.l.-.. ;\l ...c _ .-A 1. s - - Y .. O.u,,T__.,IN TI-IE, MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1998 - 19 NDAY Vermont People with HIV/AIDS Coalition, Board meeting, 2:00-5:00 p.m., at 73 Main Street, Montpelier, Room 401 . Consumers & advocates encouraged to attend. Call (800)698-8729 for more information. MONDAY Glitter Presents. 7:30 p.m., Querelle, Rhombus Gallery., 110 minutes, 1982.Written and Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. With Brad Davis and Jeanne Moreau. Dubbed. Based upon the novel by Jean Genet, Querelle de Brest, this is Fassbinder’s 43rd and final film. He died at 37 - UESDAY 4:00p at Johnson State College’s Dewey Student Center,Vermont’s Freedom to MarryTask Force's Dee Rollins will be speaking on the issue of same sex marriage. This is an educational event open to the public. Gratuities for the litigants legal fund will be welcome. WEDNESDAY The Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights Board will meet at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington at 6 p.m. to plan the fall conference. All who have ideas and want to be involved are welcome. Those who would like to be involved, but are busy planning Pride Day are encouraged to come to this first meetin. For those of you who want to be involved, but are unable to attend, please call us at 888- 825-4989 We Iook forward to seeing all interested and creative individuals. H U RSDAY 26, 27,28: HEDDA LETTUCE SHOW, 8pm at 135 Pearls, $7.00 @ FRIDAY Through Sunday, March 29. Northern New England Tradeswomen’s 12th Annual Conference. Together “We Can Do It” at the Capitol Plaza Hotel,Montpelier,VT. FMI 1-800- 639-1472. SATU RDAY Stuffing for OITM at 10 am, board meeting at 1 p.m.. NDAY UVM Psychology Department~Challenges Biased Behavior noon-1:30 p.m., Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building. Beginning keynote address: COPING WITH DISCRIMINATION, HATE AND BIAS. , Speaker: Edward Dunbar,Ph.D. The Gay & Lesbian Literature and Film Club of Burlington. 7:30 p.m., Rhombus Gallery GayAnd Lesbian Interest Film - The Arabian Nights, 133 minutes, 1974.Written and directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. In Italian with English subtitles. Original uncut version. Legendary director Pier Paolo Pasolini combines the heroics and hedonism of the classic Arabian Tales -A Thousand and One Nights- with, his dreamlike vision of bawdy pleasures and sublime sensuality to create "The Arabian Nights.” A Murphy's Law. Written and Directed by Sue Wilson. Performances are Monday and Tuesday March 30 and 31st at 8 p.m. at the McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael's College. A comedy about two couples (an older married couple and a lesbian couple) who are accidentally rented continued the same cabin for the same weekend. Tension mounts as personalities clash and the secrets come tumbling out! Performances are FREE and open to the public. @TUESDAY UVM Psychology Department Challenges Biased Behavior 7-9 p.m. in 301 Williams - Two Films: BLACK |S/ BLACK AIN'T and TONGUES UNTIED 7-9 p.m. in 413 Waterman — Two Films: VIVA LA CAUSA and AMERICAN SONS a p ri I 0FooI_’s DAY UVM Psychology Department Challenges Biased Behavior . 3-5 p.m. Spark Campbell will be conducting a workshop from entitled ADDRESSING HETEROSEXISM AND HOMOPHOBIA. Call 656-2680 for the location of this workshop. 7-9 p.m. at Lafayette 207 — Two Films: ALL GOD’S CHILDREN and FIRES IN THE MIRROR: CROWN HEIGHTS 7-9 p.m. in Fleming 101 - Film: JOY LUCK CLUB Deadline for Vermont History Day Contest. Sponsored by the Vermont Historical Society. 802-828-2291. a THURSDAY UVM Psychology Department Challenges Biased Behavior 7 p.m. in Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building -Talk: HATE CRIMES AND FEDERAL POLICY: * PAST AND CURRENT INITIATIVES, Speaker: Jeanine Cogan, Ph.D. 9 FRIDAY UVM Psychology Department Challenges Biased Behavior 11-12:20 a.m. - call 656-2680 for location. Talk: GAY BASHING: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF HATE CRIMES, Speaker: Jeanine Cogan, Ph.D. 4 p.m. in Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building - Ending keynote address: A LITTLE ROCK METAPHORS FOR 1998 Speaker: Terrence Roberts, Ph.D. 3-11: The Johnson State College Fine and Performing Arts Department willpresent their spring production, Quilt: A Musical Celebration for four performances, April 3, 4, 10, and 11. All shows start at 8:00 PM and will be staged in Dibden Center for the Arts at Johnson State College; Johnson, Vermont. Quilt is a musical collage of stories for, from, and about The Names Project AIDS Memorial quilt, the most powerful piece of spontaneous art ever created. A portion of the AIDS memorial quilt from San Francisco will be displayed at Dibden Centerfor the Arts from April 1st — 11th. The April 11th performance will be a benefit for VT. CARES, while a portion of the proceeds from the other performances will go to AIDS Research. . OITM TV Guide Cherrie &Yolanda Show Tue 10pm, Sat midnight, Sun 11pm Live broadcasts will be on March 3, 17, and 31st, Adelphia channel 15in Burlington, call local Adelphia cable and request to see the show in your area. 0 o o o o o o I o 0 The Vermont Rainbow Connection ‘ Fri at 9pm, Adelphia and Lake Champlain Cable. : Soon to be in Montpelier, Brattleboro, Barre, and . Richmond. 0 o o o 0 o In The Life On ET\/, Fri, March 27, 11pm and Mon, March 30, 12:30am PINK PAGES - A community phone directory listing thousands of businesses, nonprofit organizations and professionals who welcome the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender cornmunity. For a copy of the directory or if you would like to advertise call 617-423-1515. Internet GA http://www. pinkweb.com Europe -USA- New Orleans- NY -SF - Montreal - Provincetown- Key West Florida-New Hope-Boston-Ogunquit-New EngIand..... Watch Pridetime Gay/Lesbian TV for New England on the web Anytime http://www.2waytv.com/clients/ptime/pridetime.html PRIDE IME EaSyt0use,a A I ‘ .f€6IfWi"g :~-1*--~*—~*—— FREE Referrals to any gay place worldwide LAWYERS - BARS - SERVICES - RESTAURANTS BOOKS - ewes - oocrons RESORTS simple download makes video viewing a snap.‘ Video Reviews, Entertainment, Community Profiles, and a Question you. might have the answer 10. . . RAINBOW am an. Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! \ Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest. Dance Music Route 53ratt1eboro Between Exits 3 3. 4, I91 (802) 254-9830