10 — OUT IN THE NLOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER Natural if Ideas AT THE ONION RIVER CO-OI’. The Onion River Co-op has supplies for making a wide variety of natural gifts from Iip solves to bath oils. Here's a sample: Lavender Hand Cream 2 tsp grated beeswax 3 tsp Shea butter I tsp cocoa butter 2 tsp avocado oil 2 tsp vegetable glycerin )2 tsp liquid lecithin 800 |.U. vitamin E 2 drops lavender essential oil I drop rosemary essential oil Melt the beeswax, butters & oil together in a double boiler. Remove from heat when melted. Add lecithin & vitamin E. Add glycerin, stirring with a whisk as you pour. When the mixture is cool and almost set, add the essential oils. Store in a wide-mouthjar. Other holiday gifts include gourmet teas and _ coffees, fancy chocolates, cookbooks, and Q‘ p lots more! A commrrnity-owned natural foods rnarket CELEBRATING 25 YEARS 274 North Winooski Avenue. Burlington 863-3659 Mon-Sat. 9:308:00 - " v . ‘ ivaldi ' F I. 0 W E R S /[J /Ill“/IrM3I!.| Lori I‘). Dew: Drx1'pri(‘lc‘-r Tlowcrs for all rtvccasicrna‘, V/C wclconrc your bii.sirie~'.»: 802-853-2300 ' Fax 302-658-2I9| 350 Dorset Strcct ° South Burlington,Vcrmont 05403 "‘ "“"’ THREE OLD BATS 22:5 5*‘ Aniiqucs,C0lIcclll)lc5& Usclul Things love “Desert/es at 207 FLYNN AVENUE A one BURLINGTON, VT of“ 802-860-1488 (Kinb * Bv Tll[ TRACKS $ gift Hours: Tues—Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, Closed Monday Extended hours from Thanksgiving to Christmas: open ‘til 9 on Friday Wooly Yarn Locally __:5rmi/11 EII1Cl])I'OCltICcCl ORGANIC woalyarn, pelts, ,»jar11u.-rzts, meat Nancy Low \\'/only Hill Farm RD] Box 366 l3ri