OuT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1997 — 19 he Yerrnont CARES 1VIen.’s I-Iealth P1-ojec . presents TEA DANCE AT THE gatei/vey get you a||’s gay selves up to Newport for a kick ass TEA DANCE on the beautiful Lake Memphremagog in Newport, Vermont. Safety and Dignity in Our Relationships: Creating Responses to Domestic Violence in the GLBT Community A community forum to discuss battering in same sex/gender relationships, and work toward creating our response and supports for survivors Thursday, November 6, 1997 6 p.m. -9 p.m. Contois Auditorium Sunday, 26 OCTOBER, 3-7PM Bu r| i ngton at the Gateway Center, Newport 5 A panel of survivors and community organizers will present information, followed by open discussion, Space and facilitators will be available for support discussions following the open forum, The Men’s Health Project is a group of gay and bisexual working to build a community that continues to value health and well—being. We support social events, discussion groups, and forums from the Northeast Kingdom, over to St. Albans, along Lake Champlain down to Rutland and in Vermont's Capital Region. We also provide peer support to men who are new to Vermont's gay community, dealing with relationships, have questions about sex. We also have free condoms and lube and a whole lot of information about HIV and AIDS. Call us at 1 800 649 2437. th Annual Nafional Coming Out Week SATURDAY, October 11 BARRY STOPFEL & WILL LECKIE & Premiere Concert: The Samadhi Singers 7:30 PM, St. Paul’s Cathedral Reverend Barry Stopfel & Will Leckie will talk about their amazing journey of faith, hope, and love. They are authors of “Courage to Love: a_ Gay Priest Stands up for his Beliefs”. Book Signing: Chassman & Bem 2 - 4 PM SUNDAY, October 12 THE SAMADHI SINGERS & SERVICE ON “FREEDOM TO MARRY” 11:00 AM, Service at Unitarian Universalist Society “STRAIGHT & GAY TOGETHER: BUILDING AN INCLUSIVE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY” 9:30 AM, Service at UVM Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus -_._} 6 p.m. — 8 p.m. 8 p.m. — 9.m. For more information/provisions for accessibility call: Men's Health Project (800) 649-2437 Women Helping Battered Women (802) 658-3131 Presented by the Same Sex Domestic Violence Subcommittee of the Chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force, with support from the Green Mountain Fund for Popular Struggle, Women Helping Battered Women, Men's Health Project, Spectrum/Domestic Abuse Education Project, and Outright Vermont. This forum is open to‘ all people who want to work toward safety and dignity in GLBT,relati_on'ships. Free childcare provided. MONDAY, October 13 BARRY STOPFEL & WILL LECKIE ‘ “The Sacred & The Sexual: How Coming Out Impacts‘ Spiritual Growth” 11:3o—1:0o PM, Billings Marsh Lounge 7 LESBIAN HERSTORY ARCHIVE: Lecture & Interactive Slideshow Presented by: Amy Beth, of Bailey Howe Library. 7:00 PM, Billings North Lounge The Lesbian Herstory Archives, based in New York City, is the largest and oldest Lesbian Archives in the world. It was founded as a way to preserve Lesbian culture and history. TUESDAY, October 14 FILM: GREG LOUGANIS, “BREAKING THE SILENCE” Discussion following on domestic abuse & sexual assault facilitated by Kevin Gallagher of the U VM Counseling Center. 7:00 PM, Billings CC Theatre 8:30 PM, Discussion in MLK Lounge WEDNESDAY, October 15 SPEAKOUT - Featuring: Ed Flannigan, State Auditor and Steve Howard, Chair, Democratic Party & U VM/Burlington Community. " NOON, Library Steps 9 .i STORIES & MONOLOGUES: “Once Upon Coming Out” Featuring: poets, actors, singers, storytellers and more... 7:00 PM , Billings North Lounge Adam “Pickles” Reese a gay comedian will be MC. Cherie Tarte, famous Burlington drag queen will be carried in by the UVM rugby team, Isaac Gonyo, a young gay man will dance his coming out story, Martha Tormey a local dyke artist has a monologue about relation- ships and dating, Yolanda, local drag queen extraordinaire will do a musical performance, and Peter Kurth, writer, biographer, columnist, HIV POZ Activ- ist will talk about his coming out as HIV positive and what that meant. THURSDAY, October 16 PANEL: ANOTHER VERMONT FIRST} . “Freedom To Marry - When We Talk About Gay Marriage, What Do We Really Mean?” 7:00 PM , Billings North Lounge On July 22, 1997 three couples filed suit against the state of Vermont for refusing to grant marriage licences. Come and meet two of the couples and their lawyers. BLUE JEANS DAY:.All Day Thursday « Wear your blue jeans on Thursday, to" show your support of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people and National Coming_Out Week. " October ll-I6 is National Coming Out Week, the 7th Ar1niversar_i'(1f the [987 March on Washington for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Trans- gender Rights. In celebration of this even! an entire week of (mi vi- ties has been planned for the Burlington and U VM (‘0IlllIluIllll('.S'. Sponsored by: UVM Center for Health & Welll)eing’s Lifetime Wellness Program and Counseling Center, Gay. Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgcnder Alliance (GLBA), UVM Cultural Plurism & Racial Equality, Vermont CARES, UVM Coopera- tive Christian Ministry, UVM Inter-Residency Association (IRA), Organization for Spirituality & Social Justice, Bailey Howe Library, and UVM Dept. of Psychiatry.