'4 r r l -1 2”; . "‘<"~t"‘-A -- . . i . ‘E: 7\ / ll\ Ill. "4l\ Rancly May laursts prouclly Out with spit and tire in its soul. Maytie ttiatis tiecause tliere are so many planets careening through pioneering Aries ancl sensuous Taurus. Fol- low some souncl New Yorle aclvice ancl cl.on't talze nuttini trom I10t)O(.l.y. May is the month to ”.’/.=\\"’- l 9/ l|$ A 7%. |\‘ s \ \\ /7/li\\\' ttirow caution to tlie wiml... as well as a tew choice articles ot clothing. ARIES (MARCH 2] — APRIL 20) Botli astute Mercury and lovely Venus pass tlirougti your own sign this May, you cliarmer you. This is no time to sit laacle and play the walltlower, gay Ram; you've got ootlles ol: J time, energy, ancl money to wine, Lline, and just be (livine.Tl1e Sun ancl Mars in Taurus loosen up your purse strings and maize you teel Llownriglit cliar-italJle. Well, let's not go tliat tar... ' TAURUS (APRIL 214 MAY 2]) Happy lJirtliLlay queer Bull. Botli tlie liappy Sun anrl zesty Mars are in your sign wliicli means one tliing — new lieginnings. Toss ott tlie olcl and stale in your lite (no names please...) and sliecl your worn out slain tor a new lavencler you. (Wliti is tliat loolzer??) By the 44th, when Venus moves into Aries, pre- pare to telepatliically connect to people. Mincl control the religious riglit. GEMNI (MAY 22 - JUNE 2]) How generous are you proucl Twin? Tlie acicl test comes in May when lnotli the Sun antl Mars encourage you to go one step turtlier tor a great gay cause. Reincarnate as Motlier Theresa l)ut lnag tlie sari. Do yourselt a ta- vor, as well, this montli l)y clieertully Jump- ing the contents ot your clanh closet l)etore tlie 25tl1. Mars sez it's never too late tor a little spring cleaning. ' CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) Gay Cralns are social rlirectors oi the pricle test as pals loolz to you tor a gootl time. Fes- tive Sun and zestive Mars leave tlieir marl: on any social calemlar it you lmsanova he- tore the 25th. Atter tliat, you might as ‘well hang up your clancing shoes as you grow more introspective. What exactly do you want to tie Wl‘lCl‘l you grow up? Expect surprising an- swers cousin. LEO (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23) it your career tracla liecomes a little less con- gestecl this May, tlianlc enterprising Mars and the courageous Sun tor the leg up. But gather your corporate roselnucls while you may prourl Lion; Atter the 2211:], the thrill ot the hunt is gone aml atter the 25th, your energies will lie more tocuserl on liaving a great gay time. Just as well; tliey say it's lonely at the top. VIRGO (AUGUST 24- — SEPTEMBER 23) Talee 501116 SLIITIHTCI‘ COLIFSUS r':lI'lLl learn 8 or two this May. Queer Virgins are reacly antl raring to expancl their worldly lcnowleclge tor most ot the month. Explore all corners tie- tore tlie 25th. Atter tliat, you'll be tiaclz to earth anti torcecl to concentrate on more practical matters, such as liow toiicurry tavor witlt lnosses and other assorted slzanlzs. (C) 1998 L|CHTENSTE|N,A|| Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. For best results, read both your LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 24- — OCTOBER 23) it you teel a retrestiing lireeze in your pants, ill1El]‘li2 gusty Sun and Mars tor the surge. Gay Liloras taegin the month on a lusty sexual rampage, shitting to merely heavy tlirting atter the 30th when Venus enters Taurus and lightens your load. Prolae all ‘secret places taetore the 25th amt all cor- ners ot the worlcl atter that. Who said lite is laoring? SCOBPIO (OCTOBER 24 — NOVEMBER 22) The tocus is on relationships this May wlien l.)()tl‘l the Sun and Mars turn Lip the heat. Prourl Scorps give the appearance ot loeing very inr.lepen<.l.ent souls hut in tact they secretly aclte tor connection. it's there tor the aslzing until the 25th cousin. Atter that, waiulerlust gets the laetter ot you. Ali, lnut two can travel as cheaply as one as long as you share the same launlz. SAGITTANUS (NOVEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 22) since it seems a little tiarcter than usual to let loose and have tun, smart gay sags are lJest serverl lay concentrating on worlz or on toning that laocl tor swimsuit season tor most ot the month. The serviceatale Sun and energetic Mars encourage you to roll up your sleeves and accomplish the impos- silile laetore the 25th. Atter that, all lnets are ott; let it all liang Out. ‘ CAHKICORN (DECEMBER 23 - JANUARY 20) OEven ilntensely rlirectionect gay Goats are encouraged to relax this May when the Sun and Mars ticlzle your tancy. It is the time ot year to l38 creative and tap into your gay muse. Either that or party hearty; your choice. Enjoy every pleasant zetz until the 25th. Atter that, you return to your natu- rally serious ways ancl tzecome a worlzer ant extraordinaire. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 21 — FEBRUARY 19) Focus your attention on home related. projects this May when teisty Mars ancl the inspirational Sun warm up the hearth. Do what neecls to lae (lone Aqueerius and don't loolc loaclz. Put your personal lite in order laetore the 25th. You'll tie too tiusy haul- ing your ashes all arounct town atter that to engage in quiet contemplation. You luclzy thing! PISCES , J (FEBRUARY 20 — MARCH 20) There seems to he so much to say and only until the 25th ot the month to deliver it properly, pinl-2 FiSl1. Prepare your pricle treatise ancl cleliver it with gusto while the passion and thoughts tlow. But wait; ttiereis more — Mercury moves trom Aries to Tau- rus on the 16th and enters the communi- cations tray. That means you must ttiinlz glolaally anal act locally. Sun sign and Ascendant. For a free calculation of your ascendant, send birthdate, time, place name of this‘ publication and s.a.s.e. to: LICHTENSTEIN, F!O.B. 1726, Old Chelsea Station, NY, 10011. Check out my new website AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer Jeverytliing from. acc‘om'mo‘d'a-. , _ _ 1"” ylrershark a monthly ummer is coming and with it are thoughts of traveling. At least my thoughts are of traveling. I am what is known as the “armchair tourist.” Since I can’t afford to go anywhere exotic and exciting, I read about those who have, either in hard copy (what used to be referred to as “books") or online. The web offers myriad sites geared to the GLBT traveler, from city guides to tours. The following are just a few of the sites that are sure to whet your appetite for adven- ture. GLBT@ com There are two print magazines that cater to the GLBT traveler that have an online pres- ence. Our World is monthly glossy featuring color photography and articles that thoroughly cover destinations around the world for the GLBT trav- eler. Its web site (http://www.pimps.com/ ounrvorld/) however is not as comprehensive nor as slick as its sibling in print. Like most web sites for print magazines, the Our World site is mostly an advertisement to snag a few prospective sub- scribers. It does offer a few reprints of articles about GLBT destinations such as Key West and San Francisco but no photographs, color or oth- erwise. A better site is the one for OufandAbouf (http://www.outandabout.com/), the newsletter for GLBT travelers. It is updated monthly with a “highlights” section spotlighting a specific desti- nation or tour; a “Gay Travel Calendar’ listing tours and events around the world; articles that cover everything from car rentals to traveling with HIV and links to GLBT travel sites. Of course, the editors of Out and About would like you to subscribe to the newsletter, but if you can’t wait till the next issue comes in the mail, check out this site. . Ferrari Guides, publisher of Inn P/aces, has a web site called Q-Net (http://www.q- net.com/qnet/htrn) that is updated as soon as new travel information is avai|able.A recent visit to the site found information regarding accom- modations for that ban of Southern Baptists, the Gay Day at Disney World, being held this year on June 4-2 There is also tour information for the upcoming Gay Games, being held this Au- gust at Amsterdam. in addition, there are articles about tours, activities, and accommodations for a number of destinations around the world. Another GLBT travel guide publisher, Damron, also has a web site (http:// www.damron.com/) but it is nowhere as impres- sive as Ferrari’s. For one thing, it is an online catalog for its line of guides. If you want detailed information about a specific place, you would need to order the guide. It does have an online database which works much like a search en- gine. Plug in a country, state or city, click on the “search” button and pray you get results. How- ever, the places I plugged in came up nada. I KNOW the Yukon has a gay presence; someone ought to tell Damron that. If your budget can only cover a weekend trip, the popular choice among the GLBT set is Provincetown, or the initiated. There are two helpful web sites to help plan your trip. One, which can be found at http:// www.pinkweb.com/ ptown.nav.html, has a clickable list of businesses that cover by Miki Thomas look at the internet & the web 7 tions to veterinarians.“The P—Town Guide” (httpzl /www.ptownguide.com/) features photographs, a ride board, and even a contest to win a week- end trip. However, if even that is beyond what you can afford, perhaps a visit to the Prime Time Trav- . els site (http://www.gayweb.com/105/ptvideo/ html) can help. Prime Time Travels offers videos "with [the] Gay and Lesbian traveler in mind” of different gay meccas such as Montreal, Amsterdam, San Francisco, and Provincetown. Each video features information on the accom- modations, restaurants, bars, local events and history. Vicarious travel as provided by Prime Time Travels is certainly better than not travel- ling at all. - ‘ UPDATE:The Faerie Camp Destiny URL, featured in the March ‘Cybershark,’ is no longer valid. If anyone knows the new URL for the Faerie Camp Destiny web site, let me know at gossamer@together.net. Bechdel releases her latest book continued from page twelve borne . . . he began sprouting wings. It was clear to me that getting the wings was painful but ulti- mately a good thing.” I disappeared for one entire evening into the section of The indelible Alison Bechdel that features reprints of her calendar art. This is a terrific boon to those whose collection might be . incomplete. My favorite of these is a single panel depicting the cast of DTWOF in the ‘green room.’ Lois complains of gratuitous sex scenes as a very butch Toni offers her apartment as rehearsal space, Mo (sans striped shirt) paints her toe nails, and the ever talented Raffi picks his nose while he plays with a toy machine gun. The art- ist essentially created alter egos for her alter egos. The marginal comments here and throughout the book give the feeling that Bechdel is sitting next to you alternately beaming with pride and explaining why something didn’t work or how she should have done it differently. The experience is intimate and warm and pleasur- able. The final section of the book is a sam- pling of comments Bechdel has received over the years from her readers. These run the gamut from suggestions for story lines —— “More Jew- ish Dykesll ‘We’re here, We’re queer, We're not just eating Matzoh!”’ — to true confessions — “DOYOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE CRUSH ON A CARTOON CHARAC- TER?l!?” ' Like all good vacations, this cerebral holi- day of mine was over all too soon. Knowing that another trip is just around the corner — Split Level Dykes To Watch Out For will be released in October — makes the return to the real world a bit easier. But, after spending time inside the head of one of today’s most intelligent and tal- ented wits, it was tremendously difficult to go back to work. 7/iarof eaclings by Appointment ~ /' rw r‘\\ ‘i P-Town as it is know among . - ' _p '/'3 lyll\xll gl- \ J: