___..._....._...__.._._,. _, .. . “Human Rights & Public Health: A New Dynamic for Social Change” ‘BY CAREY V. JOHNSON, Cu_i/£vIli:~i'.r1i:iIMi'I:C~z !’I'zv;1:':1Ir:Cimrilimiiur Lastiune I attended a fas- cinating week-long seminar at Harvard's School of Public Health, ”Human Rights and Health: A New Perspective in Public Health," presented by Sofia Gruskin, an expert in in- ternational human rights law and practice, and Dr. Jonathan Mann, founding director of the World Health Organization's Global Program on AIDS and the current director of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Cen- ter for Health and Human Rights at Harvard's School of Public Health. Founded in 1993, the Center is the world's first academic institute to focus exclusively on health and hu- man rights. Many of us, as gay men‘ facing the community-wide challenges of HIV/AIDS or women fighting for improved breast cancer research and treatment, for example, pos- sess an intimate, painful un- derstanding of the ways our health needs are affected by social conditions that would deny or limit our equal rights. Facing a century of global con- flict, genocide and epidemics, an increasing number of pub- lic health officials and human rights activists are seeking to reframe the way we address public health needs and hu- man rights issues. Simply put, public health and human rights are inextricably inter- connected. Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no iilillici‘ who you are or what you do for a living, you want to sec your family sc- curc, your children cclucatctl, _voi1rretii'crnen1 zissurcd. We're ready to help wi!.h.:1 wide ran go of, invcsunenis and a pro- fcssionzilly trained /-\ccounl Ex- ecutive. who can tailor zi progrmn to your needs. At Dean '\rViIle1‘, we mezisure success one inves- tor at a time. Ginger Williamson 30 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 869-9660 (802) 865-2137 0) DEAN WITTER @1994 Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Member SPIC Qualit "“ y PAPER Web Page sf wen . ' élefiiilwmé Design Our quality 3 designs and } reasonable rates make establishing a Web presence a viable option Plumizz30.;-879-4527. I Ii-muil soiintions!(g)p\\-solulinns.com blip://pwsolulionsmom/paperwork/ The World Health Orga- nization defines ”health” as ”a state of physical, mental, 8: so- cial well-being” (note that ”spiritual” has yet to be incor- porated), and public health ”ensures the conditions in which people can be healthy.” But what are these conditions? Ironically, Rudolph Virchow, a pioneer of the public health movement a century ago, iden- tified socio—economic factors such asipoverty as key ele- ments impacting disease, dis- ability, and premature death. However, by their very nature public health programs are ex—' tensions of the state, and have too often participated in the perpetuation of the social con- ditions that contribute to poor health. V The modern concept of human rights provides a vital, coherent framework for analy- sis and response to the root- societal causes of preventable disease, disability and prema- ture death. Health profession- als, human service providers and anyone interested in posi- tive social change have at least three primary reasons to be in- formed about and engaged with human rights: 1) The health policies and programs we design and implement can either burden or promote human rights. 2) Providers and activists who are informed about hu- man rights can help identify health impacts of human rights violations and thereby contrib- ute to informed public discus- sion, knowledge, and action. 3) As we become more aware of this interrelationship, we become profoundly aware of our individual and collec- tive dignity and its value in a healthy society. In commemoration of October as Vermont AIDS Awareness Month and October 11th as National Coming Out Day, I will be presenting ”Hu- from toilet seats. m coffee cups. You ‘ ’ ps in aschool ‘Vermont A OUT IN THE MouNTAINs — OCTOBER 1997 — 17 r R r Triangle Ministries AVAVAVAV A Center For Lesbian 81 Gay Spiritual Development 14 white Birch Lane, Williston, VT 05495 802-860-7106 or Email: revcsl@aol.com "Surfacing Our Souls“ A Study of Families, Fear, 8: Faith November 28 — 30, 1997 "Having the Holy in Our Holidays" December 19-21, 1 997 "Body Er Soul" A Valentine's Retreat For Lesbian Couples February 13 - 1 6, 1 998 Contact for ratesxegistration, 8r further information Or visit TM web page http://members.aol.com/revcsl man Rights and Public Health: A New Dynamic for Social Change” Tuesday, October 14, the practical applications of modern human rights to the challenges of health promo- tion, disease prcvention, and positive social change. FMI call me at (802) 254-4444 or e-mail: careymsm@sover.nct OITM 1997 7 PM at Everyone’s Books, 23 Elliot Street, Brattleboro. The interactive evening will provide an intro- duction to modern human rights thinking and practice, including the core human rights documents, and explore hands, kissing, sneezing, wrestiing dancing. ‘ 4‘ According to the,_Su rgeon General,‘ . your best pro V _ction“against AlDS,l barring abstin c_e, is use ofa condom. For the fa ‘bout AID... "cw ‘ he Hotline. ‘ ‘ SH LIl\lE.:1- V StateDepartme 0 Main Street, PO »”i~ieait_h, Divisiorliof E Burlington, Ve, mo t I