18- OUTIN THE MouNTAINs—MARcH 1998 5 March at... HE EDGE HllII3Ild'8 0!! _V 93]’ 3 l'Il3tIl/E ladies Night Terri's Night Movie Night Pool Night dill! lI.J. and Dancing aiéx Hi everybody, YOLAN DA here, reporting on this year's Drag Ball. WOW to benefit Vermont Cares. Is it just me, or were attendees more outRAGEous and beautiful than years past ( remember the guy with the flower poton his head ) .7 Half the fun of going to the Drag Ball is seeing what everybody wears. So what about the entertainment? We were cookin!!!! Me and the Plastic Family played our wigs off. Endora was in rare form with her opera vocals and mystical drumming circle. Steph Pappas was exciting and so powerful. . . what a voice! Katherine Quinn was amazing as usual with her sensitive songs and beau- tiful vocals. A new group of performers in town ”The Transically Hip” did a rock opera type of group performance that was really fresh. Then the inevitable Sundays Tuesdays lvednesdays Thursdays Fridays H9398 I0 Riches 218! Leather Night [IP39 Night photo by Jeffrey Garrant Endora, Yolanda, and Iiherrie: “Ain’t No Mountalnigh Eugh” Cherie Tartt took the stage with me and Endora backing her up on her first num- ber. Of course no one can work the audience with her comedic song renderings quite like Cherie Tartt. Let's not forget the D]’s, Rob Douglas and Alan Perry. These guys rocked the house with the latest sounds plus a great light show and disco ball. TRIPPY! Sound system by Kevin Healy made everything run smoothly. Then the clock struck midnight and the competition for Drag King and Don't Miss i.oI lane! (all-femalecover band) Friday, March 6th open Tuesday-Sunday, 7pm-close '12 Merchant's Bow, llutland, VT 802.747.3366 fabulous that it was truly difficult to make a choice. This year we had questions for the contestants. Dressed as a cop, Charissa, the winner of the Drag King title told us that raspberries were her favorite sexual fruit because when she crushed them in her mouth, the juice oozed out of the corners looking like blood. Oh my! Sherwin the winner of the Drag Queen title told us that if he won he would emulate Madeline Albright because she is such a DIVA. Yes she is, honey! I laughed till my sides hurt that night! Thank you all for making this year's ball a whopping success. 7 .' The OITM' Vi'si'ton’s Gufbe Introducing the newest leature in IIITM, a visitor's guide to our region. ’ This new momhly section (beginning in April will help local husinesses reach out beyond state customers, and also to get the word out to IIIIM readers in other parts ol the state (see p25 tor a complete listing ot our drop-olt sites alone). In the luture look lor articles and leatures that will highlight places to stay and visit, as well as events and services for the visitor and resident alike. Parkerson Speaks on Audre Lorde Film . continued from page sixteen generation of activists fighting for lesbian and gay rights, civil liberties, and equal rights for women. While fiercely committed to the work of liberation, Lorde’s writings were also at times playful, spiritual, and erotic. At one point in the film, Lorde tells her viewers: ”What I leave behind has a life of its own—I’ve said this who I have been.” Over a period of eight years, Parkerson and Griffin worked together with Lorde to produce A Litany for Survival. The film combines early photographs of Lorde, film clips of the poet's public readings of her prose and poetry, conversa- llITM receives numerous calls every month lrom people looking to visit the region. To respond to these requests, we are ollering a unique opportunity tor your husiness to join the expanding list of IJITM auvemse"s' A tions with her children, her partner Gloria Joseph, and tributes to Lorde’s work _ _ _ _ _ . by Adrienne Rich, Sonia Sanchez, Jewelle Gomez, Essex Hemphill and Cheryl FIJI‘ I1lflI‘B |l|I0|‘II'|3lIIlll [Ill IIDW I0 GIWBPIISG 0|‘ CfllItl'||ll.lI8 call UITM at Clarke. 865 9294' _ Michelle Parkerson lives in Washington, D.C. and has produced documen- taries on jazz singer Betty Carter, Sweet Honey in the Rock, as well as Odds and Ends (a black amazon science fiction short film), and St0rme': the Lady of the jewel Box (a documentary about Storme’ Delarverie, former M.C. and male imperson- ator with the legendary Jewel Box Revue,) In her book on women filmmakers of the African and Asian diaspora, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster wrote of Parkerson’s work: ”Michelle Parkerson’s documentaries embody black female subjectivity at its most basic. Here, black women speak for themselves.” Michelle Parkerson’s presentation is sponsored by the St. Michael's Col- lege Ally Group, Multicultural Committee, English Department, and Library In- formation Services. Phoenix Rising to New Heights continued from page sixteen N EW G ROUP TH EATRE OF VERMONT I.) RA M r’\Tl C: l M l ’ RC) V l SAT l0 N 0 I15-97>: wane to /elem rec/Iniquesfbr rebxation, y -concentration and development of imagination xiid arertises, r * impromlraeiom, xeenes and monologues. 9 ° Learn to develop c/Iaracterirtiex which lie outside the personal experience by perfirming tbaraclm who are not claxe to onesegf 9% %§ 9% 1% ffi Experienced and nomexperienccd actors wclcorne. Enter anytime. classes ongoing. Workshop conducted in Burlington. Info: 1-888-542-5207 0 877-3646 company founded by David R005 and Ian Challis, who are lifetime partners. ll!!! What a night it was. We had around 500 people attending this fabulous event 4 Drag Queen of Vermont began. Being a judge, I just want to say everyone was so , about poetry, I've said it about children. . .I’m saying it about the very artifact of “aim” "E-—“ - _ I g i GAY CHAT LINE sIzzuNG LOCKER ROOM ACTION JOIN IN on JUST EAVESDROP PHONE sex FOR THE GAY 905 1- 900- 745-3306 Mon: ACIION Ar I-900-745-2845 "'\/'\“"-~—_./“---_..l LIFELVTYLES DATELIIVE All unssrnss - LOCAL AND NATIONWIDE Ru‘ ‘"5" I-900-745-3710 351“ #3 $2.49/MIN .' VISIT us AT WWW.XAPEX.NET . I8»-YRS Located in the heart of downtown Montpelier, Phoenix Rising has estab- lished itself as one of the premier businesses in the district. Much like the mysti- cal bird to which it's name can refer, the owner has risen from the ash of pain which she felt on that day in 1993 and began a new, successful venture. She has started somewhat of ”a new life,” found her wings and is finally beginning to soar Phoenix Rising is looking for GLBT artists who are interested in showing their work in the store during pride month, June 1998. Those interested should con- tact Susan K. Lawrence at (802) 229-0522 during regular business hours Monday through Saturday for more information. 3 \ '...l... . o