-.,.»r,..._. .. . J, 2 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1998 . Rbthblum; Kathleen’ Kaiin :Kc§ps“xesn.. stiaron ‘Randall Wobdhdtllsé. Johrii yer. Joy C .C.t1risfi?riie‘D§srosIers{.l‘,riI<‘a 6 Diane Shamas, stave Stowellfiétrbara .=Dozie.ios‘,-ooresxh aeowstgig . drewd. Campbe an Mue_uer;Yo1ana'a§ s .ownwéMwégahs(ass&i1Q3 T ispublishedmqrithlybylnquntairi Pride Media, inc. ‘newspaper ains ~M9!4n*§'n Pr5d§‘M9d'a . . - . :B¢-ard cf-Diréctors « i "12. Wet» fpaper, articles". may ;appe ‘ .;ideriti;>altywil1tbe't:,bséi’y,ed, . (:.e”’ §aj!iitiaxy‘2j0tl;j1tor/ttjjéé Mara. issue) .:JWeTenc‘oura9eandIm9'9re° 6&6 voices of our V Out in the Mountains POBox177 * p~ 'Bur1ington, VT 054020177‘ . 5 ' phone:,(802)865-9294 * email: oitm@together.net braille format! ’Z ' ‘ ~ ,morJéfinforjmatioh’.; T 62) ea;-¢¢uesi,zija‘ma:eria:g§;s T ass: a Include a name andabontact njgmbeh i: ftiowever. WlW'll'19fD3Qé§.0. Ihérteyvs-* , “mously upon‘ équest, agidlstrict obrjfi-lg‘ to1d9‘whaHhey.canjtol.... aike ./M e j which tfiUIy’iépresént§2ttie'jjiiany ‘C Materials‘ 'shbuld be seiitto:.l L COITM now availablewin . Contact Chris Mags . . j r at (302) 865-9294 for g t - EDITORIAL: The Tyranny of the Majority n Maine last week, the majority spoke. OK, maybe not the actual‘ majority, the majority stayed home. The majority in Maine that went out to prevent a minor ity from having rights was about 16% of the regis- tered voters. That is the ”majority” that the Christian right is raving about now in this most recent victory in the cause of denying civil rights. Well at least it couldn't happen in Vermont, right? Wrong. The word going around is that there is a move to put citizen's initiatives of this sort into practice in Vermont. The move is being pushed by the Act 60 foes to make sure that the people continue to control their government. What this translates to, though, by historical example, is the re- moval of minority rights by a majority, like in Maine, like in Colorado, like in California with Prop 209. What does this mean in Vermont? It means that Take it To the People, if they are able to insure that marriage and its associated rights are denied to us, will then begin to dismantle the other rights we have worked so hard to achieve. Very simply,Take It To The People is motivated by the idea that if the majority of the people want something, then it must be right. This idea is so obviously reactionary and so dangerous it surprises me that it would even be used in Vermont. Or has the National numbing about democracy been. so deep that it has dumbed down this population entirely? Majorities have made many extensive decisions - about the fate of minorities. A majority of Germans wanted the final solution. A majority of Southerners wanted sla- very and, when that was gone, smaller majorities went around in mobs dispensing justice. When Take It To The People says majority, they simply mean us and them, those who have the rights and privileges vs. those of us who don't because of our numbers. We have come a long way from our long history of op-, pression in this country on so many levels Women —— Af- rican Americans, Native Americans, the working poor. For the majority American history, the nation has been con- trolled by a small number of land owning men. But we also have as part of our past a disruption of the oppres- sion of minorities. There have been heroic decisions by the supreme court to protect minority rights to education, intermarriage, unions, equal pay and grass roots move- ments to maintain and establish fairness. But the vestiges of our history still surround us — the urban poor, the flight of union jobs to Mexico, prisons with disproportionate _ numbers of people of color. Gay and lesbian people need to understand how our rights are linked to everyone’s rights. Gay men need to understand misogyny. We all need to understand racism better. ' The‘ tyranny of the majority is ironic when you consider that all the minorities combined they form the majority. This is something that the minority in power doesn't want “any ofus to understand and act on.