..~...mh gtecostal -—the ontrary to what Rev. Dr. Craig Benson (VT’s answer to Pat Robertson) may believe, ”gay” and ”spirituality” are not mu- tually exclusive terms but of- ten, one is as much part of the other. As what numerous web sites pay witness to, the GLBT community has within itself the capacity to find meaning within both reason, as the Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Hu- manists’ web site advocates (Itth:/Iwww.s|rvn.cnII/tsllnllcl lllflhlllllll), and, on the other ex- treme, the acceptance of Jesus ' as Lord and Savior, which gay evangelicals and Pentecostals believe (The National Gay Pen- Alliance, lIIt||:/I WVlW.l:I'IS.CllI/~flIiPl, and The Evangelical Network, |ItI|I:// wvm.nsn.nat/~taIInona.mmI, are example of pro-gay Christian fundamentalist groups). Of course, there are web sites for everything in between, from Judaism to Paganism. Luckily for those of us in Vermont, there are local web sites as well as national web sites with local connections that address spiri- tual issues. Rev. Christine Leslie should be a familiar name for OITM readers since she writes the monthly ”Faith Matters” column. However, her ministry does not end there for she is also the founder of Triangle Ministries (MW I'IIVc8|IInl|ll.llII) which offers counseling, retreats, and work- shops to help integrate both sexual and spiritual identities. The web site offers plenty of in- formation about Triangle Min- istries but lacks a full links sec- tion. The latter quibble is more than made up for because this web site is part of the Rainbow Spirituality Ring composed of related web sites linked in a ”ring.” Clicking on any of the rainbow colors will send you to a new site in the ring. It's fun to see what comes up next as you continue clicking on the colors. The last issue of OITM featured an article written by John Beyer about Interweave, the group for GLBT Unitarians. The web siteffor the national office of Interweave (|Itt|l:II w_IIw.qril.uI-n/www/nru:lIuIIIu- IW.IIfl) is quite sparse. It con- sists mainly of two or so para- graphs and links to the national headquarters of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Any- body looking for more informa- tion on Interweave would defi- nitely be better off reading John Beyer’s article or attending a local Interweave function at the Burlington UU. Burlington UU is not the only local church open to the GLBT community. Christ Church Presbyterian has been ‘ a More Light church for several yllel-shark a monthy look at the years. The More Light move- ment in the Presbyterian Church USA is composed of churches and ministries that work towards the inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals..Its web site (IIIIIIIII iIWlIrl.lIIl:II.III'lI) covers every- thing. Recent More Light news- letters are on—line as well as updates regarding new More Light congregations. It even has a section on how to develop a More Light ministry in— your church and no, you don't have to be a Presbyterian to take ad- vantage of the site's sugges- tions on making your church more inclusive; Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in Burlington is also a gay- friendly congregation. Unfortu- nately, the Jewish GLBT web site in the OITM links section is a dead end so to speak but I've found a few other sites of interest to Jewish gays, lesbi- ans, bisexuals, and transsexu- als. The World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organiza- tions is made up of over 65 groups and synagogues around the world. Its web site (II'Il://VlIINl.Vlcfl0.lI'I/WCIIII) con- tains documents and links to its member groups. For a taste of "everything Jewish,” check out Twice Blessed Jewish GLBT Archives (Itt|:I/IvIlIq.IauIc.i:aI ~II!l$lIIIBX.IIlII). It isga huge collection of web and Internet sites collected by Johnny Abush since 1991. Jewish lesbians should check the Nice Jewish Spiriuuality columnist - Miki Thomas internet & web Girls mailing list. (Ill’lp:// WWWJIIIIM.CIIfl/IIIFSIIIIII/“III” lfl.II‘llII). The web site includes instructions on how to sub- scribe to the list. Vermont's Radical Faeries marked a milestone last year with the purchase of land in Grafton to create Faerie Camp Destiny. For more information on the land purchase and local Radical Faerie gatherings, check out Faerie Camp Destiny's Faerie News at Illllill www.snvar.IItl~nIatIhucy/ii:Il.lIlIIi). The site contains pictures of re- cent gatherings and news and info. If you are like me and are curious to learn more about the Radical Faerie movement, read the FQA at Imp:IIwww.osIrlnn.i:unI -IIIIIII/IIBI'|l8IHlI.III. That's right—it’s FQA as opposed to FAQ. Each question in the document, such as ”What are the Radical Faeries?/’ is fol- lowed by two or three different answers, thus demonstrating the diversity and variety inher- ent in the movement. Obviously, this is only a sampler of what's available on GLBT spirituality. I've found that the best search engines to find more web sites on the topic are Yahoo (IIl|I:I/ WIVl.yil|II.cC—click on ”Soci— ety and Culture” then ”Cul- tures and Groups”) and Rain- bow Links (IIIIIIII/VWWl.cl'|8.l:lIII --l'llIWIlllI/). . If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at .m. L To ether NE ORKS Questions About the , Internet? A . We have answers. 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