around Vermont BRATTLEBORO AIDS PROJECT PLANs VOLUNTEER TRAINING Panzyman @ for more information. Center and BBWN expressed similar enthusiasm. “I'm pleased to see the conference come to titled “Psychology Challenges Biased Behavior." The Department is concerned about the number Th B ameboro Area NOS Pr _ l (BAAP) ll L HARVARD LBGGS To H057 51-ll Boston,”noted Boston authorand Bisexual Resource of racist and anti-gay incidents that occurred at 9 T 0190 WI C nterre resentative Wa n B nt.“| attended the UVM|astfall. . . . . . INTERNATIO C e P V 9 ‘Va begin "5 5P““9 1998 Volumeef tlalillllg 0" Salli“ MAL |:N;E:::)CE ON BBEXUALITY 1995 Berlin conference and attendees were enthusi- As the largest undergraduate department N day, March 7, with an all-day session. Subsequent sessions will be held Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 p. m. for eight weeks beginning March 7th and ending April 29th. The training will cover an introduction to HIV/AIDS including the medical and psychologi- cal aspects of HIV/AIDS. The trainees will have an opportunity to hear from people living with AIDS and from a panel of AIDS Project volunteers with a variety of experiences. Professionals from the community, BAAP staff and volunteers will present various topics. There will be an emphasis on exploring ones at- titudes and feelings. ' Preregistration forthe volunteer training is required.There are a limited number of child care subsidies available. To receive a packet of more information, please call the Project at 254-8263. BURLINGTON FRoNTnUNNEi=is Now FORMING. Are you interested in joining others for a fun run once a week? Want to train with others and ex- change tips and techniques? Sponsor running/ walking events? Attend Frontrunner races and events in other cities? Frontrunners is a running club for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) folks who share a love for running. There are Frontrunner clubs throughout the world. There is no formal affiliation policy or dues to be paid to a national organization. All the clubs are loosely affiliated and keep in touch with each other through their organizations newslet- ters. We are looking to start a low maintenance organization that shares lots of camaraderie and fun - not paperwork and meetings. Interested? Call Tage at 878-0845 or E-mail at VERVWHERE Grace Congregational Church E ARE UVM, GLBA , Vermont CARES Castleton ‘ Castleton State College, STEP OITM is available at the following locations ( * new sites): I Chester l Misty Valley Books Colchester GT Bagel New England Culinary Institute 30 Island St. Bennington Berkshire Brattleboro Bennington College, LGBA l Bennington Free Library I Bennington HIV/AIDS Service ' Southern VT College‘ l Spice n‘ Nice‘ l I I Old Jolly Store ALANA Community Program St. Michael's College Library , Video Town Craftsbury J Craftsbury Public Library Sterling College East Hardwick Greenhope Farm ' I Essex Junction , ' Loretta’s l Morrisville Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA November 12, 1997 (617) 747-4451 The Harvard Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay Graduate Stu- dents (LBGGS) today announced that the 5th In- ternational Conference on Bisexuality will be held April 3-5, 1998, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The conference theme is “One World, Many Faces: Unity and Diversity in Bi Com- munities, Queer Communities, and the World”. LBGGS will sponsor the international conference in association with Harvard's undergraduate Bi- sexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA),-Boston’s Bisexual Resource Center, Biversity Boston, the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network (BBWN), Bisexual Network of the United States (BiNet USA), and the Multicultural AIDS Coalition. The three-day conference is expected to draw approximately 700 attendees from around the world, making it the largest international conference on bisexuality ever held.The conference coincides with Queer Harvard Month, Harvard's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Visibility month. Bos- ton was chosen as the site for the 1998 confer- ence at the 4th International Conference on Bisexu- ality, hosted at Berlin in 1996, by attendees of the Berlin conference. "The conference will increase bisexual scholarship and visibility both at Harvard and inter- nationally,” said LBGGS spokesperson Jonathan Urbach. ‘We are greatly encouraged by the grow- ing awareness of bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender issues at the University, that has al- lowed us to undertake this project.” , Representatives of the Bisexual Resource A E Learning Center Montpelier Dorms Student Activities, Starr Libr. I Middlebury Natural Food Co-op Vermont Book Shop Montgomery Center Phineas Swann About Thyme Cafe Bear Pond Books Dawnland Center Horn Of The Moon Hunger Mountain Coop Mountain herbals Mystic Trader Phoenix Rising Rivendell books I State Dept of Education I Umbrella Women’s Center Vermont CARES Vermont College, Gary Library Woman Centered astic about bringing the conference here.“ Bryant's book,“Bisexual Characters in Film: from Anais to Zee," was published this year by Haworth Press. _ “Boston has long served as a flagship city for the bisexual movement," noted Robyn Ochs, co- lounder of the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network and editor of the 1997 Bisexual Resource Guide.“We have a well-developed bisexual community with a distinct - identity. I think the conference's selection of Boston as the site for the '98 conference acknowledges our success in hosting the Sixth Northeast Regional Con- ference on Bisexuality here in 1996 at Northeastern University" Since 1991 , Ochs has taught classes on bisexuality at MIT and later at Tufts. Updated information on the 5th International Conference on Bisexuality will be posted to the con- ference web site, An into line is available at (617)747-4451. BBWN is the world's oldest continuously op- erating bisexual women's group; its newsletter, BiWomen, has been published since 1983. BiNet USA is dedicated to bisexual visibility and empowerment of bisexual people through edu- cation, political action and coalition building. Biversity Boston is the mixed-gender bisexual social network of Boston. Biversity hosts social events for bisexuals in the greater Boston area. The Multicultural Aids Coalition is dedicated to raising AIDS awareness across cultures. UVM PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT CHALLENGES BIAsEb BEHAVIOR The Psychology Department will devote week of March 30 to April 2 to counter recent incidents at UVM The Psychology Department at the Univer- sity of Vermont has planned a week of activities en- ; P-FLAG Rutland Co-op Season’s Circle United Methodist Church Vermont CARES Chow Bella Rail city Market Vermont CARES E South Burlington l Library South Royalton Rutland Free Library JeII’s Maine Seafood Northern Lights Bookshop State of Vermont Regional Library South Burlington Community at UVM, the Psychology Department wants to take the lead in finding ways to reduce biased behavior at UVM and in the community at large. Biased behaviors, such as racist remarks, anti-gay graf- A fiti, and other attitudes and practices, seriously in- terfere with teaching and the educational experi- ence. Members of the Psychology Department are also aware of how biased behaviors can hurt people's health and well-being. Professor Sondra Solomon, who is chairing this initiative, teaches courses in cross- cultural and health psychology, and conducts research on physical disability, cross-cultural ~ psychology, and HIV/AIDS. Professor Justin Joffe, Chair of the Psychology Department, said:“l am delighted that faculty and students in Psychology, under Professor Solomon's leadership, are undertaking this initiative. Psychology has a particular responsibility to help in an area in which our discipline provides us with special expertise. I hope that our efforts contribute to a wider understanding of the evils encompassed by the term ‘biased behavior’ and renewed determination to remedy these evils." The Psychology Department invites students at UVM and the general Burlington community to attend the week's events. In addition, Psychology Department faculty have scheduled activities in their classes that week that will focus on challenging biased behavior. Other UVM Departments have expressed interest in these events. Says Professor Beth Mintz, Chair of the UVM Sociology Department: “This is a very important undertaking and we support it fully." For information, contact Professor Sondra Solomon at 656-3034. For the Events listing see the Calendar on p 16. , 1 Hanover l Dartmouth Bookstore l Dartmouth College, Collis I Hanover Food Coop l Lebanon . ACORN l Bean Gallery Hanover Food Coop ’ Littleton l Healthy Rhino I Manchester Frontrunner —|N MASSACHUTSETTS- , Boston J Glad Day Bookshop We Think The World Of You Northampton . Third Wave Books I _ —lN NEWYORK— OUT IN THE MouNTAINs._— ‘MARCH .1998 — 25 New Hampshire Citizens Alliance Hannah’s Cafe Old Schoolhouse Books Vermont Law School, Alliance l Springfield ‘ New Beginnings Women’s Support l Morning Star Cafe I Springfield Co-op Brattleboro Area AIDS Project Fair Haven Brattleboro Food Coop , Fair Haven Free Library Common Ground Restaurant l Hardwick Everyone’s Books I Buffalo Mountain Co-op Bristol Galaxy books Bllslol ll/larkel Halllold Woodknot Bookshop Burlington Main St. Museum‘ ' Norlhlield I I I I I 3 Albany ‘ Capital District Gay 8. Lesbian Community Center New York City A Different Light 3 Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop l Plattsburgh 1 Blairs North Country Co-op Plattsburgh State Library Silver Dragonfly SUNY Plattsburgh, Campus Life. I SUNY Plattsburgh, LGBA —IN PENNSYLVANIA- Philadelphia Giovanni’s Room ' —lN WASHINGTON, D.C.— Lambda Rising —IN QUEBEC- Montreal l_'Androgyne Morristown Centennial Library Newfane A Moore Free Library ‘ Newport I I Appletree Natural Foods’ I Burlington College Hinesburg l I Brown Public Library Burlington Women’s Council CVU .‘ Norwich . ‘ Champlain College Good Times Cafe‘ , l . Social Alternatives for Gay Men Chassman & Bem Johnson l Plaliilleld club Toast French Press Cafe Maple Valley Country Store Community Health Center Johnson State Collegei W‘”°°§kl Valley Food C009 Flrsl Unllarlan Church l . counseling cir_ G/L Alliance, Goddard College Fight Back office‘ Tones Fletcher Free Library Londonberry Moody walols Garden Market’ 135 Pearl Lyndonville . Onion River Food Co-op J0n'5 AUl°m°"V9 oollqlghl VT Lyndon State College, Partners In Recovery and Growth Protect EXCEL Peace And Justice Center Marshfield . planned palenlllood Jacquith Public Library _ l Rhombus Gallery Middlebury _ , Tuff Skins Tattoos Addison County Women In Crisis . - Trinity College GLBA’ Isley Public Library UVM, Bllllngs Middlebury College, ' i Stowe Food for Thought I Waterbury ' KC’s Bagel Cafe Men Of Montpelier Video Exchange l Waterbury Market i Westford l’ Westford Public Library White River Junction Upper Valley Food coop Paradise Corner Book Williston ~ Bread & Beyond —IN NEW HAMPSHIRE- Bethlehem Highland Inn Putney Library Putney Co-op Rainbow Cattle Company ' Randolph. Kimball Public Library Vermont Technical College Richmond J Daily Bread _ _ Rutland 5 l Still Can’t find us? l Call 802 865 9294 and we can I figure something out. Annie's Bookstore Book King The Edge Concord feminist Center Gay Info Line