AHTS AND RECREATION Visibl Big City Players, Inc. POB 1012 ~ Burlington VT 05402 - (888) 212-5884 Chiltern Mountain Club - VT Chapter (Gay & Lesbian Outdoor Organization) Bob Bland, 333-9448 - bland@ sover.net - http://www.chiltern.org/chiltern/ GayIBi Men’s Reading Group *Meets monthly in the Brattleboro area - FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) 258-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) 254-6239 GLITTER (Gay & Lesbian Literature & Film Club of Burlington) Steven Kopstein, 434-5653 - GLlTTERvt@ a0l.c0m ‘Meets every Monday, see calendar lor events. Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-0385 NDING VIOLENCE Addison County Women In Crisis. 1-2:30pm at 25 Roxbury St, Keene POB 67 ' Middlebury VT 05753 ° 388-4205 ' Battered Women’s Services, Inc. POB 828 - Montpelier VT 05601- 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 Burlirgton Police Department Comn7unity Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill LaWare - 658-7658 GaylL§esbian Victim Assistance Hotline (800) 259-1536 24 Hour - AVPr0ject@aoI.com Same Sex Domestic Violence Subcommittee (Chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force) 31 Elmwood Ave Burlington, VT 05401 Take Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 - httpJ/www.princeton.edul~rcurtis/ aeetrai|.htmI Women’s Crisis Center ,3 POB 933 -Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 - 24 Hour Hotline: 254- 6954 Women Helping Battered Women POB 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - 658-1996 Women’s Rape Crisis Center POB 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 Bennington Area AIDS Project HEALTH ALANA Health Care Organization POB 357 - 179 S. Winooski St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 864-2631/864-2632 Dawnland Center (Native American) POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT 05601 - 229-0601 Men’s 660-3386 Lesbi7n Cancer Support group Tribal ALAN Health Project POB 5248 - Elmwood Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-2437 - (800) 649-2437 North Star Holistic Health Care RR2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT 05661 888-2858 emedies Community Organization) 8 Vlfilliston - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 l'win'State Women's Network POB 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 -226-7807 - Margoc@mail.tds.net-_ http1/www.dartmouth.edu/~hivnet/ orgs/twsn1.html VT of Health, Office of Minority Health 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington VT 05402 v 863-7273 1 - Vermc nt Women’s Health Center ' .336 North Ave - Burlington VT 05401- 863-1386 .- Alcoti blics Anonymous £11/I//ngion, 658-4221- POB 5653, _‘ Burlington VT 05402 ‘ Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church (Presbyterian, Redstone Camp., UVM. ‘Thursdays, 7pm. St. Paul's r Cathedral, Cherry Slreet,658-4221. Concord} /l/H603-357-4300 ‘ Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church. Nonh Main and Washington St. ‘ Saturdays at 7pm (call for location). Hanover NH ‘ Thursdays at 6:30pm, Danmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Women only. /(ea/Ie, /VH(603) 357-4300 ‘ Saturdays. 7-8:30pm Call lor location. Mano/iesre/,'/VH ' ‘ Sundays, 7:30pm. UU Church, 669 7 Union St. eueooseaesaarieewa. Nashua, NH oun ain Pride Media, Inc. 77 ’V_'°'1daYg» 7=3°P"'~ Nashua POB 177 - Burlington VT 05402 “'“‘”a”_ ““’°“' Outi the Mountains Vermc nt Vegetarian Network POB 177 . Bumngton VT 05402 . pamck . 349 5359 865-9294 oitm@together.net - http:// HI www.vtpride.org _._.- MEN Hotlines Vemm (800) 8824437 . Gay Fathers Support Group NH (800) 7532437 POB 234 - Essex Junction VT 05423 NY State (800) 541-2437 ' 379-7833 _ MA (617) 522-4090 Gay Guy Get Togethers in SE VT ME (800) 851-2437 Carey at 254-8263 National: (800) 342-2437 ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays. National TTY: (800) 243-7889 Men Mive! A Teen Hotline: (800) 234-TEEN POB 423 . Bumnglon VT 05402 . _ — 865-2247 Addison County AIDS Network (ACAN) Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) M““'°e“ 3634437 POB 1124 - Keene NH 03431 - If ommumty Awareness Proiect (603) 3575544 , POB 608 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - . M°”ad.Gay@a°"°°m 743.1149 One ir Ten Project (ups community Resource Network (confidential discussion 8. social ACORN) group tor men) POB 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - f3"a”' "8°°‘639‘7.993 . (603) 448_222o7(80O)816_222o , Meets monthly, Trinity Episcopal aCom@Va"ey_nel Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont NH. AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region Keel” Gay‘ Mfinys S“pP°n Gmup (800)639-7903 .500 5397903 ‘C0llee Clatch meetsTuesdays Irom 7 Meets T“95d3V5v 79"‘ UU Chm“: 69 Washington St., Keene, NH. Radical Faeries POB 1066 . Bennington VT 05201 . Yolanda, POB 812 ' Bunington VT 442-4481 or (800) 845-2437 0540? ' 3559355 Brattleboro Area AIDS Project Gabriel, POB 224 0 Brattleboro VT POB 1486 ° 67 Main St., 4th ll. ' f 05302 . 257-4871 f rt Brattleboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or ( °' 93V ""3" °‘_’°" ° Vl 254.4444 . sbengsove)-_ne( POB 863 ° Burlington VT 05402 ' ‘Suppon group lor PLWA, lriends, ‘ _ 860:1“) and lami)ie5_ Wednesdays 1.2pm Social A"9l'HatIVeS 707 Gay Men ‘Support/discussion group for gay/bi ' P05 479 ‘ N°TWlCh VT 05055 ' men, 2nd and 4th Sundays 3.5prn 649-3133 - edsmedly@aol.com ‘Support group for HIV+ Women -;;M9l9Ft:1TU95daY5. 7330'9Pm~ all I. Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JANUARY 1998 — 9 05346 - 387-1712 Rainb w Business Association POB 1776 - Burlington VT 05402 - 351 -5527- rba @ pwsolutionscom Ed‘ cat rs and Their Allies Contact Rose-Marie at 442-3978 Sig/RITUAL/RELIGIOUS Velnnoii Education Association Network of GLB Cenrafivermont Open Circle of Wicca And Wicce - Drew 759-2147 - Acrescendtsun @ hotmailcom 1258 Central Vermont Sanglia (Tibetan Buddhist) POB 517 - Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 ‘Meets Mondays 6:30-9pm at the Montpelier Unitarian Church. UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 Dignity Vermont PO BOX 61 Winooski VT 05404 - 655 6706 Dignity New Hampshire - (603) 647-0206 - DignityNH@ aol.com month in Manchester. Faerie Camp Destiny PO BOX 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - Icd@ p0pstar.com http://www.soVer.net/~mattbucyl icdhtml Interweave (Unitarian Universalists) 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT ' 05401 - John Byer - 802-863-1818 ‘Meets 2nd Sundays lor Brunch, 12:30pm at First UU Church, B‘ton llermo t Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Broth hood POB 68, Vergennes, VT 05491-0068 htip://www.ge0cities.comlrainlorestl Christ Church Presbyterian-More Light Church POB 7 - Manchester NH 03105-0007 ‘Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays 01 each i i i - 11 North St. ° Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Support Networlt. TRAN /Von/zampran MA - Jane Harris (413) 625-6033 ‘Meets every 3rd Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Keene /l//-/- Lucinda Nightingale (603) 352-9337 ‘Meets every 4th Sunday at AIDS Services lor the Monadnock Region. Friends in Adoption 44 South St. - POB 1228 - Middletown Springs VT 05757 - 235-2373 Vermc nt Lesbian and Gay Parents 131 Richardson St. - Burlington VT 05401- 860-1922 .5 Transgender Radical Action, Networking, 8t Support) F08 5687 - Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 - transvt@aol.com ‘Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 01 every month in Burlington. Vermq nt Bisexual Network (BiNet) POB 8124 - Burlington VT 05402 - 658-9544 ‘Meets Last Saturday ol each month, 6:30pm, Muddy Waters, Burlington. ‘Suppon group meets last Saturday, 5 Raymond Pl. - Burlington VT 05401 4:30-6pm, OUTRIGHT vr otlices. WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area ALMA POB 6345 -_ Keene NH 03431 - (603) 363-4961 Fmelif Earhart POB 746 - Lebanon NH 03766 rattl bore Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 7 254-7721 Furlington Women’s Council City Hall 0 Burlington VT 05401 - 865-7200 ' CRONES (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Road - Milton VT 05468 l'ALK (Women's discussion group) . . . . 738711 Mondays", 7plTrt\‘, B7i;rtinglon( lg t Back! 0 ice, . inooskl next to Coop), FMI: Crow 864-5595 , bed Green Tomatoes (Northern Vermont NITIVE DIRECTORY OF JANUARY immln‘sSocialGroup) I R. 11.1 Box 6845, EA COMM” NlTY R550” R :E5- 1 998 MorrisViI|e,VT 05661 -888-7118 Greenfield M.. - 865-3734 - vtvgsa@aol.com ‘ S G°'d_°}‘ Threads , , -Monday; 3:3“-,:3opm_ M T TUDENT Lesbi ri Contact Publication) . Call (413) 773'3388- UL [CULTURAL Ilian :e, Vermont Law School POB 65 ' "'°“'°'d VT °5“75‘°°65 ' Comprehensive care clinics (African, Latino, Asian, Native son), n,,y,,((,,,,, in 05063 . 7 848-70377 90lde{ltrid@ 30'-$17” L Hotline: (800) 763-2460 erican Commun' Pro ram PLo sd0n@Verm0ntLaw.edu Hum" °" ope" ‘men s an ( 0 l A 9 9 434 3953 Brattleboro: 257-8860 — 8 Williston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 Beaco club ‘ . 1, , l _ ' B”'”"9‘°”‘ 5554594 ' 2549972 Lesbi ri, Gay, Bisexual, Straight Alliance) Le mall s°°'a'/s"pp°n gmup W women ””"a"d= 747'"‘3‘ wan aa Lyndon State College Lsc Box 7335 “° "d °'d°" Sl J°“"5"“'Y5 7“3‘735‘ POB 533 - Burlington VT 05402-0583 - Lyndonville VT 05851- 626-4154 B'a“'e”°'° ‘ 25“'73“5 Frankl' county AIDS Network 0mm of color A"ianc'e - ‘Meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm New Beginnings Women’s Support . Cllckel 3534437 ~ D h ' b |‘ 5 Main Street - Springfield VT 05156 _ , , . RA (Dartmout Rain ow AI lance) ation I Association tor People With AIDS P03 1534 ' BU|‘l|n9l0n VT 05402 ' Hanom NH 03755 _ (603) 6468636 - 885-2368 (202) 898-0414 (802) 660-0606 Free To Be_ GLBTA at UVM 24 Hour Hotline: 885-2050 NHIVT IV Information Network on The Web POLITICAL 8'5 S P ts‘ B 77 I VT Umbrella Women’s Center http://WWW.dartmouth.eduI~hivnetl _ 05465 fgélggsgg‘ ” mg °” 15 Mam s(_ . 5(, Johnsbury VT 05319 Rutlan County AIDS Network Brattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians ,MeetSThmsda S 730 m . 743.8545 Mary Kathryn 775-5884 POB 875 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - Goddard Gay7LeSbian7Bi’;e'xt'7a|l’A|fiance wgman center V°""‘ "t CARES .254'5947 Goddard College - Plainlield VT 5 3Ch°°' AVe- ' M°”lP9“e' VT 05502 POB 5248 - Burlington VT 05402 - Gay Into Line of NH 05367 - 229-6202 363-2437 M1800) 549 2437 26 South Main st., Box 181, concord, - Women’s Information Service WISE PO Box 6033 ' Rutland. VT 05601 ' NH 03301- Keene Staff College LBG Nuance 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon llli 0376t)5 775538“ (603) 224-1686 We State College ' Keene NH - (603) 448-5922 - 24 Hour Hotline- PO Box 275 - Montpelier VT 05601 - _ _ _ _ 03431 . 7 7 (603) 4486525 - . NH Cit ens Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Landrmrk GayILesbianIBisexual Alliance 229 456° - lz Women of the Woods (WOW) po Box 503 . 5(_ Jnnnsbmy VT 05319 Rights Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 7489061 POB 730 , concord NH 03302 , _ . 337.5752 RFD 1 Box 5260 ' Worcester VT ‘Suppon groups lor people living with ' (603) 224-1686 moqa (Middlebury Open Queer Alliance) 05632 ' 2290109 HIV/AIDS in: Peace and Justice Center Drawer 8 - Middlebury College - YOUTH — Washington County, 2) church s(_ . Buningmn VT 05401 . Middlebury VT 05753-6033 - Melanie 2294580 . 353.3325 ' Anne 388-0750 - Central V°""°"l OUTWGHT — Rutland County, TRANS mglba@panther.middIebury.edu - (800) GI-B-CHAT 14524423) Mary Kathryn 775-5884 mmwmr Radical M70" "working & support) http-J/www.middleburyedu/-mglba Meets 1st and 3rd and 5th Thursdays - Burlington. 7:03 5687 faumnglon 05402 _ _ ‘Meets Sundays, 8pm, Chellis House In Montpelier. ‘ , Ml°[l3e'553'2437 7 353.5433 .(,,.,,,5,,,@a°(c,,,,, » . Onei Ten (castleton State College) G/Learn Vermc nt Deaf AIDS Project _ 7 -Mew every Tuesday in g‘,,,(,,,g,,,,,_ castieton VT 05735 - 463.5311 x392 GayILesbian Education and Besouce Network) ‘ P03 l72 ' 5'3"'eb°'° VT °53°2 ' Vermo t Coalition for Lesbian and . St Mi '6 College ALLY Group 7 U999’ Valley O”'"9m Ve”"°'“ ' POB (800) 257-1123/ (TTY) ‘ any R. ms (VCLGR) ’ 7 _ 27 -, Norwich vT- 6495297 . (800) 2530195, (ax 257.2013 _ POB 1125 . Mom “er VT 05602 . , 0/0 The Student Resource Center, 302.295.3353 . newvic@ao|_com VT t. of Health AIDS Program office . ’ 1_888_8254989 De Winooski Park, Colchester 05446 - ‘Suppon group lor glbtq youth (14- - ' 1og‘che,,y 5(_ . (:03 70 . Bunjngfon Cwiaisons to me ovemmenr - I Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or Dianne 22), 1st 8. 3rd Fridays, 7-9pm, 1 ._ 05403 . 353.7245 Virginia -Renfrew 34964333, ' 7 . _ Lynch 654-2469 Campbell St. (the CCB. 01 the green) Vermc nt People With AIDS Coalition ‘Kenn Gos(a,,(.454.3552 - llflnllv College Gl-BA 0 d V‘“ Le"“”°”~r“” _ ,_ . ~- POB 11' Montpelier. VT 05601 ' Vermont Freedom to Many Task Force Mercy Hall, Burlington, VT 05401 - 9 t "mom (y°m_h 22 and um") 2295754 Of (500) 59VTPWA ' ' . ' ~ POB 1312 - MiddleburyVT 05753 - i (302) 553.0337 extension 371 . V A POB 5235 ' Bunlnglon VT 05402 ° V)pwac@s0Ver_ne[p 7 38843356 _ h am 7 _ 7 865-9677 - OutnghtVT@a0l.com . V " * http'//www.sover.netl-vtpwac/ _ ’ _ 7 7 ms eels al'ly'"'"'lVVl'ed” _ .[tllP7/m9f“lf9'S~30'-00"‘/°Ul"9hW Washington county AIDS Network Brattleboro area (location vanes). ‘ SUPPORT YOU") H0ll|ne- (900) GL3-CHAT _ _ Melanie at 2129,4550 Isl Wed of every month. December ‘ _ 7 7 (4524423) > 7 , 7 g V meeting w()(,_ne Wednesday Denani, aren and Friends 01 Drop in Center. Tuesdays, 2.30- I 8 7 LEGAL , 9 mm Ban. Shamas FM, 3,,,_5m - Lesb s and Gays (P-FLAG) 577301371“ F d 7 9 American CW" Liberties U|1|0'l(AC|-.Ul Vermc nt GLBT Pride ’98 Committee ’ ‘ 5W9bo'”A'ea' J’ Cram‘ 409 --z‘-To grilllsliinn lilo lsl ; . - “O E $7378 51 _ Mompelierv-7 ~ » » _ . Hillslnds - Brattleboro VT 05301 - ' 9“ 9 9 9‘ ; Soé . 2.23 63'“ ‘ IIMQ I _ POB 5113 - Burlington VT 05402- ‘ 257.5409 7 _ Wednesday ol every month, 7-9pm.‘ 05 _ ‘ a° 3° -°°"‘ 5113 - 865-3734 or 658-1602 ce,,,,,,, V; New conm TBA ‘Women's group. 2nd and 4th - http./lmembers.aol.corriIacluvt/ T d 07 eve month 7_9 m PROFESSIONAL ‘3rd Sundays, 1pm, 2nd Fl. Chapel, “'35 3Y5 ‘Y - P - home.html , - - - - . . IL I A . 7. in) cnurcn Montpehef Prism, at Brattleboro Union High School Gay/LESbIai'ci/IoBii3s|»ec4(i‘.7i7i;0deag: Krasigfiigtg EAGLE (IBM empyoyees) (schoo) 5(_ en(,ance)_ Andrea Carlson at Youth Services . 3 . _ I 769 4835 (rriaschatz@us.ibm.com) or late 0/tam/7/a/n. Lil Venner - 23 257935‘ °' V39’ B'"e‘ 3‘ "‘9 “I9” . 875, Burlington 05402 8632517 Jim Leavens (802) 769 4413 . _ Birchwood Lane _ Burlington VT School‘ 257 03571 'V°"“'-' "l H“"‘a" R'9l“5 c°'l"“'5s'°" J|eavins@us.ibm.com - 05401 - 863-4285 Youth Aware of Addison County 1.33 Slate“ ' M°“lPe"e' VT 0-5533‘ httpj/pdcarey.pok.ibm.com/EAGLE ‘Meets 2nd Sundays. 2-4pm First -c/0 POB 646 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 5301 ' 9339430 /eag|e_n(m| Methodist Church, Burlington (use the (300) 452-2428 (Outright VT) MED/A Ga IL biari/Straight Educators Network ,- _. BUG" 31 Slleel '9Ve| 8nl'anC9l- . ‘ Meets 1st Tuesdays, 7pm, Ilsley ,. {G|_sE ) . , 1 1 r14l’3”C/’¢’5/9/4484?..M§9.3DdlJ§Y.. do : 11".. 8:. Fr .. Libr‘ary\MeetlngiRo0m,Ml£f€1leburyt§: H93’ ‘/5 01” - POB 930 -Amherst MA 01004-0935. 2 gl5°';‘;W ;F’§>E4%2 .‘-,"(la.,'.“ill*.’tStei,.‘l;I'.. _.; . .; net 2ndFi;idays,.tZ:30pttLGoll'eel1ou -_ PB -B lb vT05a02- . _ i _# , . ._ - ., ' 8 0 .3. efatlge 5'53. i, at .1, re A s. .4 Sr . ta .3- VT--B93 B9X30ii.. Esuliisvt. .2: -. i..c.=m 81:5; 7.7 377- 91f?;a]l§éz¥ig‘3'e={5‘.:7~(-:r:(;.7;%«éE7'$*¢t~B:uatsiVIi . semi-we