@,. 24. - OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARcH 1998 - > ‘ $ ‘7//,»* ml) 2} c ll l 7////iii. \/ L,- g\ 4: _ ‘ l ‘l —%l§ alt /7/i|\\\‘ w /1. ll. bow colors: ARIES (MARCH 21- APRIL 20) Proud Rams may be encouraged to ex- plore their spiritual side this March. Happy changes are possible forthose gay souls w_ho open themselves up to the great unknown and allow themselves to go with the cosmic flow. You'll find that it's counterproductive to adopt “main- stream” standards, especially when they I hinder your affirmation and true happi- ness. TAURUS (APRIL 21 - MAY 21) You are very tempted to control the group dynamic this March and why not? Gay Bulls may have to face the fact that they are no longer satisfied withjust trot- ting along with the herd and blindly ac- cepting the “group think”. As long as you are going to pay for the music you might as well call the dance. Watch how many folks boogie along. GEMNI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) Queer Twins have ample opportunity to turn the professional tide this March so pack your buoy and expect to get wet. The planets now command that you take ’ a firm hand to make or break your cor- porate reputation. The Sun, Mercury,- Mars and lucky Jupiter indicate that you'll succeed admirably. Be sure to in- stitute partnership benefits when you are handed that corporate key. CANCER (JUNE 22 — JULY 23) The Sun, Mercury, Mars and _Jupiter are all very interested in your travel plans. If you don't haveany, start planning! Pink Crabs may want to consider a trip to the Gay Games in Amsterdam. Who knows what can happen around all those fabu- lously toned athletes? My advice; Step Out of your shell and possibly impress somebody impressive. LEO (JULY 24. - AUGUST 23) Proud Lions have thatje ne sais quois this March. Well, maybeje sais quois; it's all that feisty, too hot to handle energy from a plethora of planets revving your sex into overdrive. if you've got an itch friend, find a proud partner to scratch it. By the end of the month, the two of you may decide to escape to parts unknown and explore parts unknown. VIRGO (AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 23) March brings with it an overwhelming urge to find your “significant other”. Don't panic, dear, queer Virgo; your soulmate is out there. Optimistic Sun, contemplative Mercury, energetic.Mars and lucky Jupiter all conspire to put you in the right place in the right time so make yourself available. Don't sit at home; as much as you would prefer, you simply cannot phone it in. (c) 1998 LlCHTENSTElN, All Rights Reserved. Most of us know the oldsaying, “March comes in |i|