Natural Treatments for Colds & Flu BY ERIKA GOLDSTEIN he common cold is a contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by any of more than one hundred different vi- ruses. A cold usually lasts only 3-4 days and causes sneezing, congestion, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and gen- eral achiness. Influenza is also caused by a virus but is a more viru- lent infection. Flu symptoms are similar to cold symptoms, and also include fever, diar- rhea, nausea and weakness. Both colds and flus can be com- plicated by secondary bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or sinusitis. Natural remedies, bed rest, and plenty of fluids will ease the symptoms and speed recovery from both con- ditions. Supplements that play a role in combating colds agzl flus include: —vitamin C with mixed bioflavonoids, 500-1000 mg every two hours (or to bowel tolerance) from the first sign of a cold or flu: prevents colds and reduces the severity and duration of symptoms. -zinc lozenges, 23 mg of zinc gluconate every two hours for up to 12 hours, for up to a week: to boost immunity and inhibit viruses in the throat. , -vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, 25,000 IU daily: to strengthen the im- mune system, kill viruses, and help heal the respiratory tract. Herbs help relieve cold and flu symptoms in variety of ways: by increasing sweating (thus ridding the body of tox- ins and lowering fever), re- moving mucus from the respi- ratory system, and through boosting immunity. Use any of the follwoing herbs at the first sign of a cold and continue throughout the duration of symptoms: —echinacea, 1/2 to 1 tea- spoon of tincture or 500-1000 mg of freeze—dried root 3-4 of daily: for its immune boosting and antibiotic properties. —garlic, 1-2 raw cloves or 3 capsules 3 times a day: for its antiviral and antimicrobial effects. —yarrow, 1 / 2 teaspoon of tincture or one cup of tea 3 times daily: when taken as a hot tea promotes sweating, thereby lowering fever; also ‘ relieves digestive upsets asso- ciated with the flu. -goldenseal or barberry root, 2 capsules or 1/2 tea- spoon of tincture 3-4 times a day: contains a potent natural antibiotic and also helps dry up excessive mucus secretions. -mullein or licorice, 1/ 2 teaspoon of tincture or one cup of tea 3 times a day: mucilagenous properties soothe irritated respiratory tis- sues; these herbs also help ex- pel mucus. Homeopathic remedies used to treat colds and flus, de- pending on the specific symp- toms, include: -aconite: for the early stages of a cold that comes on suddenly. —belladonna: for cold or flu with fever and a hot, flushed face; also for a sore throat that feels hot and dry. -pulsatilla: for a runny nose with thick yellow—green mucus. -hepar sulph: for a sore throat that feelsscratchy or is sensitive to touch. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1998 — 23 l :: A Community Owned Natural Foods Market &DeIi specializing in Organic Choices! BRATTLEBORO FO0D@C0'0P’ Open MONDAY-SATURDAY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-8 ' 2 MAIN ST ‘ BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT fa]!/Je I’//I)/it l"""""'-""""""""""‘l INDEPENDENT TAX SERVICE, INC. 1 I - Professional Service Two Convenient Locations: I - Reasonable Rates 0 - Hinesburg, on the I ' I - Individual, Business, 0 :'"‘:ish"'9'R"hm°"d I I Partnership and M I (orporute returns OFF OUR - Burlington, . 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Winooski St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 4 864-2631/864-2632 d Center (Native American) POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT POB 5248 0 Elmwood Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-2437 - (800) 649-2437 8 Williston - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 P08 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 -226-7807 - - orgs/twsn1.html Health, Office of Minority Health 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-7273 Women’s Health Center 336 North Ave - Burlington VT 05401- _ V V , 863-1386 Alco olics Anonymous ’ ’ Bu////zglo/7, 658-4221- F08 5653, Burlington VT 05402 ' Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Camp, UVM. ‘ Thursdays, 7pm, St. Pauls Cathedral. Cherry Street.658-4221. Concord, /1/H603-357-4300 ' Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington St. ' Saturdays at 7pm (call tor location). Hanover NH ' Thursdays at 6:30pm. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Women only. /(ea/re, /VH(603) 357-4300 National: (eoo) 342-2437 POB 1486 - 67 Main St, 4th tl. - Brattleboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or 1 254-4444 - . ‘Support group 1orPLWA, lriends, and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm ‘Support/discussion group for gay/bi men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm ‘Support group for HlV+ Women . Greenfield MA., 863-2437 or (800) 649-2437 PO Box 6033 - Hutland, VT 05601 - 775-5884 PO Box 275 - Montpelier VT 05501 - 229-4560 PO Box 503 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 " " - 748-9061 ‘Support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS in: Bennington, VT 05201 * ' Saturdays, 7-8:30pm Call for National TTY: (800) 243-7889 * ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm.‘ — Washington County, location. Teen Hotline: (800) 234-TEEN mg Call (413) 773-8888. Melanie 229-4560 , » Ma/rc/resrer, /1/H I hensive Care Cfinics — Rutland County, - ' Sundays, 7:30pm. UU Church, 66 unty AIDS Network (ACAN) ‘ Home, (800) 763_246o Mary l(athryn 775-5884 Union St. » Maureen 863-2437 Brattleboro: 257_8860 - l3Ur1ln9I0n, /Vas/ma, A/H unity Awareness Project (ACAP) Burlington: 6564594 Michael 863-2437 - Mondays, 7:30pm, Nashua POB 608 - St. Jahnsbury VT 05819 - Ruuandz 7474 831 A3’ Deaf AIDS Project Unitarian Church. 748-1149 31‘ Jahnsbury: 7484361 1:03 172 . g,a111eb°ro VT 05302 . Vegetarian Network Unitv R°S°"'°° Ne*W°"‘ (“CW”) county A1135 Network (aoo) 257-1123/(TTY) Patrick , 849 6359 POB 2057 ' Lebanon NH 03766 ' * j Cricket 863.2437 (300) 253.0195] fax 257.2913 16031449-222°/13001816-222° ' _ . . . r Health AIDS Program office - acom@Va11ey_ne1 ssociatron for People With AIDS , 108 Ch St _ POB 70. B I, ‘ HI I ces for the Monadnock Region I #202) ‘:?8'°':“: k Th W b 05402 .e1;2l3.7'_9_45 mm on 300 639.7903 V I1 orma l0l‘l E WOT on 8 6 . ~. . 4 £Co1l)ee Clatch meetsTuesdays lrom WP?//WWW-!l3'lm°Ulh-ed”/"hlV“eV P:gg:?_Vh:;:?p;%:?3T%:;J|1lt'°n — Vermont (800) 8822437 1-2:30pm at 25 Floxbury St, Keene County AIDS Network 2296754 or (800) 69,/TPWA _ NH (800) 752-2437 9'0“ Area AIDS Prolect '15:“ Mary Katmy" 7755884 - NY State (800) 541-2437 P03 1055 ' B9””l”Ql°“ VT 05301 ' CARES MA (617) 522-4090 442-4481 or (800) 845-2437 -910" County AIDS Network ME (800) 851-2437 bpro Area AIDS Project P08 5248 - Burlington VT 05402 ' Melanie at 2294560 . ~ g_ BRATTLEBORO HARDWICK PUTNEY ‘ Comprehensive Care Clinic Health Center Thomas Hosklrjs, MD. 257-8860 472-3300 , 387-5581 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital High Street, PO. Box 535 Main 31.. PO. BOX 247 9 Belmont Avenue ‘ Hardwick, VT 05843 Putney, VT 05346 Brattleboro, VT 05301 ISLAND POND RUTLAND & BURLINGTON Health Center Comprehensive Care Clinic - . ;,__' IN Community Health Center 723-4300 Rutland Regional Medical Center 864-6309 Middle Street 747-1831 617 Riverside Ave., Suite 200 island Pond, Vt. 05846 Burlington, VT 05401 ST. ALBANS MIDDLEBURY Robert Zelazo, M.D. V COLCHESTER Open Door Clinic 524-9553 BARRE-MONTPELIER Family Health 388-0137 ’ 2 Crest Road \ Berlin Health Center - 655-2055 ‘ PO Box 95 St. Albans, VT 05478 -nu. 371-4342 311 Malletts Bay Avenue Middlebury, VT 05753 RD #4, Box 1370 R0. Box 35 « ST. JOHNS‘BURY , Montpelier, VT 05602 Colchester, VT 05446 NEWPORT Comprehensive Care Clinic . Northeast Kingdom Health Center 748-7476 BENMNGTON DANVILLE 334-5008 Northeast Vermont Regional Hospital Bennington Family Practice Assoc. Health Center, lnc. 30 Coventry Street Hospital Drive 447.1191 684-2275 Newport, VT 05855 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 ' 140 Hospital Drive Box 185, Hill Street * , Danville, VT 05828 WINDSOR - ‘- Leahy Hitchcock Clinic, 674-2193 T