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This will be the fourteenth year that the IGLOO weekend has been held at an eastern ski resort. It moved from Killington to Stowe to Mt. Tremblant to Mt. Ste. Anne to Lake Placid before coming back to Stowe. Several years ago, the organizers, who represent GLB outdoor clubs from all over the east, decided that Stowe of- fered the best, friendliest facilities and made the Vermont town the permanent site for the annual event. IGLOO charges $55 for skiers who sign up before January 15 and $70 thereafter. This fee covers a identifying button so you tell who's part of the group on theslopes plus discounted lift XV.’ IG LLOSO Coming to Stowe BY BOB BLAND — — — — — — —_ tickets, a Weds. night welcome party, two nights of special entertainment (in past years, they've had The Flirtaitions, - Lea Delaria, and Betty), DJ and danc- ing every night, theme parties, ski races, and the ubiquitous commemo- rative T—shirt. To register, send your check to IGLOO '98, c/o David Kass, 39 Fairlawn Ave., Albany, NY 12203. Please include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, outdoor club affiliation (if any), and T—shirt size. Indicate whether you want your name and address published in the directory to be distributed to participants. You'll also have to sign a waiver that you won't hold them responsible if you run into an unfriendly tree. Questions can be answered at (617) 469-3895 6pm — 10pm and at IGLOO@tiac.net. The group takes over the Commodore's Inn for the weekend (800 44-STOWE) [4 nights for $260 per per- son double occupancy], which is the site of all the entertainment events. It also has arranged special rates for the Golden Eagle (800 626-1010) [4 nights $259], Buccanneer Country Lodge (802 253-4772) [$163], Peacock Motel (802 253-7244) [$120—145], and Pines Motel (800 336-9288) [$100—170]. Reservations should be made directly with any of the lI1I'lS . - ""-‘-‘-=r-:-c-—- :"~‘r ..~ .v ::~ = I . Learn to develop c_bara::erim2& max, [i:'o1:_; gin by pnfbrming km: not close to orm¢_lf.' .‘ . Experienced and nonmxperienced actors welcome. _ V tergnytimc, classes pngoing. Wotbhop inffiudingtéii. ’ mo: 1-ass-$42-54297 - m 3646 sazzulve LOCKER noon 4’crt6N" _ Jouv {N Qgjusr £Av:sbnop"_ 8‘ i J A Phone; sex FOR rue _GA)' .1—9oo.-£745-.3306 3 non: Acnou 11317900-745-2845. ALL [rr:s.rYLs; y. LOCAL‘ AND NATIONWIDE V nay. MEN 1.900-745.3710 REAL-ar‘s $2.49.rM|N - vnsn us AT WWW.XAPEX.NF.T . ianrns 9- rw--~~._.w-,,-. - ,. ,1: [ §~§ff§3l"§?§§5m 5' Queer Writers at Goddard continued from page fourteen semester) who has taught at UVM with the summer writing program, published several books of poetry and co—edited a book on teaching called ”The practice of poetry”; Mariana Romo-Carmona whose stories about lesbian life combine a tender and witty side with the serious and romantic and whose new book, Liv- ing at Night has just been published by Spinster Press (see review this issue). Many other gay and Lesbian Luminaries of the writing world have taught or continue to teach here, such as Kenny Fries, Michael Klein, Mark Doty, Jacqueline Woodson, Joan Larkin, Jaime Manrique and Nora Mitchell. The next residency starts in January and I would encourage anyone who is interested in hearing some good work to come to the open readings at the Haybarn Theatre on campus. From Friday January 17 through Thursday, January 22 in the evenings starting at 6:30 PM both the faculty and students will read their work. For more information call the school at (802) 485-8311. A King and Her Subjects continued from page fifteen show with a rousing disco ensemble, complete with neon lights and a glittering ball. . “ . In addition to the performance,’ Torr also offers workshops for.women in whichshe teaches the art of female to male crossdressing. Participants must do a thorough examination of the persona they wish to become, and Danny King assists in teaching them how to walk, talk‘ and sit like a man. Fakelpenises are also a necessity, created out of tubular bandages and cotton wool. It is in assum- ing the role of a man, Torr believes,‘-a: woman ” (is) assuming the role of authority, ' that as woman she might deny herself. Not [because she’ isn't enlightened; it's to do with a certain conditioning she grew up with.” Through crossdréssing, women are exploring their ”p:ther__ self,” a part which they have been taught to repress by society. Onlyby realizing the needs of the ”other self,” can a person truly evolve and free themselves from the confines of societal norms that havebeen enacted over the years. _ _ \ Since first arriving in the United States, Diane Torr has worked to destroy the existing gender stereotypes and bring sexuality to the forefront of education. By acknowledging both our male and female selves, Torr believes true harmony can be created in the body, and humanity will be able to evolve to its fullest capabilities. Furthermore, everyone is born with the realization that they pos- sess both male and female persona; but societyyfgrcesps, to (!Z£)§l‘frQrI‘I§1Ht,(),‘ the‘ norms 0f~.o_,u.r g.en.€..1_<:r.*an_d :2utzsequ.1e:tt1y.:s.tifles Olgpfibilitie “as human l‘_§é;ings'.‘,," .cgf1é~, . I do not wish to conform a_riy_'l_qnge_r_. jl;9o }(;ouZ,’\_:,‘ '12./. .s J :71‘: (C r1n~..*u5,:'e:e. gr.-:"'.-‘c..J A ;s'e;«’ ‘»‘v'§«"’!n . . -