I-icl. station.-riana9er=. . . . Memseri henna Cnaabematcit , ‘ Office‘ Manageri‘ Tracy Kommons ‘ ‘ ’ classistrxen 7 ;(i.’e, rebmarv ?,0lh,iorttie‘Maroh 3 We encourageand '/t0'(l,0 ,whai%jthe' I 2 paper wi1tch,truly-represents , volcesof our commodities.‘ I 2 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — FEBR\UARY 1998 . Christopher - Business Manager: Steven est 5 rt‘Maneger§"Donald Eggert R David Grist ~ °Advertising_lganager: David Gramling ],Brafll,s_t; Deborahfcloutler Fowler L L .. ; computelreseupportz Amy Hoffman _ii..li1't.9!!1¥ Gwynn Guilford . 3 . 1 y *7 Contributors: Milh°bic., 9r.h6mophob1¢- 9 1' . . . aka, _ A racist, sex: ‘.91“‘l-°'l"° . . onth prior to nionthol ‘Materials should be sen oz 7 I Out in the Mountains " * PO Box 177 Burlington, VT 05402-0177 _ phone: (802) 865-9294 email: oilm@together.net OITM now available in braille format! Contact Chris Moes at (802) 865-9294 for . more information. EDITORIAL: ls Anyone Paying Attention? ccasionally I'll come across someone from the city, Boston, NY, or Sa'n Francisco, who will find them selves in Vermont for whatever. reason. And some times this person will act as if they have landed in some remote place where queers are invisible and horribly op- pressed by a lack of options for night life. They will be surprised to see two men or two women holding hands on Church Street, or the rainbow flag bumper sticker here and there. The irony is of course that VT, while a rural state has far more protections than either NY or California. We don't have Gover- nors hostile to our community (clueless, but not hostile). We have a Republican senator that sponsors ENDA, despite the lack of a Log Cabin Chapter within his own state. In Vermont we still are the only state with domestic partner benefits for state employ- ees. We have the only statewide openly gay elected official in‘ the country, as well as a number of other visible openly gay of- ficials. (We have for years.) To put that in perspective, just this last year, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Ohio all had there first openly gay elected official—Ever. Recently, the N] supreme court said that the state cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sexual orientation in adoption. An event that both the gay and main stream press covered pretty exten- sively. In Vermont this had already happened, and same sex parent adoptions are almost common place in our community. Beth Robinson pointed out to me that she doesn't mind the lack of attention that we get in the movement. It has so far kept the religious right out, and kept at bay most of the backlash that comes with advances in rights. She does have a point. Why is it that no matter what Vermont does we don't get any attention? One reason is population. With somewhere over half a million people, the mayor of Philadelphia has more constitu- ents than Howard Dean. Presidential candidates don't campaign here because no election has ever really hinged on our 3 elec- toral votes. But the real reason I think, at least the more interesting one is that the GLBT culture in the United States is almost entirely ur- ban. It is how our community came into existence. Gay people found in the city a community of people like themselves. I too did the same thing, I moved to Boston and came out. I found a culture that I belonged to, people I could _identify with— hell, people I could date. People still move to large cities to be among others like themselves, and all of our organizations are based in these cities. But the urban gay culture revealed itself to have some serious drawbacks. Urban culture at its heart has anonymity, coldness and attitude. I have always longed for a more rural experience, but at the same time want the mindset that is present in the city: progressiveness and culture. This is why Vermont is unique. There is no other rural area where you will find not only a community, but an absence of hostility. We are not there yet though. There are still threats of violence, still 21 Nancy Sheltra and still pockets of fundamentalism. We still have unsafe schools, domestic violence, alcoholism and a myriad of other problems. We have other problems Urban cul- ture doesn’t have: Geographic isolation, a lack of visible com- munity in some more rural areas, a lack of available informa- tion of where to get help when needed. A huge thanks should go out to everyone that helped with the OITM benefit, and to the brave souls who came out dcspitefall- ing trees and unreliable electricity for the benefit on Idnuary 9th. Many thanks to Steph Pappas Experience, and Yolanda and the Plastic Family as well as ourfricnds at Club Toast, and Seven Days for thatfabulous plug. For those who didn't make it, don't worry we will do it again. Preferably in the spring. l"""""""""""""—"""""""""| : Out in the Mountains I I I VEFIMONTS FORUM FOR LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND THANSGENDEH ISSUES By subscribing now to Out in the Mounrainr, not only will you get delivery to your I mailbox (in a discreet cnvclopc), but you also help underwrite the rising cos is of publishing I and distributing the newspaper. We welcome any additional contributions you can make to I support this and other important publishing projects. Checks should be made payable to I I Mountain Pride Media. and sent, along with this card, to: OITM V PO. Box I77 V Burlington, Vcnnonl V 05402-0177 Name Address T0wn;'Cily ‘ State Zip I U One Your (320) D Two Years (335) U Low Income (3 IO) 1.] Contribution: 3 I Show your support --«- Subscribe today! L_...._.»___......_____..___.l OITM Wish List Bulletin Board, Digital Camera, Manual Camera, 11X17 Mac Printer, Vacuum Cleaner, Clip Art, Light Table, Mac Software & Hardware Call to Donate: 863-9294 rang pleasure, consider Lhi Vermont. but we we not immutil transmitted diseas