———— --letters——-— 0IIM, P00 177, Burlington, VT 05402-0177 or oitm@together.net y name is John Quinlan and I'm a contributing writer and promotions coordi- nator for Alternative Family Magazine. While the magazine is based in California, I make my home in Wisconsin. I've been bouncing all over the Internet searching for contact info these last couple of weeks. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your web site in particular. I was also especially pleased to see the well-written article you did on Bill Lippert. Bill was my roommate at a GLBT foundations conference in Seattle a couple of years ago, and while I knew some of his story, it was fascinating to read about the full depth and breadth of his activism. One of the things about the Internet that never ceases to amaze me is the interesting connections and reconnections you can with people from all over. Thanks again for-a great article, and as we launch this new venture, I hope there will be opportunities for coopera- tion in the future. By the way, if you run into Bill at some point, please say hi for me. Sincerely, John Quinlan Madison, Wisconsin (JLQuinlan@msn.com) arebacking is self—suicide and fellow genocide. I read with great interest and amazement John Hannah's most recent article proclaiming the safety and the sanity of unprotected sex be- tween HIV poisitive men, in which body fluids are passed from one man to another. John is living in a world of self-in- flicted distortion of reality, sadly, and in his world of de- nial he is hurting himself and others. He reminds me of a cutter; someone who cuts themselves and proclaims that it is not a problem really at all. The fact of the matter is more than well documented. Anyone who is thinking hon- estly knows these facts: 1) there are a variety of strains of HIV 2) each strain becomes resistant to medication, and the virus reappears and becomes active again. - 3) unprotected sex in- fects the receptive partner with potentially new strains of vi- rus. 4) unprotected sex in- fects the receptive partner with virus which has become resis- tant to medication, limiting the treatment options. . John's comments re- mind me of those who have turned their back on the reali- ties of life, trying to blot out the truth which demands personal and collective responsibility. I find his article sad, and dan- gerous. I write this as a Wam- ing: beware of false profits [sic]! There is no safety with HIV. Period. John Wellen Colchester [I suggest that you have documented evidence of reinfec- tion, you should produce it. In the meantime, try to get up to speed on what's really going on in the world with respect to HIV and AIDS. ”POZ Magazine” is an excellent resource and if you have access to the internet, the Aegis Mailing List will tap youirzto the most comprehensive HIV and AIDS data base in the world. The address is www.aegis.com. John Hannah] A s seems to be a regular oc I currence recently, after reading a story in your paper by Paul Olsen someone needs to (or should)respond, clarify and/or defend themselves from a statement included in his writing. 4 In the second to last paragraph of his travelogue, Paul writes: ”I made it home in time to attend the annual Winter is a Drag Ball. A fun party that benefits Vermont CARES. I'm still trying to fig- ure out why The Sisters LaMe(sic) would schedule a competing event at Pearls. And Marguerite(sic) accuses me of having a personal vendetta? Oh well, that's another story.” Yes, it is, and if Paul would ask his questions BE- FORE submitting his story, he would save everyone time and OITM ink and space. By re- sponding to Paul here, I would just perpetuate a war of words whose meanings would be lost from each month's to month's tit-for-tat. And I would never get the last word — which is not the case while I'm performing. Sincerely, Amber LeMay with much help from Bob Bolyard Burlington PS: And no, it isn't ‘ Margaurite who has men- tioned your vendetta, it's me, Amber. Margaurite is the nice one. But I wouldn't push it if I were you. ‘ i he Vermont chapter of Vet erans for Peace (VFP) is mounting an effort to eliminate Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps programs from Vermont High Schools. JrROTC pro- grams currently exist at three Vermont High Schools and the Pentagon is attempting to in- crease the number of JrROTC units nationwide. A legal challenge to JrROTC is one of the means we plan to explore. We believe that JrROTC violates Chapter 139, Title 9, paragraphs 4502 and 4501 of the Vermont State Stat- utes. JrROTC'offers benefits that are not available to all stu- dents who might complete the course. These benefits are col- lege scholarships for college ROTC and advanced pay grade for those enlisting, ben- efits unavailable to disabled, openly homosexual, or openly lesbian students. Also dis- crimination most likely exists in firing retired military be- cause instructors must meet and maintain standards ac- ceptable to the military. VFP is looking for help on this project and would like to know if you would join in the effort to remove existing and prevent additional JrROTC units in ‘Vermont schools. We have a special need for legal advice and as- sistance. Our next meeting is April 8, 1998. I can be contacted at 130 Saxie Welch Trail, So. Ryegate, VT 05069. For the Green Mt. Chapter of VFP, Boots Wardinski ’-—-—-'-— OFFERVALIDWITHTHISCOUPON --—'-I--I‘ 10% OFF STOREWIDE .e3.u.a.eic.t;:sT.:'s5xa3'.§;;§.¢asé~s.b; .1 « ‘Rm NOAH’.l' ARK PET CENTER GET I FREE up to $5 value our I use l ..3‘t. (10% Offer Not Valid on Dog 8. Cat Food) $30?!-' I I Any Pet Bath or ‘ | Groom.Dogs &4Cals I I I I 6 Roosevelt Highway Rt 7 Exit 16, Colchester I Off I 89 - Across From Libby's | one coupon per purchase. Excludes sale items or other promotions I A; J ‘, _ 5 . OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — APRIL 1998 - Elizabeth Caxnpbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT -15 E. \Washington St.Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-4030 Elizabet@sover.net Serving tbe Ventiout 6'omtImm'Iy Interest Rates AreAt A 20YearLow Now lsAGood ’I‘Ime’l‘oBuyA House 9 iii‘ Blackwood and Kraynak, P.(L ’ 5” Attorneys At Law *OUer ten years of experience in real estate law *Competiue rates to buyers and sellers of real estate in NW .Vermont *Most importan , we know the special issues some sex sface when buying a home CONI‘AC1‘ IS FOR MORE INFORMATION Memberofthellalnbow Buslnessllssodaflon Telephone: 863-2517 Email: V'I'LawbIs@aoI.oom BETH ROBINSON LAN GROCK SPERRY & WOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY. VERMONT 05753 Buriinglon Office: 275 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05402 ‘802~864-021 7 > Area Cede: 602 Telephone: 386-6356 F AX II: 388-61 49 %.z1— «,«,¥‘5>