a:‘°: I POB 933 -Brattleboro VT05302 - 0 0° 5 U 9" 5 _ _ . _ _ Mnn1pe11e,11n11anan Cnnn,n_ Buell St. street level entrance). .M I 17 W d d 1 3334"“ "”“”’°“”“”"‘ VZ3S’iff'§6’3r’§Z'l”ri§ri?1‘l§rZlrr -03%?-3-53372-3-55? n Helping Battered women I d I . 362.189: "19"?" 05254 _ ddddddd FMI Cindy Garnish at 447-8007 P03 1535 ' BUV“”9l°" VT 05402 ' (“Mani La""°i Asa"! Name Vermont Rut/andArea, Julie and Peter Cooper " _ 658-1996 31 A _ .11 11111111 31. 1q,,11a,1(1 17705701. esbian Education and Resouce 11's nape crisis center 3 Williston st. - Brattleboro VT 05301 E34540} é‘;d"(g‘d’df5k' VT 773.7501 1.1‘) _ *1 - p013 92 . 3u111ng1on VT 05402 . - 254-2972 _ Spouses of GLB Partners Support Upper 1/31191, on1ngn1Vennon1. 12013 _ New Hampshire . 864-0555 . an O h NH d 7 - _ 27 - Norwich VT- 649-5297 - P013 533 . B111-111191011 VT 054020533 P(6g37) :5:/933202519‘ 031 5'00‘) - Shelbume Falls, MA - Jane Harris 502.295.3353 . new1,1c@ao1_con1 of Color Alliance Diddidnndddlddm ' gunner; 9r°(;1'l2_ (Zr 9lbl;l dvouth1(14- LEGAL POB 1534 - Burlington VT 05402 - ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays or each -M9915 even, an Tuesday 31 11,9 Cdlrddfgdll dd"d gin 'd{’,',’d‘d' deed) (802)660-0606 9) C month in Manchester. Unitarian Universalist Church. 1,, Lebanon, 111., _ _ _ _ _ am Destin Keene NH- Lucinda Nightingale « an cw" Ubemes U"'°"(AcLU) P: BOX 149: Brattleboro VT 05302 (503) 3539337 ht Vermont (youth 22 and 110 E, 51 1 s1_ - M 1 )' VT ' ' ‘Meets eve 4th Sunda at AIDS a e on pe ler POLITICAL 4536760 ° fCd@p°pSm'c°m Services tozhe Monadnlock Re ion. POB 5335 ' BU’“"9l°" VT 05402 ' 05602-223-6304-acIuvt@aol.com- mp:/ywwwdsovemet/_mdnbncy, 1 d _ _ 9 . dds dd”. 0 I, dd/T@ I _ httpz//members.aoI.corn/ac|uvt/ 1cd_1nm1 «S In Adoption dd /membellggdl cowfidcmd home.htm| 1, A G 11 1_ b‘ 5 - - - - 44 South St. - POB 1223 - , 9 , ' " 9 _ b. /B. I L I 0'0 T93 3Y5 3" 95 la" ave (Unitarian Universalists) M d dlddwd S dd S W 05757 _ Youth Hotlinez (300) GLB-CHAT 3 '3" '5‘?’“_'a 993 POB 875 ' Brattleboro VT 05302 ' 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT 2352373 9 9 (452-2423) Association 254-5947 05401 - John Byer - 802-863-1818 . nd Lesbian and Ga Parents ‘Drop in Center: Tuesdays, 2:30- . , I _ ' C/0 131ac11wood and Kraynak . POB 0 Line of NH Meets 2nd Sundays for Brunch, 4 131 R_ h d St VB d_ VT 5.30pm ' 375, Burlington 05402 - 663-2517 2 26 South Main st., Box 131, Concord, 12:30pm ayt First l_Jt_J Church, B'ton 054011682‘; - u ington :VZduth grolt'lpr.].FrIdays, 7-$1Jpm. "5 Human Rights C°mmissi°" NH 03301. A M Gay Men S Spmtual support « nt Bisexual Network (BiNel) We3:epsllll:iI);c)0llnt5.Jvtg%::ll:i)on5tli 7-9pm 133 State St. - Montpe|ierVT 05633- 7 1 l6°3)_224‘1686 _ mood , VT 0 dd‘ POB 8124 d Bddid {dd VT 05402 _ ‘Women's group. 2nd and 4th 6301 - 828-2480 1 ens Alliance for Gay and Lesbian 5 Raymond Pl ' Burlington 5 K_ 229 odd rdg S I Tuesdays of every month, 7-9pm. lm - 0 T0 venora . . p013 730 . concord NH 03302 . 879-7883 - kimw@earth.goddard.edu at Bvramebom Umon Hlgh M E D/A (603) 2244 686 STUDENT or biwarriors@ hotmail.com ’ _ d d J d. center ‘Meets Last Saturday of each month, Andrea CarIson.atYoutn Services ' an "S we , 6-7pnd, Muddy Waters, Bunington. 257-0361 or Tracy Binet at the High s OUT 21 Church st. - Bunington VT 05401 - e Vermont Law school .31 Sddddd group meets and Schoo1_ 257_o35d POB 285 - grattleboro VT 05302 - 2 t cogfiadiffior Lesbian and ’ South Royadon’ VT 05068 . Saturday, 5-6pm, Outright VT ollices ware of Addison County 257-0332 -Gd PLodsd0d@Ve,mon11dw_edd - 1st Saturday c/o POB 646 - MiddleburyVT 05753 - oun ain Pride Media, Inc. “'5 l"°L ’ . Club ‘"9" °"'V 18°01 452-2429 t°"lii9“iVTl' POB 1125 ' M°'"P9"e' VT 05602 ' . . . ‘ 3'“ 5al“'daY www geocities corn/WestHollywood/ POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 _ _ _ . n Gay Bisexual, Straight Alliance) . ' ‘ , 1 888 825 4989 r r women only . , Village/1415 youthaware@usa.net I the Mountains Co-liaisons to the government: Lyndon State College. LSO Box 7335 . Meets 151 Tuesdays, mm, my Poe 177- Burlington VT 05402 - x"§d"'g “f“'{e“j,; :1;i,g$§))g§,:;,‘;§§5;t::g;§363 Library Meeting Room. Middlebury. 355.9294 . '1 @1 111e1_ne1. 1 9| 05 an ' ‘ , ' ' _ ' 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Colleehouse ‘,1- °' O98 t Freedom to Marry Task Force ( artmouth Rainbow Alliance) TRANSGENDEH and ,no,,1e_ http://www.vlpride.org POB 1312 - Middlebury VT 05753 - Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 - 4111 3a1nn1ays_ 7530 1,1991 31 5131 Reaching Out (Outright Youth Zine) - 388-6356 - Be: §r‘rl.dB'l‘A ad Udlldll W . ' ‘ '- ‘ ‘I , - , , . - 85 . rospect t. u ington ‘ - - - 4‘ d_ 2 P08 5235. Burlington VT 05402 B,a111e1,0n, 318311111,-11111111 varies), 05405 . 656.0699 1 ender Radical Action, Networking, the S Ource has .,., 865 9677 OutrightVT@aol.com 2 151 Wed 01 every month. December ‘M I Thdrsda S 7.30 m . _ sup 011) ~ l'h°V< rmont Rainbow Connection - meeting will be Wednesday Dec.3rd. dodddrd day/‘iizdianlditédxdalpdldance ,4 Burlington VT 05402 expanded! _ [TV program) 2 7pm. Bari Shamas FMI 337-5733. V Gd d ddr d Cddd d d d Pl dd dd d d W _Sdppod Group mead every Tuesday ___d_ . ' c/0 lavender visions productions, inc. Vermc nt GLBT Pride '98 Committee ' 05667 I in B-10”. mtg info, "andvd2@ddLddm please keep us up_tO-date Con- POB 307 sa1n1A)11'ans VT 05478 - .- POB 5113 ~ Burlington VT 05402 Keena State College LBG Alliance Ce,-ning changes in your l d @ h 5113 ' 865-3734 0' 5534502 - ’ Keene State College - Keene NH 7 7, 7, - - 3V9” 9' W96‘ 9’-“el - rou s source information g P 3 7 * 03431 WOMEN b r t t’ - t- lohnslon state College GSA ' 1 Y C‘ “ 5*“ mg ‘*5 5 ~ \ ‘ f'oLh:S(f\r:“\/C;°d::;J5(jde:1‘Assomamn Votive Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (802) 865-9294 or r, , thompsoa@badgerjsc.vsc.edu ALMA) ’ ' ' ’ ’ ' "i5m@t”39th"-5"‘-J5