Most Health Conscious Food In Burlington... Women of the Woods Tenth Anniversary 0 Celebration Dance. 7:30 p.m. Montpelier Unitarian Church. $5 per person. Mixed music. ' MONDAY ; —_t — ' 3 A . yjanice, p.erry.s Goddard's Queervoices series continues - A ~ « - - at 8 p.m. in the manor Oak Room. Readers a gka 9 I TBA...if any VT writers are interested in reading, they should contact Christopher Diani ( or 802- 454-8311x402) by 4/20. Admission is free WIIIZIIIQ TIIIE for everyone. F 1 Yet People rn a Y Insist that We Serve FRW the Best Food ‘Too !! Boston Gay Men's Chorus, 8:30 p.m. United Church of Christ in Keene, NH. $14 in advance, $16 at the door, $12 Seniorsl Students/People Living with HIV. To order tickets, call AIDS Services for the ‘ Great ieasts {rom Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, China, Indonesia Monadnock Region at 603-357-6855. Flve Space Cafe SATURDAY ‘ 175 Church St. Burlington Chris Williamson and Tret Fure in concert. g 8644045 Sponsored by Women Hand in Hand. E Advanced tickets only. 7230 p.m. Concord UU Church. FMl 603-746-3339 org Delivery through Menus on the Move - 863—MEAL _ WHlH@ao|.com. NEW GROUP THEATRE orvrruuo ACTING ACTING ACTING 4 session Saturday huh/worhshopsfbr actors with 4 little or those with some experience who wish to firrther develop their shills. Learn the hasics of acting, how to efiectively use them, and how to prepare to audition for local theater. This is a praetial, “hands-an” workshop designed to help bring out your natural performance ahiIities.~ Noon-5pm Iune’ 6"‘, 13"‘, 20"‘ 6* 27”’. _ Information: l.888.542.5207‘ 877.3646 email: food and excellent organization. The race is sanctioned and certified by the USA Track & Field (USATF) for 13.11 miles. For more information, visit our Web Site at coveredbridges. We can be reached by mail at P. O. Box, 722 Woodstock, VT THURSDAY 5} SUNDAY Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor ' Dreamcoat7:30 p.m. $39, $29, $16. : FRIDAY Through 10. Women's Springtime by the Sea Package in Ogunquit. Includes a Chris Williamson/Tret Fure concert. A Clay Hill Farm event. FMl 207-646-6661. SATURDAY Janice Perry, aka Gal OUT FROM UNDERGROUND, City Hall 8 PM. Burlington, VT. Gal brings her one-woman P Full Moon and Beltain ritual, potluck, and Burlington UU Circle meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb if you like, and bring something for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. 6 p._m. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl ST. FMI Dian 658-9689. Seventh Annual Covered Bridges Half Marathon foot race in Quechee and Woodstock, Vermont. This popular running event draws 2,000 entrants and features 4 Vermont covered bridges, a pastoral route along the Ottauquechee 05091, by phone at 802-457-1228 or E- mail at chioffi@val| 3} WEDNESDAY Rainbow Business Association mixer at Loretta’s, 44 Park St., Essex Jct.,VT 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. $10 includes hors d’oeuvres, cash bar. .5} THURSDAY 9 Rhiannon in concert. 8 pm. at Lion d’Or (1690 Ontario E., between Ste. Catherine's and Sherbrooke Streets, near Papineau). Tickets are $13 Canadian ($10 for students, with ID). For A rsfiggigclig/Zkgfioévfminmon with a 15 year River, musical bandsen route, lotsof great tickets call,(514) 790-1245. - M’. IV» . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . erV1ces or the Monadnock Reglon presents I T : - v IDE- S I I 1 I Boston Ga Men’s Chorus =°°“°"”*°'a"°a--- = . Tue 10pm,Sat midnight, Sun 11pm . . I Live broadcasts will be on April 14 and 28, I F rlday, May 1 , 1998 8:30 PM 5 23212212 §2tt”:Lti;2$;"?3::2 ft! itiat 1.. 5 I your area I I I . . . I . _ _ I Y Umted Church of Chnst 1n Keene : A§:‘,‘;,}{f{;?,‘j';},':;;';§‘;‘;fi,fj;Q;‘§;§f“ : I I F'd 9:00 . . 23 Central Square, Keene NH I Arc|lei1rz:ia(Chp1r‘E:)(Montpelierwaterbury, I : Randolph) 2nd&4th Fridays 7:30 p.m. : I . . . Lake Champlain (Ch.2) (Colchester area) 2nd . Tickets are $14.00 in advance; $16.00 at the door : ,§;}§,t;:;‘;;gs,g;3g;-(g-W,2,, & 4,, E . 1 $12.00 Seniors/ Students/ People Living With HIV : Mondays 8:30 Am. : 3 . - BCTV(Ch.8) (Brattleboro) call (802)257-0888 I 5- ' , _ . : for airing days/times : '6 . T? PI??? ’7¢1‘¢‘~*"-. #1114105 58m“-‘S f0rtb¢‘M0HsdH0ckRe310t1 at 603-357-6355 . . MMCTV (CA3)