OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1998 - 9 Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- st. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 Visible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-0385 ENDING VIOLENCE ddisLn County Women In Crisis. 3 P0867 - Middlebury VT 05753 - § 388-4205 attelfied Women’s Services, Inc. g POB 828 - Montpelier VT 05601- ; 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 url'rr ton Police Department om ‘unity Based Police Oflicer ( Lieutenant Bill LaWare - 658-7658 ay/Lesbian Victim Assistance otlin§e C) C‘! (800)259-1536 24 Hour- AVProject@aoI.com ame Sex Domestic Violence Suhrr mmittee Chittenden County Domestic Violen "e Task Force) 31 Elmwood Ave Buliington, VT 05401 Take Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 - http://www.princeton.edu/~rcurtisl aeetrailhtml Women's Crisis Center POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 - 24 Hour Hotline: 254- . 6954 Women Helping Battered Women POB 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - 658-1996 Women's Rape Crisis Center POB 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 *"ar*“‘“‘“:r:“ LEGAL American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) 110 E. State St. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 223-6304 - ac|uvt@a0l.com - http://members.ao|.conlIacluvi/ home.html Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Legal ‘ ‘ Association c/0 Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875, Burlington 05402 - 863-2517 Vermc nt Human Rights Commission 133 State St. - MontpelierVT 05633- 6301 - 828-2480 MEDIA Hear Us OUT A POB 285 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-0332 Mountain Pride Media, Inc. POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 Out in the Mountains POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9294 - oitm@together.net - http://www.vtpride.0rg Reaching 0ut(0utrightYouth Zine) POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 - OutrightVT@ao|.com The Vermont Rainbow Connection (TV program) _ V dc lavender visions productions, inc. POB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 - lavender@together.net Radical Faeries Yolanda, POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-0385 Gabriel, POB 224 - Brattleboro VT _ 05302 - 257-4871 SAGE (for gay men over tony) POB 863 - Burlington VT 05402 - 860-1810 Social Alternatives for Gay Men (SAM) POB 479 - Norwich VT 05055 ' 649-3133 - edsmedly@aol.com ‘Meets Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 - 865-3734 - vtvgsa@a0I.com MULTICULTURAL ALANA (Atrican, Latino, Asian, Native American) Community Program ’ 8 Williston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 ' 254-2972 Kwan:.aa Women of Co|orA|liance POB 1534 - Burlington VT 05402 - (802) 660-0606 POLITICAL Brattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians POB 875 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 254-5947 Gay In to Line of NH 26 South Main st., Box 181, Concord, NH 03301- (603) 224-1686 NH Citizens’ Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Rights POB 730 - Concord NH 03302 - (603) 224-1686 Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-8326 Vermopt Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VCLGR) - POB 1125 - Montpelier VT 05602 - 1-888-825-4989 Co-liaisons to the government: Virginia Renirew - 496-4333, Keith Goslant - 454-8552 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-6356 ‘Brameboroarea (location varies). 1st Wed ol every month. December meeting will be Wednesday Dec.3rd. 7pm. Bari Shamas FMI 387-5788. Vermc nl GLBT Pride '98 Committee POB 5113 - Burlington VT 05402- 5113 - 865-3734 or 658-1602 POB 583 - Burlington VT 05402-0583 . ARTS AND RECREATION MEN PROFESSIONAL Big C ty Players, Inc. Gay Fathers Support Group - EAGLE (|B|v| emmoyees) POB 1012 ' Burlington VT 05402 - POB 234 - Essex Junction VT 05423 769 4835 (maschatz@us.ibm.com) or _ (888) 21_2-5884 - 879-7883 _ Jim Leavens (802) 769 4413 -' Chlltern Mountain Club - VT Chapter Gay Guy Get Togethers in SE VT J|eavins@us.ibm.c0m - Gay 8? Lesbian Outdoor Organization) Cafe)’ 31254-3253 “‘‘P3’’l’d°3'9Y-P°k-ib”‘-°°”‘/EAGLE Bob B)and_ 333.9443 . . ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays ' /eaglelttml b(and@S0Veme( . Men Alive! Gay/Lesbian/Straight Educators Network - http://www.chilternorg/chiltern/ POB 423 - Burlington VT 05402 - GI-SEN) GaylB Men's Reading Group 865-2247 southérn Vermont 3 . Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 942 ' Putney VT Meets monthly in the Brattleboro POB1124 _ K6 n NH 03431 05346 , 2545150 , area ' FMI: Jonathan Campo (B02) (603) 357-5544e- e Juni er@sover net 258-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) p ’ MonadGay@aol.com Lesbian Nurses 254.6239 One i T n Pro'ect GL"-[ER (Gay & Lesbian Literature & ccnli nti:| discuision 81 social group for men) (LPNSRHSV nurse practitioners’ etc‘) Film Club or Burlington) 3,3,, ,.B00.639.79o3 ’ . FM'.E"””e‘“~ “‘'‘‘'".‘9‘’. Steven Ko ' - . . ‘ . . . Rarnb ow Business Association Pslelni 434 5553 Meets monthly, Trinity Episcopal . GUTTERVl@3°'~C0m Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont NH. :%B4§;37' Hgnegburg 05461 ' ‘Meets at 7:30 every Monda at v ' ‘ I 3 PW-‘I0 U"°"5-00"‘ mombus ga((e,y/An y Keene Gay Men-.5 Support Group llermon Education Association Network ol GLB 59”" ‘B5 “"999 (”‘e”""‘”e)' 7pm uu Church Educ“ '5 and The" Am“ - Bumgmon 6524103, 69 Washington St. Keene NH . Contact Rose-Mane at 442-3978 see calendar for events. " ’ ‘ S DIRITUAL/FI'ELIGIoUs Vermont Open Circle of Wicca And Wicce POB 68, Vergennes, VT 05491-0068 - Drew 759-2147 - VTOpenCircle@h0tmail.com http://www.geocities.conl/rainlorest/ 1258 Central Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) POB 517 - Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 . ‘Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the Montpelier Unitarian Church. Christ Ohurch Presbyterian-More Light Church UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 Dignity Vermont PO BOX 61 Winooski VT ‘ 05404 - 655 6706 Dignity New Hampshire POB 7 0 Manchester NH 03105-0007 - (603) 647-0206 - DignityNH@ aol.c0m ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month in Manchester. Faerie Camp Destiny PO BOX 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - tcd@ popstarcom http://wwwsover.net/~mattbucy/ icd.html lntervveave (Unitarian Universalists) 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT 05401 - John Byer - 802-863-1818 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays tor Bnrnch, . 12:30pm at First UU Church, B'ton Vermc nt Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl. - Burlington VT 05401 STUDENT llian :e, Vermont Law School South Royalton, VT 05068 - PLogsdon@VermontLaw.edu eaco Club Lesbiin, Gay, Bisexual, Straight Alliance) Lyndon State College, LSC Box 7335 - Lyndonville VT 05851- 626-6363 - ‘Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm DRA (Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) ' Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 Free 110 Be: GLBTA at UVM 85 S. Prospect St. Burlington VT 05405 - 656-0699 ‘Meets Thursdays, 7:30pm Goddard Gay/LesbianIBisexual Alliance Goddard College - Plaintield VT 05667 Keene State College LBG Alliance Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 Johnson State College GSA GLBQAA, c/o Student Association - Johnson, VT 05656 - thompsoa@badgerjsc.vsc.edu potvina@badgerjsovscedu. New and andrnark Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Alliance Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 - 387-6752 moqa (Middlebury Open Queer Alliance) Drawer 8 - Middlebury College - Middlebury VT 05753-6033 - Anne 388-0750 - ‘ moqa@panther.middlebury.edu - http://www.middleburyedu/-moqa ‘Meets Sundays, 8pm, Chellis House One ir Ten (Castleton State College) Castleton VT 05735 - 468-5611 X392 St Mike's College ALLY Group clo The Student Resource Center, Winooski Park, Colchester 05446 - Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or Laura Crain 654-2388 lltinity College GLBA Merry Hall, BurIington,VT 05401 - (802) 658-0337 extension 371 - msheets@charity.trinityvt.edu SUPPORT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) B/all/ebo/0 A/ea, J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 257-5409 Central I/If New contact TBA ‘3rd Sundays, 1pm, 2nd Fl. Chapel, UU Church, Montpelier (School St. entrance). La/re C/ra/77,049//7, Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Lane - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-4285 ‘ ‘Meets 2nd_Sundays, 2-4pm First Methodist Church, Burlington (use the Buell St. street level entrance). improved! M's DEFINITIVE DIREETORY OF -RMONT AREA COMMUN TY RESOURCES. Mario/resre/A/ea, Mae and Jay Morrow - POB 92 - Manchester VT 05254 - 362-4400 /7u//am/Ar.ea, Julie and Peter Cooper - 11 Nonh St. - Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 Straight Spouses oi GLB Partners Support Notworlr. A/o/7/ramp/on MA - Jane Harris (413) 625-6033 ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist Church. /(ea/re /VH- Lucinda Nightingale (603) 352-9337 ’ ‘Meets every 4th Sunday at AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region. Friends in Adoption 44 South St. - POB, 1228 - Middletown Springs VT 05757 0 235-2373 Vermc nt Lesbian and Gay Parents 131 Richardson St. - Burlington VT 05401- 860-1922 Vermc nt Bisexual Network (BiNet) POB 8124 - Burlington VT 05402 - Kim 229-0112 or Grosvenor at 879-7883 - kimw@earth.goddard.edu or biwarricrs@hotmail.com ‘Meets Last Saturday 01 each month, 6-7pm, Muddy Waters, Burlington. ‘Bi Support group meets every Saturday, 5-6pm, Outright VT otlices — 1 st Saturday men only . — 3rd Saturday women only TRANSGENDER TRAN (Trans ender Radical Action, Networking, 181 Supgort) POB 5687 - Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 ‘Suppon Group meets every Tuesday in B'ton. mtg into: transvt2@aol.com WOMEN tActive Lesbians of the Monadnock Area ALMA POB 6345 ' Keene NH 03431 ' (603) 363-4961 Amelia Earhart ,1 POB 746 - Lebanon NH 03766 Brattleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 254-7721 Burlington Women's Council City Hall - Burlington VT 05401 - 3 865-7200 QCRONES (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Road - Milton VT 05468 PYKE l'ALK (Women's discussion group) ‘3rd Mondays, 7pm (potluck starts at 5:30pm), Burlington Fight Back! ottice, N. Vtfinooski (next to Co-op), FMI Crow 864-5595 fried Green Tomatoes (Northern Vermont Wimmin’s Social Group) R.R.1 Box 6845, Morrisville. VT 05661 - 888-7118 Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication) POB 65 - Richford VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 - g0ldentred@aoI.com Huntington Open Women’s Land (HOWL) 434-3953 Lesbian Social/Support group for women 40 and older. Brattleboro - 254-7345 New Beginnings Women's Support 5 Main Street - Springlield VT 05156 ' 885-2368 24 Hour Hotline: 885-2050 Umbrella Women’s Center 16 Main St. - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 0 748-8645 Woman Center 5 School Ave. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 229-6202 Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 - (603) 448-5922 - 24 Hour Hotline: (603) 448-5525 Women of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260 - Worcester VT 05682 - 229-0109 \ YOUTH Central Vermont OUTRIGHT (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) V ‘Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th Thursdays in Montpelier. ;Gay/Straight Alliance tor Hi h School students 7 , ‘Meets at 7pm on Wednesdays at E 108 Union Street, 2nd floor. It FMI Cindy Garnish at 447-8007 G/Lea n GaylLesbian Education and Resouce Network) Upper Valley Outright Vermont - POB 27 - Norwich VT- 649-5297 - 802-296-3858 - newvic@aol.com ‘Support group lor glbtq youth (14- 22), 1st 8 3rd Fridays, 7-9pm, 1 Campbell St. (the CCB, 01 the green) in Lebanon, NH Outrig ht Vermont (youth 22 and under)’ POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 - 0utrightVT@aol.com - http://members.aol.'corn/outrightvt/ ‘Youth Hotline: (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428) ‘Drop in Center: Tuesdays, 2:30- 5:30pm ‘Youth group. Fridays, 7-9pm. "Zine publishing group. 1st ' Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm. ‘Women's group. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, 7-9pm. Prism, at,Brattleboro Union High School Andrea Carlson at Youth Services 257-0361 or Tracy Binet at the High School, 257-0356. Youth Aware of Addison County clo POB 646 - Middlebury VT 05753 - (800) 452-2428 (Outright VT) 2 ‘ Meets 1st Tuesdays, 7pm, Ilsley Library Meeting Room, Middlebury ' ' 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Cctteehouse and movie. the source has expanded! You can now find Health, HIV/AIDS, and a listing of Anonymous HIV Testing sites in the ”health source” on page 23. Please keep us up-to-date concerning changes in your group's ”sOurce” informa- tion by contacting us at: (802) 865-9294 or oitm@together.net ‘W4