MFRIDAY ‘Hanover, NH, Sweet Honey in the Rock at the Hopkins Center, 8 pm. FMI: 603-646-2422. ®>SATU RDAY WOW. Singles night in Montpelier. Bring Hors D'oeuvres at 5:30 p.m. We'll go out to dinner at around 6:30 p.m., so don't be late! Call 229.- 0720 for directions. Snake Mountain Hike with Chiltern Mtn Club. Enjoy an easy to moderate hike up Snake Moun- tain in Vermont‘s Champlain Valley. Bring your binoculars in addition to your lunch, water, and sturdy hiking shoes. The Nature Conservancy and State of Vermont have protected this area for public use so no fees are involved. We'll meet at 10:30 a.m., but please e-mail or call for di- rections and meeting place. VGSA afternoon of canoeing on the Green River Resevoir in Hyde Park. Meet in the Price Chop- per parking lot on Rt 15 in Morrisville at 1:30 PM. FM! call 888-9147 @SUNDAY VGSA train ride on the Sugarbush Express. Leaving Burlington waterfront at 10:50. Buffet ' brunch at The Middlebury Inn. FMl call 985 4937 MONDAY Qt Gay/Bi Men’s Film Club, 7 pm, at Michael Gigante’s, 15 Myrtle St., Brattleboro. FMl call Ron at (603) 876-4825 or Carey at 254-8263. GLITTER film night at Rhombus Gallery, corner of College and Church Sts., Burlington. French Twist, with Victoria Abril. Spend a week in Provence with a sexually frustrated housewife and acharming and interested chance dyke visi- tor and see what happens. French w/ English subtitles. FM! call Steven Kopstein at 802-434- 5653 or email: _ WEDNESDAY In The life, Season premier, at midnight on Ver- mont ETV. The episode will focus on GLBT youth. SATU RDAY Award-winning journalist Molly lvins will appear Saturday afternoon in Montpelier at a book-sign- ing sponsored by Bear Pond Books and Satur- day evening at 7:30 pm in Burlington at a ben- efit for the American Civil Liberties Foundation of Vermont at the Unitarian Church on Church Street, Burlington. $12 per person for the ben- efit, atthe door or by reservation. FMl, call (802) 223-6304 or e-mail: Outright Vermont Facilitator and Speaker’s Bu- reau trainings. FM! call 865-9677. VGSA Bowling night at Ethen alen Lanes in Burlington from 10pm to 1 am. FM! call 860 9589. NDAY Bellows Falls Gay Guy Get Together at Jim Malley’s, 6 Blake Street. 6:30 pm. FMl, call Jim at (802) 463-3224 or Carey, 254-8263. Hal- loween & Hors d’oeuvre. Costumes encour- aged! W MON DAY Chelmsford, MA, Women Meeting Women fall dance. FMI: 603-886-5755. 5’ Contmued GLHTER film night at Rhombus Gallery, corner of College and Church Sts., Burlington. Mommie Dearest. This portrayal of Joan Crawford's tough love approach (based on her daughter Christine’s controversial autobiography) will get you in the mood for some Halloween reveling. FM! call Steven Kopstein at 802-434-5653 or email: DYKE TALK. discussion topic: a look at class differences within the lesbian community, see "the source" p5, FMl. U RSDAY “Hot, Safer, Sexy” Workshop at Jim Malley’s, 6 Blake St. Bellows Falls. 7-9 pm. FM! call Carey at 254-8263 or Jim, 463-3224. ‘ HALLOWEEN 31-Nov.2 Murder Mystery Weekend at High- lands Inn, Bethlehem, NH (603) 869-3978. Yellow Dog Masked Ball, at The Yellow Dog in Winooski. 5$ cover. Starts at eight. 10 W. Ca- nal St. call 655-1703 FMl. Yolanda And The Plastic Family at 40 Island St, Bellows Falls. Halloween party. A olanda november y 0 SATU R DAY WOW. Situation Comedy Night in Plainfield. 7:00 P.M. Bring snack food and something to drink. Be prepared to improvise according to situations and characters drawn out of a bag, or partici- pate as a grateful audience member. FM! call 454-8654. Amelia’s Halloween Dance Party for women at De & Ro’s Restaurant, River Road, Norwich, VT. $8. Professional DJ! Beer and wine. FMI: Sherry & Linda at 603-632 5970. Dwight will be having his annual Halloween party. Costumesincouraged. 8:00pm on. Call Dwight at (802) 649-3702 for directions and additional information. QSUNDAY 2-5. Annual Outright Vermont Phonathon. FM! call 865-9677. ‘FRIDAY Comedienne Karen Williams will perform at the MucCullough Students’ Center at Middlebury College at 8 pm. FM! call David at 388-0750. & SATU RDAY 5th Annual Statewide Conference and OurTown Meeting, sponsored by the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Rutland High School. FM! call Judith at 623-6131. : _ OUT IN THE MouNTArNs — OCTOBER 1997 — 13 ' Restaurant 8: Cafe invites you to attend our HALLOWEEN MASKED BALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, I997 8:00PM Now OPEN FOR DRINKS AT 10PM FRIDAYS 8: SATURDAYS Yellow Dog DJ ROB DOUGLAS $5.00 ADMISSION 10 W. CANAL 655-1703 9 interested in new contributors and volunteers. Call today and find 0L1tl10W you can help. . -reads‘; I i 3 T a r 5 OITM is always (802) 865-9294 Rugged on the Outside, BIRKENSTOCK on the Inside. 50 Additional Styles are here for YOU to CHOOSE from. ' Danform Shoes Rte. 127, me. 7, Cokllester 863-2653 St. Albans 527-0916 985-3483 NEW C ROUP TH EATRE OF VE RMONT D R/\ l*v‘lr"Cl"l C l M l’ l{_O\/ l SAT l0 N ° lab.-gpe work to [earn to:/miqrmjbr rtlaxafion, _ concentration and deveiopmem of’iinag1‘n4m'on via exertixex. * — improwlmtiorxx. scene: and monologues. ' '* Learn to develop charuterinia which lie outside the personal experience by performing character: who are not close to oneself.‘ Experienced and non-experienced actors welcome. Enter anytime, classes ongoing. Workshop conducted in Burlington. Info: 1-888-542-5207 ' 877-3646 8 Yolanda "’ ag \ . he Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! Dgink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music RAINEUW EAHLE EU. Route 5 Brattleboro Between Exits 3 3. 4, I91 (802) 254-9830 i35 peas; 5?. 'i<8t8tit88”§ 6* *9’ "Hoax or even‘ *1“ THUFS. r1r@%5@ 1auz.iiiili ,mE,','=::,'§, rte-£5 Drafts nmmrs $2.75 BURL i.\l«3’r'O.\l 883-2343