The OITM _ c _ TravelGuide ' A .y ' V HOU'D_E ntroducing the newest fea _ ; I, a 7 ture in OITM, a travel _ _' _. ~ )6 “X guide to our region. This 7 ' }5R5l'7}\’,W?5T new monthly section will help - local businesses reach out beyond state customers,and also to get the word out to OITM readers around the region. In the future, look for articles and features that highlight ‘ V BED e$~BREAI(FAST - - . , RFDBox2260 Places to Stay and Vlslt’ as We” as , I _ ' East Hardwick, Vermont Q5836 events and services for the visitor l (802) 533-7772 A ,_ __ and residentalilé%E%E% / The Mostly Unbabulous Social Lilye ‘oi; Ethan Green T T by Eric Orner FUR AND Ic1-: PARTY CORN C013 PARTY Yellowknife, North West Territories Des Moines (famed for its floor shows) Really Pretty Far _ _ H Off the Circuit . _ L """ " _ Circuit Parties ’ ' " willi you: float, 8tl)1an gteen HUNUDITY-RUINED-HER-HAIR PARTY DRIZZLE AND Moon PARTY Arnarillo Glasgow INTer-es? You WAITJUSTNMNUTG , IN ANoTHeI" "nus ISN'T ms Rosnmull 3m.I.RooM_M1r.-T.!u:6 1 - ~ ::p onurcsue? ‘ MARMc=u.¢zoe9 « Heroin? .. g - ..YouWANT . ' , ' F|_ooRSHcWYou. earn , To DES'I7no_ _e web: wwwz/srdn‘ewam'nn.c‘ona ar erhaI'L ‘me AT erics‘orhe'r@ éro1'.cam