14.—- OUT IN THE MoU.NTAiNs — FEBRUARY 1998 I reviews (Cotmchor) BY SHARON RANDALL — — — — — — — — — The New Year marked the beginning of weekly L/ G / B / T news TV. show. The 30 minut titled, ”The Vermont Rainbow Connection”, is pro ender Visions Productions, Inc., (a non-profit 50 zation), and is taped monthly by a crew of com teers. ”The Connection” will air over Public Ac ‘throughout Vt.. Lake Champlain Cable Ch. 2 Colchester, Milton and Georgia viewing areas will gram on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each mon (Ch. 2 will also air the show 6 more times througho usually on the Tuesday following the regular Mo spots at, 2 am, 8 am, 8: 2 pm). The program will a ‘ Adelphia Cable which covers numerous cities t You may want to call Adelphia at (802) 658-3050 . ‘ you;re in their viewing, area and, if so, what day it ‘A; v (as of the writing of , at. - A february ”SU N DAY 5-7 p.m. Gay Men’s Discussion Group, Brattleboro Area AIDS Project's Meeting Room, 67 Main St. 4th Floor Mario Cossa, director of Acting Out - a Keene-based young person's acting troupe, will facilitate a discussion examining gay identity & spirituality. _Lesbian/Feminist/Activist Reunion,"C|ass of ’75-'85". Come share your stories, archive (3lAl'|‘8_§tqy,A2~f6 p.m., Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall. Call Crow 864 5595. a/V\ONDAY Gay/Lesbian Ballroom Dance, Montpelier. 3rd of 4 sessions. 6-7 p.m. Waltz and Foxtrot, 7-8 p.m. Tango and Mambo. No partner or experience needed. $10 per person per hour. FMl call instructor Nancy Schulz 223-7035. Sharon Rmidalll (Producer-Coianchorl), ,. he Vermont Ra tion” is simple, it remains effective. In addition to : mentary, as well as a reminder of up—coming cale in the L / G /B / T community, the program focus of subjects from Youth to-Spirituality, from HIV 8: ily Issues and Pride Celebrations. The first prog air in Feb.) will feature an interview with Chris GAY T Self Defense/rape awareness workshop. First in a series of two three-hour classes sponsored by the Burlington Women’s Council in cooperation with the Burlington Police Department. 6:30-9:30 at Fletcher Allen Hospital Campus in Burlington. Open to all women regardless of ability to pay. 865-7200 Women From Down Under - This is a collection of Lesbian Short Films from Austr_alia....Monday Nights At The Rhombus Gallery 7:30-9:30 PM - Note NEW Timesll The Rhombus Gallery is located at the intersection of College & Church Sts., Burlington. 652-1103. Enter on College St. Gallery is on the second“ floor. gruesomr Social Alternative for Men meeting at 7:30 p.m. Call 649-3133 for directions and details. The Peace & Justice Center presents Approaching the 21st Century: Energy Shopping Salvation for at the Compost Gallery in Hardwick BY /V\ICHAEL _WooDHoUsE — — — — — — — — — — —— Hardwick- I'll admit the lights attracted me. As I strolled down Main St. in Hardwick I caught my reflec- tion in a store front mirror sur- rounded by holiday lights The image of myself I beheld was one that a side show mir- ror might reflect than that of a legitimate boutique. I stepped back and took in the entire front of the building and no- ticed a decorated, albeit dead fir tree in a shopping cart placed in the other display window. Embossed across the glass were the words Shopping for Salvation. Aha, my favor- ite sort of store. I went on in. I suppose the first thing that assails the unwary visitor entering ”Shopping for Salva- tion”, the newest offering at Compost Arts Center exhibi- tion space, is the brightly painted walls, done in a vi- cious red. Is it to celebrate the season or was it used to agitate the spectator, like powder blue walls are used to calm the un- ruly mental patient. Although I prefer not to dwell on the space itself, this paint job is unbelievable and adds to the overall effect. The flyer advertising for submissions asked for the art- ists to imagine a second com- ing and bring appropriate gifts for the savior(open to interpretation)born in a trailer somewhere in the Northeast Kingdom. Although a few of the pieces, including Jo Billing’s homemade clothes for Mary, Joseph and Jesus and a mysterious package which asks the viewer to make guesses on its content created by Patrick Kane, most strictly adhere to the calling, each piece can fit this description if only with the use of a little imagination. Clifford Jackman’s mixed media installation, ”Hmm...' tastes like Almonds.” is a still life of a quick death. The vic- tim, of course is Santa. It fea- tures an overturned living room scene complete with bro- ken T.V. playing those sicken- ing holiday specials. When one ‘investigates the crime scene closer you are able to ascertain the perpetrator is a disgruntled youth who took his revenge after being denied a decent haul of gifts the previous year. The outline of Santa's body on the floor is particularly satisfy- ing. An exquisite leaded glass quasi-grandfather clock, ”Bomb Clock, designed and fabricated by Fred Varney dominates the show. En- crypted within its multi col- ored glass is a tableau of war and its aftermath. The slowly swinging pendulum creates an ominous doomsday effect. Well done. ”Monopoly”, by Jill Waxman, a monstrous Florentine needlepoint hung on the back wall is brilliant. The image of several strange humanoids playing a board game boggles the observer on a few levels, not withstanding the patience and effort re- quired to create such detail and size with a medium such as yarn. Victor Huffs, beautifully macabre, ”Afraid of the Hos- pital” depicts a cleverly cre- ated skeletal x-ray and seems to ask the question: Is this based on a bad experience? I will conclude this review with some advice. The first being, I highly recommend a yisitvto this festive, if not nauseatingly so, journey to the far end of a holiday greeting card gone wrong. The second, make sure to say hello to that handsome fellow reading in the back room. ’’Shopping for Srzloation" I’ll11S through February 74 at the Com- post Exlzibition Space, Main St., Hardwick. Hours are 12 pm. to 5 p.m., Sat, and /or by appoint- ment(472-9613). OlTM o OITM o OITM) OITM - OlTM o OITM o OITM o OITM o OITM o OIT M - OITM - OITM o OITM o OITM - OITM o OITM o OITM - OITM o OITM - OlTM - OITM o OITM o OITM o OITM - OITM - OITM o OITM o OITM o Ol TM- OITM - OITM o OITM o OITM o ADVERTISE o OITM o OITM - OlTM - OITM o OITM - OITM - OITM o OlTM o OITM o OITM o OITM - OITM - OI Needs and a Military Perspective, 7-9 p.m. at lra Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington Dr. Helen Caldicott, Founderof Physicians for Social Responsibility and Women’s Actions for Nuclear Disarmament, will speak on electric restructuring in Vermont, nuclear power, and the US military budget and engagement policies. FRIDAY Peter Mind Liu will be speaking at Trinity College of Vermont on “Gender Roleand Nonconformity in Youth: Research Implications for Clinical Intervention, Primary Prevention and Public Policy".as part of the college's 1997-98 Gender Development Symposium. 9-11 a.m. in McAu|ey Hall, Room 201 onthe campus of Trinity College in Burlington. Free and open to the public. FMI: Jan Kenney 658- 0337, ext. 297 Trinity Repertory Company, “Fires in the Mirror” by Deavere Smith at the Flynn Theatre.A compelling account of the 1991 Crown Heights, Brooklyn incident in which TM - O ITM - OlTM‘ - OITM - OITM - OITM o OITM - OlTM o OITM - _OlT a tragic accident set off a conflict between African-Americans and Hasidic Jews. 8 pm. Tickets: $22.50, $18.50, $12. 863- 5966. Pre-performance Discussion: Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and Other identities at 6:30 p.m. at the Flynn Gallery, 147 Main St. Free. Leroy Nesbit, Jr., Esq., Special Assistant to the President of Middlebury College,will place in historical contextthe cultural and racial tensions that led up to the explosive Crown‘ Height incident in Brooklyn. Opening reception at Phoenix Rising in Montpelier for a exhibition of landscapes by Elaine Parker, 5-7 p.m. Show runs -through February 28. 229-0522 Opening Receptions for Fine Art Photo Exhibit “Scenes of Sensuousness", the work of fine art, fashion and beauty photographer Andres Aquino. 6-8 p.m.,- MoonBrook Cooperative Art Gallery, 24 Wales St., Rutland. Exhibit runs through March 3. 775-9548. 5 SUNDAY Gender-Free Contradancing for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals & allies has come to Brattleboro. 8 p.m. Brattleboro School of Dance, upstairs 17 Elliot St.Admission $5- $7 This is a soft floor, so please bring clean, light-soled dance shoes or bare feet. Contact Howie Peterson 603-357- 2200,(day) or 603-563-8085 (evening). Beginners welcome, arrive by 8 p.m. to receive instructions. LISA McCormick at BURLINGTON COFFEEHOUSE/Rhombus Gallery, 186 College St., Burlington VT, 8 pm, $6, info: 802-864-5888. Underwear party at The Edge in Rutland. 12 Merchants Row. Starts at 7 ‘ Gender Role-Free Contra Dance for gay/ lesbian/bi/transgenders and friends - all welcome. Chris Ricciotti calling. 8:00- 11:00 p.m. sliding scale admission $5-7. Brattleboro School of Dance, 17 Elliot Street, Brattleboro VT no experience