Boston Pride Show '97 services trom nearly one un e local and nationa bined with a tull sc tood all in a festive, triendly environment. Entertainment! pertormances 0 guest appearances 0 and more! Advance tickets are on sale now I Order our tickets today by Box 0 'ce Tickets, at 301-738-8101. An all-new, weekend-lon , 21+ social event teaturingoproducts and _ _ I usinesses com- edule ot entertainment, special events and great 0 AIDS Action Committee's Holiday Auction 0 Disco Sunday 0 tashion shows 0 book signings 0 live music 0 product demonstrations 0 dance r just $8.50 per day or $15.00 for the entire weekend. filling out this form with your credit card information and faxing it to - Saturday Novemloe 22ml and Sunday November 23rd - Cyclorama at the Boston Center for the Arts ence ngl_ancI’s Gay and lesbian Marke ew Ira Motor Group "We Want To Earn Your Business!” Expiration date 20 or more. For more information, please call 617-450-9470. Boston Pride Show '97 is not affiliated with The Boston Pride Committee, Inc. & its events. I I EIEICICICIEIEICICICIEICICICICICI l NAME Account Number ADDRESS I D VISA D MasterCard :‘fiCket5 @ $350 ea_ $ E/Z I _tickets @ $15. ea. s °'"’3T"T ‘P I Order total: $ PHONE (DAY) N Tickets will be available at the door for $9.75 per day and $17.00 for the weekend. Discount tickets are available for groups of _______________..________....| (EVENING) lace! Don't wait! Ioin thousands of gays and lesbians from across New England at this exciting event. For information, entertainment updates or if you would like to receive our Exhibitor Package, visit our web site at bostonprideshowcom or call 617-450-9470. Sponsored by THE SHARED HEART Afinning Iwugrr I/1.651401. Gt} anlfiixaaal Mun; H911 Mug Win, @FE1'<:"i7v‘K"y MM llll Htflllt I mum WAINWRIGHT COPUEY Show7 OUT IN THE MouNTAiNs — NOVEMBER 1997 — 23 Iunlotz Iheluhno Annaellhl Shubdcuxmnmblfiuuuldwwhicin (;-R A 1* u l'(S.\lllH ‘ ASSOCIATES lll Boston MVHVP Whats T in November (5 l‘lll\'llll)lll!l‘ in Bl}lll.llll'i'l'lll~l. Su-l-ul-u llllll lliuui-liu in Our Rulultiuilsliips, A l-urum on Slum! Sex l}llllll‘..S'l'.l(} l'iuluu;u. '/PM ul: lillll'l'.lliS /iuiliuuiuin. Gilzu Hull. 8 l‘ll)l'l‘.llllll?l‘ in Rll'l’l.l\lll). ()ur 'l‘uiu) l’lll(!'l'.lll(J. l'(}l.(~ill'.siiiu)iii1l uuuér Cl)l)‘l'l‘l‘l‘.lll}l‘. ii:i’illl\l’l-il:i'illl)l’l ul: llui .kul:luurl High Sulmul. I3 l‘lll\'(‘lllll(‘l‘ in llllll'l'l’l-[l.ll-IR. Mu; u-ll l/l(lll'l‘.]ll‘lTi‘l‘ ili.s<;ils.silii) group. 'l'uuu:. liuu Svx Stimuli. (i.Ellll’ll ul: ‘lillll Klrlluuu—lluliliuul lilu"i1i‘_u.‘iiuiluu Room. l'/ l‘l(ll‘l‘Illlll‘l‘ in l\’ll'l'l.l\l‘lll. lluu Uliul: Ruum uiul .Slll;l(ll lluur. (5.2-llll’ll in iilll? Rultluuu ltué Fox Run». . I8 llll\'l‘ll)ll(ll‘ in lllllll.llll~i'l‘llll. “l.i\=iuu l’1‘oul~" un (‘.Xl)l‘l‘.lll[j lillu ill] uml ulmul: people li\~'iuu llll’_ l~'ulli)\~/ul bu u \'Ii’l'.l) clllhll llulilis. iliruultili" oi the \'ermunl: lll?])lll‘l'.ll)(lll‘l‘. oi lllllIl'l‘.ll AIDS l’ru_umm. '/PM ul: LC 'l'lu=ul:u> in liillinus llull. lllll\'(ll‘.Sl'l'.lj 0-l’ lmiioiil; ll) lllll\'l‘lllll(ll‘ in ()lllll‘l_Slll‘l. liuu l'luis lll.3Cll.SSl0ll Group. (lull 800 (ill) 2’i3'/ l-or llJ(?(l'l2l0ll uml iluluils. ?.ll l\lm=unluu* in ST. iilllllilfilllllli’. lien oi" lzlur liinguom l.ll.%(IllS.Sl0ll group. (5.30 ul: Gululimiu llome lleullzll. 7.0 lllnvuulior in l3lllll.llll~i'l‘llll. Mill’ llorli l’iulill/ l\lL‘\‘!Slll‘l:'l'.0l" Sl:ul-iiiig. (5-8PM ul. llei‘ii)oi>l: CARES (J-l-luv. 30 lilmwuoil l\venuo. luv Pi/.zu. - ‘ Fur lllllil‘. in llll'l'illlll ur ii uuu lmiu i[ll(¥Sl'llll)5 uhuul: uuu imsiix l)i‘.(lll‘ll ur llll’/l\lllS cull Wll’ (ii 800 (ill) 7.llIl'l. The” Vermont. . CARES ‘ it HEALTH_ PROJECT _‘viril|;,:"i be} 3 V offering VI-VI_E::PATiITIS B VACCINES to ‘.653’; and‘ Bisexual Men at cost starting an 1 December. MVHVP lv\vllvP the rates of,Hepatitis 1 i;l_faive.i - {slowed tremendously. . Montreal is fciirre‘ritlyij “seeing an up swingiin ,the’ number of Hep B.'iifcasesi’~ in the gay community. Hep B is preventable with a vaccine %!Ii=.P31' ii . aatgsesi inflam-A ‘tiori~sE‘iiio,‘£‘%?*J?=:tl’|e .; liver. . is.l‘tr‘:iiinsmitted 80()V(>‘l9V2‘i37 Itsl you ,7 want more MvHv_P E Information about HEP’ B or other sTDs or would llke to, get vaccinated can MHP at aoo 649 '1 2437. Your Gay, Men's Health Project Working toryou. 4 1 P’ 7 . _