0 Anne Landers: just one ”how we met” letter written by a queer couple. 9 The Burlington Women's Council: E'rie'nJsh.ip rings. -. 21 .:.-r‘., \ !;l;.\,.t , V; ..._) t. ‘_ . . P\lC,lCy’ l/‘~./735 .7 bridge): ibid. 0 WIZN: non-homophobic re- placements for Corm and the Coach. ' U.S. Senator Rat Leahy (D- Vermont): a lifetime of guilt over his anti-gay DOMA vote. 0 Co-liaisons uptight about this list: a dish of prunes. 0 IDX Employees: domestic partner benefits. 0 Men's Night at 135 Pearl: men. 0 Ellen Degeneres: Cherrie Tartt’s wardrobe. 0 Attorney General Bill Sorellz courage. 0 VCLGR: Board members who serve for more than one year. 0 Vermont Agricultural Commisioner Leon Graves: the blessing of queer children. 0 Peter Kurth: chiropractic ad- justments. I hear he has a crick in his neck. 0 The Promise Creepers: an- other Million-Moron March. This time off a cliff. - The 1998 Pride Pig Dance: a new advertising agency. 0 Beth Robinson: a televised gay marriage debate with Nancy Sheltra. 0 Noel: success with her new CD. ° State Auditor Ed Flanagan: another leather dog collar. 0 The Vermont chapter of the gay republican Log Cabin Club: a member. ° Outright Vermont: the rec- ognition they deserve. ' Peggy Luhrs: dinner with Peter Freyne. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1997 — 13 5.93 3"». 1 6% . take my ;».av:c;e; _ t P 0 Yolanda: even bigger eye lashes (if that's possible). 0 VCLGR members: an annual Town Meeting in Chittenden County. 0 Chris Moes: an OITM pen- sion and nine inches ...... ..of snow. 0 U.S. Senator James Jeffords (R—Vermont): an understand- ing of the linkage between em- ployment discrimination and gay marriage. 0 Governor Howard Dean: a position on gay marriage. 0 VGSA members: an audit. What does that $15 go for? 0 Vermont CARES: an annual dinner keynote speaker— Prin- cess Diana canceled. 0 Bill Lippert (D—Hinesburg): Curbside Gift list by Paul lllsen election to Speaker of the House. ° U.S. Representative Bernie Sanders (i—Vermont): a fashion inalceover from the house of Yo I {1 H Li 9.. ' .;;‘. Z7 .r*,. Cal:-‘V i ;'.?:\ .l 1 il:i:‘~ titm V}: l'i'1E'i1ll’lli‘.L‘i"‘:l in more than just the dollar. = Blairs Bar: a subscription to House Beautiful. 0 Amber and Marguerite LeMay: Cherrie Tartt’s agent. Cherrie Tartt: a Suzanne Sommers Thighmaster. 0 Vermont Representative Steve Howard (R-Rutland Town): even more optimism about his race for Secretary of State. 0 UVM,Theater Department: Angels In America Part II: . Perestroikae 0 Radical Faeries: a micro- wave oven for their new home. 0 Pearls: a straight employees alliance. 0 Vermont's queer commu- nity: The ability to laugh at ourselves. 0 (Paul Olsen: lots of letters over this! —ed.) Spend NewAYear % Eve wit us... ya Vermont Gay Social Alternatives is planning a spectacular evening of dinner and dancing in the Ememltl Bailrecm: at the m.:»:‘sr2z&er tic Vermont Gay fietséafi Altertaa»~ tives lit .5 fit‘ ,t?."‘:{< aifkf $40.1i?f. Xijfljjjjjm Q VGSA New Year's Event 9 Order tickets now! Send this coupon with check to: VGSA, PO Box 237 , Burlington, VT 05402-0237 I Nameo): ’ xv, ., :.»v:.«. 3 ,« Address: ‘if’ 3 -5 it t 6*" 5L ‘t: 3.’? *5 ‘é . , ,- ., 1 . ,( H ,4 _ ~ ‘ " > v in 3 7 W . . Phone: 1* e-mail: 3 Y P Please send me tickets for New Year’s Eve. Only one $40 ticket can be purchased per paid membership. Ifordering more than one member—priced ticket, please include the names of each member. —— @ $45 --—- @ $40 Total # Tickets Not a Member? Why not join now ($15) and save $5 on your New Year’: Eve ticket? __ Yes. l’Il join VGSA! Total Enclosed: No tickets sold after December 2 7th fittttnt/tefl//otuetam, /wuewler/iedifw éwwéoww/4 ©1997 av Recent’ Kuz3Y,1w«r's WHO NATHAN AND Daews T094110 LIASON B€FoRE WE ‘ GET STARTED, « You GOT EVERYTHING we MIGHT‘ NEED ? 1'. COULD SNEAK OVER To MY Room FOIL ANY... QONDOMS, OR wHAT- EVER... HEREE Hl. ~ You'RE NOT some ANY- VQHERE -' I'VE c«.~o‘r EVERY- THu~16 You NEED R|6HT ,-FORTHISI NA’ _ To Do THINGS MY wAY THl$Tl'“\€.YOU'LL L\\ A Laue TIME .$HH..‘I MEANT wHAT ISAID. I'M Rummwe ‘THE St-tow HERE . THAN ..wE GET e ,9 new, I wHA'revet_k You SAY’... c_>£5!—:ou,c.m_ hIlp:l/www.visi.com/~opn:iric/