Angels, AIDS, and ‘ REVIEWED BY DEAN PRATT — — — — — — — — — — — — The University of Ver- mont Theatre Department re- cently presently the 1993 Pulitzer Prize masterpiece ”Angels in America, Part 1: Millennium Approaches” by Tony Kushner — a play that deals with AIDS, HIV, and ho- mosexuality. Set in the ”darkest days of AIDS”, this play shows the ignorance of AIDS (”only ho- mosexuals and needle pushers get AIDS”) in the early 80's. Taking situations from a variety of different ways of life (a Morman couple struggling with the husband's latent ho- mosexuality, two gay lovers, and a hard, foul-mouth promi- nent business man, to name a few), Kushner tries to show Legendary lesbian folk singer Suede performed at a benefit for Vermont CARES and Outright VT at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Burlington on November 15th, 1997. ...,. photo Mri-Bet e ucia aSUNDAY MOBY CONCERT, Juno Reactor, Guest DJs, $8, All Ages, Club Toast “Time Heals: Growing Older in a Gay Community," Gay/Bi Men’s Discussion Group, 5 pm, Brattleboro Area AIDS Project meeting room, 67 Main St4th Fl. FMI Joseph Kress (802) 254-3438 Eating with grace, holiday workshops for women. 1-5 pm, Burlington. $45. FMI call Theresa Bacon, 985-4045. Annual Tacky Christmas Party and Yankeeiswap sponsored by the Women of the Woods. Williamstown, VT, FMI: 802-433-5990. how everyone is affected by AIDS, not just the stereotypi- cal individual. This play is a great pro- duction for a college to present as the highest number of AIDS cases are occurring in the 18- 25 year old age range. Hope- fully, the audience, as well as the cast, was moved and changed some of their minds about this epidemic. Kermit Brown, the only professional actor in the cast, started off very slow, but gradually got better as the play . went on. I was expecting MUCH more from Brown, con- sidering his theatrical back- ground and training. Morgan Foxworth and Greg Steen gave near profes- photo Mari-Beth Delucia Samadhi Singers, under the direction of Rev. Christine Leslie, performed at VCLGR’s ’’Our Town Meeting" in Rutland on November 8, 1997. Q MON DAY Brattleboro-area Gay/Bi Men’s Pot- luck, 7 pm, at Louis Bazzano’s, 144 Elliot St, Brattleboro. FMI Louis (802) 254-0067 GLITTER film night, "l’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing,” 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Rhombus Gallery, College & Church Sts. in Burlington, 2nd floor. FMI call Steven Kopstein at 802-434-5653 or email: gTU ES DAY Fabulous Thunderbirds at Club Met- ronome, Burlington, 7 pm. FMI 802- 865-4563. Take 6, a special Christmas Concert, at the Flynn Theatre in Burlington, 7:30 pm. $23.50, $18.50. $12. FMI sional performances as the gay lovers. Foxworth was able to add humor to his character without making it look over- acted while Steen’s emotional rollercoaster dealing with the stress accompanying his lover having AIDS was well estab- lished and executed. Ashley Warlick as Harper Pitt, the nervous, pill- popping Morman wife, ex- ecuted her role with style and grace. All too many actors overact nervousness or being scared to the point of ridicu- lousness. Warlick shone bril-- liantly and will go far in the- atre. The only problem with her performance was that she rushed some of her lines and didn't annunciate her words clearly, causing the audience to have a hard time understand- ing her past the first few rows. The rest of the cast gave fine performances especially Ruth Wallman, a Lyric vet- eran, who played a number of roles ranging from a Jewish Rabbi to a concerned mother. Director Peter Tkatch could have done a much better job interpreting the script, digging down to its roots and real meaning, but failed. The set was TOO simple and didn't add anything to the show. The major annoyance throughout was the stage hands moving the props" around under blue lights. It broke up the continuity of the show and added almost a half hour to the length of the show. Scenes should flow smoothly and quietly; neither occurred. For a college production, it was done relatively well. For an UVM production, with ties to Vermont Stage Company, the resident professional the- atre company, it lacked the fi- nesse it could and should have had. call 802-863-5966. 9, 10,11,13: “So this you call ‘A Christmas Carol’?” one-man comedy by Pickles Reese, 8 pm (Dec. 13: 3 pm), The Lost Nation Theatre, 128 Elm Street, Montpelier. $9; $7 senior; $6 each for group of ten or more. FMI 802-229-0492. @ WEDNESDAY “Hesperus: A Crossover Christmas" a concert of holiday music from around the world. 8pm, UVM Recital Hall, $15. 656-3085 Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise at Club Metronome, 9 pm, Burlington. ' FMI 802-865-4563. Rainbow Business Associations Gala Holiday Party (Everyone Invited), - Radisson Hotel, 6:30 PM, Hors 999 THE BUZZ PRESENTS OBY JUNO REACTO SUPER LIGHT SHOW GUEST DJ'S SUN , DEC 7 $8 TIX ALL AGES OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1997 — 15 TOAST ‘WWTIIWIIIII NEW GROUP TH EATRE OF VERMONT D RA IVIAT I C I M I’ R0 V IS AT l O N ' Lab-type work to learn krbniqriesfir rielaxation, concemratibri and deutlopmmr qf imagination via exerciser. ' imprauisatianx. scam and monologues. ' - Learn no develop tharacm-i.m'cs which lie outside the personal aqmiertce by perjénning t/mracter: I060 are not 010:: to oncrtf Experienced and non-experienced actors welcome. Enter anytimc, classes ongoing. Workshop conducted in Burlington. Info: 1-888-542-5207 0 877-3646 REAL MEN deourves, Door Prize, $10. RSVP Kathie: 879-4527 “THURSDAY C. UMass Amherst, Christian McEwen presents a lecture on “A Celebration of Tomboys,” 12:30 pm in Campus Center 803. FMI call 413-545-4824. 11,12,14: The Sisters LeMay present “A Beaver Pond Christmas" at 9 pm (8pm on Sunday) at 135 Pearl.Admis- sion is freeifor Thursday show, with a $5 charge for the other two perfor- mances. \ FRIDAY “Positively Well: Living with HIV as a Chronic, Manageable, Survivable Disease,” 9:30 am - 3:30 pm at the Capitol Plaza Conference \ _ . a GA)’ CHAT LINE SIZZLING LOCKER ROOM ACTION JOIN IN on JUST EAVESDROP PHONE sex FOR THE GAY 90's 1-900-745-3306 Mon! ACTION :1 1-900-745-2845 \”/-/T§‘“*‘§/**<-~A"""_-“"*-\ LIFESTYL ES DflTE'LIIVE All LIFESTYLES - LOCAL AND NATIONWIDE I-900-745-3710 $2.49/MIN . VISIT us AT WWW.XAPEX.NET . ‘I84-YRS -fig REAL #5 Center in Montpelier. Registration, including lunch, is $25 for providers, $10 for people with HIV (scholarships available). FMI, please call Marguer- ite at the Project, (802) 254-8263, the Vermont PWA Coalition, 1-800-698-8792, or Rachel Lurie at the VT Dept of Health AIDS Program, 1-800-244-7639. SATU RDAY _Amelia’s Holiday Potluck at Marie's, 6 PM, 802-785-4606. @SUNDAY Rainbow Cattle Company Toys forTots benefit Christmas Show, 9 pm, Rte 5 Dummerston. FMI Bill 254-9830 CALENDAR GIJIIITIIIIIIES :17 an