20 — Our IN THE N\OUNT.AlNS — OCTOBER 1997 CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS Norwich, 58 year old, 5'10", 150 pds GWM. Charasmatic and pro- fessionally secureartist/ academic. Optimist, humorous, emotion- ally open. Seek serious relationship with intelligent, self—aware, gentle and compassionate male perhaps with interests in medicine, sciences, computers, languages, classical music. (802) 295-5085 HELP WANTED How would you like to be a part of Vermont's First Weekly LGBT News TV show. Volunteers are needed for camera operation, Audio Technician, make up artist, and technical director. Producing a Tele- vision show that represents ”ourselves” is an important avenue to educate and dispel the myths and stereotypes that continue to plague T society. The show takes dedication and sincere desire to make a dif- ference. Please don’t be intimidated if you have no experience, if you are right for the position we will train you! If you are interested in becoming part of the Crew Contact Sharon Randall at 802 849 2739, or write to Lavendar Visions Productions Inc., PO Box 307, St Albans VT, 05478. LOOKING FOR Lesbian housemate(s) to share my large farmhouse in Ferrisburgh. Quiet, non—smoking, vegetarian household. 3 large, private rooms, shared kitchen and bath. $400 includes everything. Wendy, 877-3653 OlTM's Classifieds section features items for sale, housing oppurtunities, personls, help wanted and the like. lndividuals may place ads at a rate of 10 cents per word with a $3.00 minimum. Subscribers are entitled to one free ad, 30 word maximum, per year. You place or respond to ads at your own risk. Ads must be received by the twentieth of the previous month to be included in the next issue. Mail ad copy and payment to PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. We must have full name, address and phone number to run ads, however informa- tion will be kept confidential. Boston Pride Show '97 a services rom nearly one ndred local and national bined with a full sc food all in a lestive, friendly environment. Products and services! buy a car! Enlerleainmenl! - performances 0 guest appearances 0 and more! I Advance tickets are on sale now for just $8.50 per day or $15.00 for the entire weekend. Order your tickets THANKYOU We, the clients, staff, board, and volunteers at Vermont CARES, would like to offer our heartfelt appreciation to all the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered folks who turned out for A|DSWal|< '97. Whether you walked as part of a team or as an individual, your support for men and women living with HIV and AIDS is vital. With media Hype about the "end of AIDS", with talk of budget cuts even as a person living with the virus can easily spend over $30,000 a year on the dozens of pills taken each day, and with apathy and burn-out rising in the queer community, now more than ever, your support in this fight is needed. Vermont is terribly underfunded for HIV prevention and services. Though national events such as the Swim for Life and the AIDSRIDE do raise needed funds and provide a unique experience, they do so at tremendous cost, and the money doesn't help your friends, family and neighbors here in Vermont. The monies go to places which already receive much greater funding per person living with HIV than Vermont can even dream of. So Thank YOU, the walkers who lent your time, money, and legs to A|DSWalk '97. We can not afford to let petty squabbles get in the way of our unified fight against this disease. The fight against AIDS is not over —it is being fought right here in Vermont. Special Thanks go to Leah Hervine, the AlDSWa|k '97 Coordinator, and to Alison Bechdel, for her artwork, patience, and flexibility. An all-new, weekend-long‘, 2l+ social event leaturingbproducts and U _ usmesses com- England at this exciting event. For information, entertainment eclule of entertainment, special events and great °_ do all your_ holiday shopping 0 plan your next vacation 0 consult a hnancia aclvisor 0 get a great deal on a cellular phone package 0 0 AIDS Action Committee's Holiday Auction 0 Disco Sunday 0 fashion shows 0 book signings 0 live music 0 product demonstrations 0 dance r---------------------— §XPel'eIICe ew /:2ng|_aneI’s Gay and l.esbIan Marker:/place! Don't wait! join thousands of gays and lesbians from across New updates or if you would like to receive our Exhibitor Package, visit our web site at www.bostonprideshow.com or call 617-450-9470. Sponsored by Ira Motor Group - "We Want To Earn Your Bu.rine.r.r!" *'''l''°'’°''‘''‘|-'‘'°W''|I 0'! wwhhduial EFENWAY m,,...,,_,. (j