———— »1ettersm— 0lTM, P00 177, Burlington, VT 05402-0177 or oitm@together.net hanks for putting your pa per on the web; I am al- ways hungry for some good GLBT news especially dyke news. April's article on Military recruiting on VLS campus was newsworthy for all GLBT com- munities. I also enjoy the "Faith Matters” and "Dyke Psyche” columns each month. I am not able to download DTWOF, but that is also an- other fave of mine. When I am an employed, "out", lesbian woman I will share the wealth and subscribe. Sincerely, Catherine Keach G reat news for our commu- nity! Deb M-arkowitz has just announced her candidacy for Vermont Secretary of State. Deb has established herself as a friend to the gay and lesbian community and has worked on our behalf professionally and personally. As a lawyer, she has helped couples and in- dividuals with powers of attor- ney, wills, and relationship agreements. As an individual, she advocates civil rights for all, and has marched with , friends in Vermont Pride cel- ebrations. Deb also has sup- ported Outright Vermont, Ver- mont Cares, and national AIDS funds. We've known Deb since 1982 when she welcomed us as neighbors in Burlington with a plate of homemade cookies. We've always believed that her rare level of integrity and de- termination would lead her to high office. Few people are re- ally aware of how important The Gay info Line of New Hampshire... in conjunction with Vermont‘s Out In The Mountains, is pleased to an- nounce that they have been awarded a grant to produce the second edition of Gay Lifeline, a resource directory for the gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered community of VT & NH.The original directory contains in- formation about over 400 organiza- tions and resources that either cater specifically to the sexual minority community or are glbt supportive. This comprehensive guide will in- clude: "gay friendly accomodations, bars & res- taurants ‘contractors ‘professional services ‘AIDS/HIV service organizations ‘political, social and support groups ‘periodicals and internet sites In order to accomplish this huge task, the GIL and OITM seek additional resources who wish to be included in the directory and volunteers to help with all aspects of the project. From stuffing envelopes to research and marketing, there is a volunteer open- ing tor anyone who would like to help. 603-224-1686, or gayinfonh @aol.com '. . I‘. 5 f..f I ..’....».—.~,.li: . . . . . . . . .. '9 ,i‘i'. _.:,. 9".-,§,.=_. 5 the Secretary of State's role is in Vermont. But Deb sees the clear need to improve the re- sponsiveness of this office which oversees corporations and handles citizen's concerns regarding licensed profession- als. Deb Markowitz's many qualifications and long list of endorsements from around Vermont are worth a look as we enter the election season. Susan Baker and Iesi Moore, Montpelier hat does George Michael have to do with it? A friend called the other day to lament about "the George Michael thing.” I was blissfully ignorant of the whole affair as I was in Paris (in a restroom perhaps) when the incident took place. Well, of course I got all the sor- did details along with a brief (thankfully) diatribe on "what this means for the gay commu- nity." ”People will think we're all sex crazed, demoralized cruisers who are doing the un- thinkable in unmentionable places,” he said in so few words. ' _ I thought about it for about as long as it takes to take a piss and declared,"'so what?" I mean do you really care about what anyone who judges an entire group of people by the action of one thinks? And is what he did really awful? Are all heterosexual’s like Marv Alpert? Are all children's TV show hosts like Pee Wee? Basically, I feel sorry for the guy. I don't know what happened, but it seems to me that the police’s time in LA would have been better served catching murderers than wankers. I've always felt this way. What ever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Surely, we are a diverse community and if my hunches are correct, many of the men whocruise restrooms are liv- ing outwardly hetero lives. It's the one place they can go and find anonymous sex quickly and easily. The wife won't find out - the risk of AIDS is re- duced because the encounters are generally not very intimate and probably most impor- tantly, no one is going to ask them their names. One might even argue that the culture of cruising is a response to soci- eties repression of sex in gen- eral and homosex in particular. To me, it's just an out- pouring of one of the strongest hormones pulsing through men's veins — the desire to get off. And when you get a bunch of men together in a space where their genitals are ex- posed - well, anything can hap- 3'-.. . .- ' L 'i.V~."»i-.:'.‘;”y"{.’>'-. pen and it frequently does. There are many ways to ex- press sexuality, none better than another as long as no one gets hurt and it's all consen- sual. But maybe I'm just a her- etic. Funny, I've always been drawn to heretics. re]. Smiley's April 2nd letter. he rhetoric used in Mr. Smiley's "Story about gays..." was an insidious attack on Mr. Sneyd’s honest journal- ism in order to sway the reader from the real story in this state. The issue at hand is about a very small group of people (TIP take it to the people) fear- ing the differences in their neighbors and colleagues. This fear is called homophobia. It is my opinion that Mr. Smiley and the few other TIP people were either trained early in life to dislike certain diverse groups or they were never educated about the "certain in- alienable rights” for all human beings in this country. TIP states the court should not redefine marriage. There is no problem here. The history and tradition of Ver- mont marriage will remain and the court will recognize the er- ror of exclusion by adding civil rights to all its citizens. When TIP says "the constitution be- longs to the people”, it is my understanding that Vermont's gays and lesbians are also an equal part of "the people”. I respect the fact that marriage has been dynamic through the centuries to meet the needs of its societies. There is no "force" as TIP declares. Instead, 3 loving couples (one together for 26 years) have the same basic needs to love, nur- ture and care for each other during their lifetime. Yet, TIP believes the couples’ request for marriage licenses is ”taking something away from the people" by asking the Supreme Court to do its job! Yes, Vermont "can do better”. The grassroots can re- alize this as an issue of state.- wide importance, an issue that cannot any longer be ignored. Discrimination against homo- sexuals reflects deep seated prejudice rather than rational- ity. Vermont needs to protect the bonds of love & the human dignity of everyone by adapt- ing its great principles to cope with current problems and present needs. And yes it is true that Mr. Sneyd does excellent report- ing, but always with a code of integrity throughout every statement. And no, unfortu- nately, the is not President of the Mountain Pride Media Board. Jay D. Griffith A OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MAY 1998' — 3 Elizabeth Campbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT :5 E. Washington St.Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-4030 Elizabet@sover.net Serving tbe Vefluont C'0mtm1m't_y BETH ROBINSON LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL ATVORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY. VERMONT 05753 Burlington Office: 275 College Street Burlington. Vermont 05402 802-864-0217 Area Code: 802 Telephone: 388-6356 FAX»: 388-6149 BLACKWOOD AND KRAYNAK P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Eileen M. Blackwood Pamela Kraynak l3l Main Street PO. Box 875 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-25 l 7 - ‘Employment law - Education law - Wills, Relationship Contracts - Commercial & Residential Real Estate - Small Business SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I5 scum PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 Bunuuovon OFFICE: AR“ CODE: B02 275 COLLEGE S-mu:-r TELEPHONE: 398-6356 BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05402 140”: p,_,°NE. 3773,55 802-884-0217 FAX #2388-6149 432+ lnterestRatesAreAtAz0YearLow ‘ — NowIsAGoodTIme'l‘oBuyAHouse Blackwood and Kraynak. P.(1 T .5’ Attorneys At Law *Ouer ten years of experience in real estate law *Comperiue rates to buyers and sellers of real estate in NW VCTIHODI‘ *Most imponan , we know the special issues same sex face when buying a home ¢ CONTACTlBFORMORElNFORb1AT‘l0N Tl’10Ph0n€= 863-2517 Member of the Rainbow Email: VTLawbki@aol.com fiudnggs A Editor's Note: Ruth Dwyer announced her candidacy too late for us us to interview her for this issue. We will attempt to schedul an interview with her before‘ the September primary . Also, a special thanks to Pa.ul Olsen for all his hard work on the election coverage in this issue of Out In The; Mountains. ‘(J-. -.--.~».-.-~.-.».-. , \ cw-r-.--.~. -..