Welcome To \/ermonT's own GLBT advice column.‘ We're here To give you our besT advice For your ques- Tions and concerns. Please wriTe To Saga E Sage c/o OlTl"l, PO. Box T77, Bur|ingTon, VT O54-O2 or email us aT Sagasage@aol.com. One or Two quesTions will be an- swered each issue. Looking Torward To hearing from you. Dear Saga $ Sage, I meT This really cuTe guy aT a social evenT l wenT To This pasT weekend. We Talked mosT of The evening and I inviTed him ouT To a pamy The Following nighT. I was a liTT|e surprised when he arrived wiTh a Friend who Turned ouT To be his boyfriend. Bum— merl Because, i am really aTTracTed To him and ThoughT ThaT he mighT be aT’rracTed To me. Should i pursue This any 1‘urTher knowing he is in a relaTionship or noT'? AnoTher cold shower in \/\/inooskil Dear Cold Shower, FirsT oi‘ all, is This a monogamous relaTion— ship? l1‘iT is, respecT his re|aTionship by pursuing a Friendship. IF you can'T geT beyond The physical aTTracTion Then you should probably sTep away. IF iT is noT a monogamous re|aTion— ship, be b|unT abouT your aTTracTion To him. There is no Time To wasTel Like a ship sailing in The ocean |eT The wind be your guide. BUT beware —~ like The -TiTanic, every ship is sinkable. l"iighT you be inTeresTed in a Three- some or do you wanT him_jusT For yourself? WhaTever you decide To do have Fun and be safe! This may Take some Time and paTience. BuT like The adage "Every— Thing comes To him who waiTs." Thanks For your |eT1'er. Saga 33 Sage , Sta-tge Departme Mai_I1j${reet, P.O Curbside hands, kissing, dancing. .-h the air or ' \ L’ N _ eal .Divisior§‘pfE 0. Bi‘ lington. Veg‘. 9 sneezing, BY ROBERT Kinny ATHAN AND I Ale Tue HOSTS , KEVIN (0)) @) IT seems TO 35 wolLKINC¢ ...iei.i- cious, . , _ , _ _ SENSING THE TIDE mg 1'uP.NEt> His w/N, NA11—vm'5 REALLY Pouizwe ON'n-I5 Q-mam Now, K€(7ALlNC-1 U5 ALL WITH STokieS OF His Aovemukous ‘rouri—i; His NAK- Koww ESCAPINC9 HAKM Fkom ANY Nu/vi- ask or J€Ai.ou$ Bo~(FRu=.NDs,(_oi