e have just read the letters in the Octo ber issue regarding the ongo- ing debate within the Burlington Women’s Council. We have attended only one meeting of the council: the now infamous one in July 1997. We have no personal experi- ence of whether Jennifer Matthews is homophobic or not and therefore are unable to comment on that issue. However, it is unfortu- nate that that issue has seem- ingly overshadowed what we see as the major flaw in Jennifer's leadership style: she makes unilateral decisions without communicating with or consulting the Council as a whole. That was the major is- sue in July and should be the major issue now. When Jenni- fer hears that a large number of Council members object to her leadership decisions, she should be strong enough to address the issues with them and consider a possible change in style that better serves her ego. Even more unfortunate is that Peggy Luhrs’ direct and honest reactions to hurtful re- marks and insinuations about her, personally and profession- ally, have backfired to make Jennifer appear to be the vic- BINET Binet is looking to form a contingent that will go down to the 5th Interna- tional Bisexual Conference will con- vene April 3 - 5, 1998 in Boston, This conference features work- shops, speakers, panels, a dance, and the chance to meet bi people from several countries. Sponsored by the Harvard "Lesbian, Bisexual Friday through Sunday afternoon and is open to all bi and bi-friendly people. Conference facilities are close to the subway, and ‘wheel chair accessible. The conference language is English, with some ses- sions in Spanish. For additional in- formation call (617)424-9595, email info@blconf.org, or visit the |BC5 web site at: http://www.biconf.org. Or locally check under the Binet list- ing in the source. HIV DATING This from -the web, a HIV positive computer dating service: “Dating in the 90s is difficult enough, add being I.-IIV POSITIVE into the equation and dating becomes even harder. Meeting people with com- mon goals and needs is a difficult INC. has just made it a little bit easier Fresh Start Inc. is proud to announce the establishment of the first ever ON—LlNE computer dating service directly geared for men and and Gay Graduate Students, it runs ‘ game. However, FRESH START . tim. (This is the common reac- tion of our culture to strong, outspoken, passionate women.) And it has certainly taken the heat off Jennifer and the issues that are really at the core of the continued positive progress of the Women's Council. ' And, for all the outpour- ing of support for Jennifer, let us not forget that the 10 years Peggy spent being a strong, outspoken, and passionate leader laid the foundation for the Council's very existence. Peggy has every right to voice strong opinions and question the workings of the Council, and every right to expect re- spect from those who have fol- lowed her. ‘ Sincerely, Autumn Venezia Alison Hilber I recently finished reading the latest issue of OITM — and I was extremely impressed at how the newspaper has grown in the last year and a half. I was initially struck by OlTM's new look, making the newspaper much more eye- catching and inviting. Then, as I opened up its pages, I found a smart and sensible layout women infected with the HIV VIRUS. We at FRESH START DATING SER- VICE are aware of the needs for HIV POSITIVE men and women to reach out to one another for LOVE, COM- PANIONSHIP, and SUPPORT. Here we give people the opportunity to meet others with similar needs and interests. For more information please check out our web site at www.webspinner.net/ fresh-start, and contact Joshua Albucker, president of Fresh Start Inc. for a phone interview at (608—) 259- 9972.” h 1998 PRIDE DAY Vermont's GLBT Pride Day '98 takes place in Burlington on Saturday, June 20, but NOW is the time for individu- als, organizations, groups of friends and businesses to start making plans! New things will be happening this year - most notably the afternoon Festival will take place on Burlington’s beauti- ful waterfront. This change of venue is necessary to accommodate our growing numbers and to avoid conflicts with recent city ordinances that pro- hibit events such as ours at Battery Park. However, with the change in venue more funds need to be raised. It will cost us $1,000 just to get a per- mit to hold our events at the waterfront. It will take another $1,000 to erect a stage, rent tents, provide sound and light systems and meet other require- ments. with more news coverage than ever. Particularly, your cover- age on the Vermont same-gen- der marriage case was the most complete I have seen — cover- ing the issue from various perspectives, including your on—going series interviewing the plaintiffs. Every time the editor of OITM makes the decision to move on, an entire communtiy wonders — and worries — whether their newspaper will survive a transition, or even find someone new to take over the editorial reigns. Luckily, this time OITM has found an editor that will , not only sustain the newspa- per, but has obviously as- ’ sembled a team to make it big- ger and better than ever. Keep up the good work. Fred Kuhr Staff Reporter Bay Windows Boston, MA (Fred was editor of OITM from 1994-1996.) ° Letters to the editor can be sent via email: ‘ 0itm@togetIzer. net or snail mail: PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402-0177 Vermont... While the Pride Committee is mak- ing sure that all permits are secured and the basic needs are met, it is up to YOU and your friends, organi- zations and businesses to see that this is the best Pride celebration ever. And you can do that by com- mitting yourself to work on a com- mittee, by organizing a Pride-related event, by getting a group together to create a float, by buying an ad in the Pride Guide, and/or by writing a check. For anyone interested in working with the Pride Committee, there will be a MAJOR meeting on a Sunday, in January, call Bob Bolyard (802) 865-3734 for more information. Ev- ery group or organization should consider sending a representative to this meeting. This is a great time to come and make suggestions, ask _ questions, or just to get involved in the process. For more information: Bob Bolyard (802) 865-3734 Cheryl Carmi (802) 860-7527 Peter Cimino (802) 864-9960 Tracy Komons (802) 864-3455 Craig Stevens (802) 658-1602 PO Box 5113, Burlington,VT 05402- 5113 vtpride97@pwsolutions.com , ,... I ... .._ ‘In. .~,--- ‘.'.“‘”'.t'.I'.4I‘) ,’_.'t», 4;’ -M.’ .r,.,.“.;:.-t. _V_‘V_( N _ "‘ ‘~_ V“ _“ V n‘a':-‘ob*‘«5.'~;'a as.-.»‘:i*..<.'v'.~.*‘:-.?;.‘4.".-.'.s.'et'a'myn-a‘a‘2.”:§*t§i:.t<:.ie;hz:'?;.s’c.'5‘t."o*:a'.t?o'¢"éti}tI‘tée.'92..:m..a'a'e'a'e:a':ram:agar.-,.ae.,z.:i-aw; -2--1-W=’5-"I'e"» 4'-4%-’-“*‘»‘e’>‘*-.“*a"~-~ - - » ~. . OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1997 - 3 ———— “lettersmm (802) 878-0095 OFFICE (802) 862-1375 HOME OFFICE (800) 488-5609 TOLL FREE JACQUELINE MARINO nEA'i..':'<>e«'* WW v’i{«—fi BANK‘-2‘-R In i.§:-.!*.=.l COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 288 WELLISTON ROAD WIt.l,lSTON. 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MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY & VVOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I5 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 AREA Coins: 802 Tacsrmonz. 388-6356 HOME Ewan: 577-3165 FA)( 0: 3836149 Bunuusrou OFFICE ‘275 Course: srnasw Buauraarou. Vemaowr 05402 802-864-O2 5 7 ".6."'?"r\"'.'~{"l~.'A‘ r‘