OUT IN THE MouNTA|Ns — JANUARY 1998 — 11 For confidenfial HIV/AIDS Information Call L 800-882-AIDS J Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that nmn211Ic1'who you are or what you do for :1 living, you want 10 sec. your family so- curc, your children educated, your rclimmcnl assured. \Ve’rc ready to help with 21 wide range ofinvcs1mc.nL:; and 2: pro- ' V I ' ,. V fes.<;i<>nz1ily trained Account Ex- hands, kiSSiI1g, sneezing, _V ccutivc who czm t:1ilor;IDI'¢\>’gI‘211n dancing‘ V I H‘ 7 Ir. n‘ n *. * s. ‘ I Do: 11 ’i1.l‘1', . . 2.3 :2)n:::21su‘}::dsL1o:cxs o‘nc invcLs- _ __ . Accordlng to Fh‘~’;s=“.,"3e°_" General-’ iv 101‘ at 21 time. - I E ». YOU?’ bes_t pr I CCIOI1 against ~ ’ ' ' ce, is useof cont! m. Ginger Williamson 30 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 869-9660 (802) 865-2137 0} DEAN WITTER @1994 Dean Witter Reynolds Inc Member SPIC , Stats Departme H-lea|'Ih. Divisior‘i»\of E 0, Br’ lington. Veivm Main Street. no Curbside _ .MOl(73QG8 © 3* Roaaizr \~/. PARTxcuLAALY DREN. Please Contact Chris Moes at (802) 865-9294 for more information. A ‘\No'uL1‘73€ V CHEAPER. LVOKESCARRY hllp://www.visi.com/~opruiric/ ‘