David Curtis Named Chair of Democratic Party The new chairman of Vermont's Democratic Party is preaching a theme of including people of all ideologies and beliefs in the political process. David Curtis, an openly gay lawyer from Burlington, was elected by the state Demo- cratic committee in early No- Vember. He told the state commit- tee that the party ”must make sure that all Democrats, con- servatives, liberals, and progressives are truly wel- come. ”If we are not the party of inclusion,” Curtis added, ”we will suffer the conse- quences at the polls.” A former state defender general under former Gov. Madeleine Kunin, Curtis is currently chairman of the board of the Vermont Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. He also has been active with Vermont CARES. Curtis says his primary goals as chairman would be getting more women into elec- tive office and getting the party out of debt. ”I just feel the need to encourage women to get out there and run for election and support them so there is equal- ity in purpose and in fact,” Curtis said. SIIPPIJBT YOUR COMMUNITY PAPER! OITM is a non—profit organization dependent upon your ads, donations, and subscriptions. ’ Please call or write us at: 802-865-9294 or oitm@together.net POB 177, Burlington, VT 05402-0177 Cemetery Murders continued from page fourteen OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1997 — 21 '\ Q Q I,‘ buridi of other 1 9! \X'c’rc uicbmuag tire. _ -gelazoc H300 C at gun tr cktot c -- '%n|e Vtirumc ' lane: a _ Compact Disc! . ‘ dimensional. Darcy, the main character through whose eyes the book is written, has the hots for the Ice Queen. I wish she's gotten over it. Darcy, a PI, is a much better detective than Lindstrom. She has compassion, a trait woven into the scenes and not merely pasted on the surface. And, she gets into trouble, she won't let anyone tell her what to do. I like her, even if she is stupid about her feelings for the Ice Queen. Darcy tells us about the mystery as it unfold before her. She does her best to separate the emotionally from the professional when she takes a case for a friend, Ann, the upper-crust straight friend, needs help finding her missing aunt. When the aunt (Aunt M; cute, huh?) is found mur- dered, Ann needs Darcy's aid even more. Darcy struggles to eliminate Ann as a suspect, being that she is an heir to her aunt's fortune. She feels that Aunt M's murder relates to the murders of elderly homeless women, but she doesn't believe in the guilt of the suspect Lindstrom has ar- rested. Who will solve the case first, Lindstrom or Darcy? This mystery is pretty good, as mysteries go, but it is incomplete. It is interesting that it The Rainbow Business Associaiton (RBA) elected a new board recently. They include: Doug Clarke, Lois Farnhanz, Kathie Sawyer, joy Grififith, Robert Simpson, Sarah Harrington, and Donna Freeman. took two authors to create only one believable character. The name, Jean Marcy is a combined pen name. The authors should try again. Next time please find more depth and breadth to lend to the mystery. Doing this will also serve to create more complete, human characters. Dykcs Tow:-arch Out for byA.1ison Bechdzl so we Pomuurv or-ms (ASSN! nu: HUHING MO0 HAY AW WU (AN GET SOME SANWKIHE5 OVER AT THAT DELI. cumrsdou mmrssoro ea oPrN»MND£D. It's NOT‘ "nurr FAKAwAy,ANp ms sensor, :5 urwr A CUT: LITILE B07’! BDWNST womrrox RNZDNE NEW. _'— I HAVEN'T S£EN YOU we BEFORE. . THAT'S THE FIKST CON- VIDICNG ARGUHENT WWVF MADL YOU DIDN'T um’: obnouj rs xx) NEED TO err our Mons. muse ma. MY 3): rs curve ME. or. rm sum, so In sonesovw mvmr?! Vov‘vE new IMIALNG ‘RD Mum 1:/sot. mmtessl were A MAN»; smci HE'S orwuousw ""“'°“"""\"’4i‘:'""‘“v”n.A.‘ A