INTERVIEWED BY STEVEN STowELL— —- — emale i1lusionist/ singer / songwriter Noel has just released a CD of 10 songs titled It's Justa Phase. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Noel and talk about the project. OITM: You’ve been perform- ing in the gay community for a few years, why hasn't a CD come out before now? Noel: Financial constraints have been the main reason it's taken so long. It takes a seri- - ous group of professionals and a budget that corresponds with the high levels of quality I was seeking, but it's been a good growth phase. OITM: In regards to financial constraints, what prompted you to give up on the Believe in Love project for which many . people had prepaid for CD'S? Noel: The objective of Believe in Love is still first and fore- most in my mind, in fact I con- sider it to be my life's purpose. Sometimes loving yourself means letting go of a precon- ceived expectation of a goal. In this case, concerning those people who have prepaid, they will rec their prepaid status with simple instructions on how to obtain a copy of It's Just a ‘Phase. They'll be pleased. ”Phase” is a better project; OITM: With that in mind, what made It's Just a Phase possible? noel it's iusz a phase everything 50/ 50, both income and expenses. OITM: What is it about It's Just a Phase that inspired Peter to want to be an equal partner? Noel: Unlike myself, Peter's not someone who tends to align himself with pop 1nusi— cal trends. I must confess that I am a pop music fanatic. Most ' Our motto is: why can’t music be fun and intelligent at the same time? Noel: I can sum that up in two words: Peter Wilder. Previ~. ously Peter was a producer/ arranger whom I hired to work with my music, though I would write the songs, he would help me fine tune them. With It's Just a Phase, Peter's belief in me as an artist was more important than mere money up front. So in lieu of making this a work for hire, we decided to collaborate as writ- ers and producers and split importantly Peter recognized my ability as an artist to write a strong hook and create afor- midable stage persona. My abilities combine well with his incredible ear for chord struc- ture and melody and his many talents as a musician, producer, and engineer. These skills, along with a desire to make an impression in an otherwise jaded industry, were the driv- ing force behind this endeavor. Our motto is: why can’t mu- sic be fun and intelligent at the same time? OITM: How did you choose the title of the CD? It seems to imply a sense of instability about the gay community. Noel: I'm glad you asked. The title was Peter's concept and from the very beginning he had a clear picture of the lay- out of photography and the look we were going for. I was initially hesitant to grasp that concept because of the obvious connotations that we gay, les- bian, bisexual, and transgendered people are con- stantly battling. But I realized that It's Just a Phase has many meanings, particularly in how many heterosexuals View be- ing gay, and I was able to step back and not look at myself so seriously. Every aspect of life is just a phase. OITM: Having heard the CD myself, I noticed there are only two songs that people have previously heard and eight new tunes. What happened to your other ‘songs? Noel: Before Peter and I began this project in late January 1997, we had written sixteen songs to date. Peter was very -clear up front that since he es- OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1997 — 11 sentially would be a 50/50 col- laborator, every song needed to be absolutely new and dif- ferent. OITM: This CD heralds a sig- nificant change in your vocal style. Noel: To quote Peter, ”We de- cided to depart from Noel’s usual Shirley Bassey from-the- gut style”. This time out we opted for a more subtle, con- trolled, breathy, and introspec- tive sound. OITM: Are you concerned that so many differences in style and music might deter your fans from purchasing the CD? Noel: Any creative artistic en- deavor is a risk from the get go. You take what you know, coin- bine it with the knowledge of others, especially those with .more experience, and hope that the end result is accepted. For more information about Noel and this CD, check out the official NOEL WEBSITE: ~iris/homepagehtm To get your very own copy call TONES toll free 800-585-3052 or call 802-635-2223. November 5 ~ 8, 13 - 15 at 7:30 p.m. November 16 at 2 [).m. “Dating and dazzling! The most QNMTHEATRE? with ambitious American play of our time: an epic that ranges from earth. to heaven...” Jack Krotl, Newsweek “F iercely humane, gloriously informed, bitchy, compassionate, uncom pormiscd. . also falling- ANGELS N AMERICA PART ONE: MILLENNIUM APPROACHES A GAY ‘FANTASIA ON NATIONAL THEMES down funny. . .” l..inrl:=1 Winer N ew.s(la_y Vermont Stage Company Guest Artists by Tony Kushner 2%; $10 ~ $11.50 depending on perfornrauce $2 discount for seniors, full-time students of any age, UVM Faculty/StalT and VSC inemliers, At the Royall Tyler Tlicatrc on the UVM Campus (802) 656-2094 /9‘)./-"‘ PHYSl(..'|:\‘.V’.S C( ).\'lI’1.,"l'l€IR COM PANY NATIONAL CCDMING OUT DAY NOIR ET BLEU, a Montreal-style house party. Midnight amateur drag contest hosted by B-ton's Cherie Tartt. Go-go boys and girls. Wear leatherl vinyl or denim please. McCullough Center, Middlebury College. call moqa FMl, 388-0750 Folk/blues singer and guitarist Ann Reed will give a benefit performance for Vermont National Organization for Women Political Action Committee at 8 pm at the Universalist Unitarian Church on Pearl Street in Burlington. Tickets are on a sliding scale of $14 10 $16. FMI call Judy Murphy at 362- 2005. Portland, ME, Chris Williamson & Tret Fure in concert. FMI: 207-773-6974. 11-12 Amherst, MA, Third Annual Western MA Lesbian & Gay Parenting/Family Issues Conference. FMI: Valuable Families, POB 60634, Florence, MA 01061. I MONDAY Lesbian Herstory Archive: Lecture & Interactive Slideshow presented by Amy Beth of UVM Baily Howe Library. 7:00 pm Billings North Lounge at UVM. GLITTER Book Night at Rhombus Gallery, comer of College and Church Sts., Burlington. The Men From The Boys by William J. Mann. Anew novel by the P-town/Northampton-based author explores the meaning of rela- tionships in gay culture. How do we define “family" - is monogamy the way to go, elc...? Available at Chasman & Bem in Burlington. (10% off it you mention Glitter.) We'll pick a book for November. FMI call Steven Kopstein at 802-434-5653 or email: MTUESDAY “Human Rights & Public Health: A New Dynamic tor Social Change," 7 pm, Everyone's Books, 23 Elliot St., Brattleboro. FMI Carey at 254-8263. @WEDNESDAY Speakout featuring Ed Flannigan, State Auditor, and Steve Howard, Chair, Democratic Party & UVM/ Burlington Community. 12 noon, UVM Bailey Howe Library Steps. Stories & Monologues: “Once Upon Coming Out,” featuring poets, actors, singers, storytellers and more. 7:00 - pm Billings North Lounge, UVM. Riki Anne Wilchins, author of Read My - Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender (Firebrand) will read from her book at 7:00 p.m. at Peace and Justice, 21 Church St., Burlington VT. For more information call 802-863- 8326. Wilchins is the Executive Di- rector of GenderPac, a national orga- nization dedicated to “gender, affectional and racial equity”. S/he is a founding member of the Transexual Menace. @TH U RSDAY Panel: Another Vermont First — “Free- dom to Marry, When We Talk About Gay Marriage, What Do We Really Mean?” 7:00 pm Billings North Lounge, UVM