. ‘BY IREN _SMoLARs1‘ . \ IV; . 3 He admits to having behaved unpleasantly last year, and offers to make it up to you by inviting you to the reopening of his Outremont bistro. Apparently the Mounties SO you are have let Etienne out of prison. moping at home after an argument with Doug about moving in together. when, a voice you hadn't expected to hear surprises you. £e viffage WHAT Do '1: Km? ABOVTTflA'|'5°K o:‘rHIN6., I D_D __ LIKE E'I’NAN.TN°- :3: Jteomte’ °“—77.t She and he certainly are conspiratorial. Its nicerthat you couldn't care lesswhat about, anymore... mo He AGVEETOLQT You s1'A'Y wrm HIM? Leeza, his faghag, is all-of-a- sudden your best pal. She says she's going to be in “your neck- of the woods next month". You're a little drunk, and offer to put her up when she comes. 4 The opening is nice. _ Marvelous food. musicians, painters. people with day jobs who ‘M/rite". A guy on the balcony talking up separation. You,aren’t sleeping with him. You're not even attracted to him anymore, which allows you to relax and enjoy his company.