@sA+URDAY Annual Women’s Arts & Crafts Fair to benefit the Women’s Crisis Center of Windham County will take place at the Brattleboro Union High School/Middle School Cafeteria on Atwood Street. 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is $1 for adults. Handicap accessible. FMI call Susan Coles at 802-258-6000. MSUNDAY Butterfly Kiss, at the Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College. 6:45 PM, FMI: 603-646-2576. M MON DAY Gay And Lesbian interest Film - - Last Call at Maude’s - A documentary of Maud’s, which until its closing in September 1989, was the longest- lasting lesbian-owned lesbian bar in the world. The history of Maud’s parallels the evolving herstory of the lesbian community and the gay rights movement overall. The bar was witness to and staging ground for all sorts of cultural changes. 7:45-10:00 PM. The Rhombus Gal- lery , College & Church Sts., Burlington. 652- 1103.FMl Contact Steven Kopstein at 802-434- 5653 or email:GL|TTERvt@aol.com. Gay chat room and social hour in Rutland 6:30 at the Rutland Free Library Fox room. ®TU ES DAY “Living Proof” Film by and about people living with HIV. Followed by a discussion with Josh Noble. Director of the VT Dept of hea|thAlDS program. &pm at CC theater in Billings Hall, University of VT. @WEDNESDAY Gay mens discussion Group in Johnson,. Call. 800 649 2437 for location and details Chin H0! at Club Toast Lower Church ST. Burlington. Gay Guy Get together “Mommie Dearest” at Michael Gigante’s, 15 Myrtle St. Brattleboro, 7- 9 pm. The Gay/Bisexual Men’s Movie Night fea- tures one of the campiest of camp classics, the over-the-top Hollywood-ization of the story of Joan & Christine Crawford . . . No, really, it was meant to be a serious drama. For more infor- mation, call Michael Gigante (802) 254-8032.‘ ‘‘I’m not mad at you - rm mad at the dirt!" U RSDAY Everett Dance Theatre, iBody of Work,i at the Flynn in Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $18/$14. FMI call (802)863-5966 - Men of the Kingdon discussion group in St. Johnsbury.. 6:30 at Caledonia Home Health. Lecture. iOpening Another Closet: Looking at Issues of Class in the GLBT Community,i by Lee Badgett at UMass Amherst. 12:30 p.m. FMI call (413) 545-4824. Burlington MHP work party, Newsletter stuffing. 6-8 pm at VT CARES office, 30 Elmwood Ave. Free Pizza. @FRlDAY ‘ Musica Propria, All Vivaldi program. Jack Vossel|erAustin, Director. Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Tickets $10/$8 for students. Jill Sobule performs at the Metronome at 7 p.m. Tickets $8/$10. continued The Bulgarian Voices iAngelitei with the Throa_t_ Singers of Tuva and Sergey Starostin will per- form at the Flynnin Burlington at 8 p.m. Tickets $26.50/$21.50, children & students save $5. 21-22: Tribute to James Dean, stage adapta- tion of iEast of Edeni by Champlain College Players. 8p.m. FMI call (802)860-2707. SATU RDAY Gay Guy Get together. Bellows Falls Movie Night at Marty McDonald’s, 1 Pleasant Street, Bellows Falls. 7:00 pm. The feature is “Paper Moon,” the 1973 Academy-award winning comedy star- ring Ryan & Tatum O’Neal as father-daughter con artists scamming their way through the Depression-era Midwest. Also stars Madeleine Kahn as Trixie Delight. . . Questions? Marty (802) 463-4606 or Carey (802) 254-4444. TUESDAY ® The AIDS Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont will observe a World AIDS Day Heal- ing Service and Eucharist at St. Paul’s Episco- pal Church in White River Junction at 7 pm. FMI Rev. Robert DeWolfe 748-2121 vv E D N ES DAY 26-30: The Highlands Inn Thanksgiving feast in New Hampshire. FMI call (603) 869-3978. t3 TURKEY DAY! *3 SAM. will be hosting a "open house” from 1:00pm on. Traditional Thanksgiving dinner ' around 4:00. A opportunity for those who do not have families to go to, to spend the day with friends. Forfurther info call Ed @ 802 649 3133 ' Location: 50 Church Street, Norwich VT. SATU RDAY Newspaper stuffing for OITM. 10 a.m. december aWEDNESDAY “I Am What i Am” training for working with gay/ lesbian/bisexual youth. 9 am - 4 pm Hanover NH. FMI Planned Parenthood 1-800-488-9638 gFR|DAY Kate 8tAnna McGarrigle will perform poetic folk songs at the Flynn in Burlington at 8 p.m. Tick- ets $23.50/$18.50, children & students save $5. a SATU RDAY Danny Hoch performs iEvolution of a Homeboyi at the Flynn Theatre in Burlington. 8 p.m. Tick- ets $18/$14, children & students save $5. Lakes & Mountains 12th Annual Christmas Party & Yankee Swap. , 6 PM, FMI: 603-726-3667. “SUNDAY Annual Tacky Christmas Party and Yankee Swap sponsored by the Women of the Woods. Williamstown, VT, FMI: 802-433-5990. The Gay & Bisexual Men’s Discussion Group will meet from 5-7 pm, at Brattleboro Area AIDS Projects Meeting Room, 67 Main St, 4th Floor. The discussion will be .“Time Heals: Growing Older in a Gay Community,” facilitated by Jo- seph Kress. For more information, call Carey 254-4444. OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — NOVEMBER 1997 — 17 Yellow Dog Restaurant & Cafe Now OPEN FOR DRINKS AT 10PM FRIDAYS 8 SATLIRDAYS 10 W. CANAL 655-1703 If yo 0 I T M OITM is always interested in new contributors and volunteers. Call today and find out ltow yoti can help. (802) 865-9294 It's 11 were... smart, you would have placed an ad here. Btrer 4,000 ELB? peepte see their friends in 4 states and 2 provinces would have read it and {insure asset yam‘ business as epserriiea event. about time, isn't it? NEW GROUP THEATRE OF VERMONT Dl‘\A M z'\T-I C I M P RC3V_15AT1C)N 0 .Lab«t_x9¢ work to [mm uaénxyéctfir iéénxatfon, conrentratibn and diwbpmmt ofimaginatiqn via avercixs, V imymmisadom, utrm and mcmalogxm. ' Learn :0 develop cbaracterirtics which lie outside the personal axpericmz by pnfbrming cbaracters who an: no! close to onaelff Experienced and non-experienced actors wclcomc. Enter anytime. classes ongoing. Workshop conducted in Burlington. Info: 1~888~54-2-5207 0 87-‘I-3646 ' Yolanda. ¢io'_, HAINBDW BATTLE ED. 1 Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! . Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music _ Route 5 Brettlobcro Between Exits 3 8. 4, I91 (802) 254-9830 W@l:(l@liD”§ ,,, tea1m@ce*,.« Fktnav car even‘ ’ , §fl<35@ $100 15 Micro Brews 57@@’ g Bud "5-mm .(drat‘t; &bo’ct:1e) iticficggjg Drafts 62.75 0 N 8 S 3 .‘,l35 PEARL ST. !z‘." -- 1- L-'.‘.'-$'.;t'i'; ’. L. .9.‘ 45-5:->51; 2 J .. .- »:.?--'..’: BURL. KNS . ._—.,. ».......~.-..>1.,‘_' ..-‘ 4 . -‘ .»‘v . -2343 .$-' I ...'-...“...'.,..’-'..‘-'.'..~" ':s‘: ‘.1