Susan Arnoffat (197 ''S Life", Provincetown, MA Avermont Swim for Life? BY BENNETT LAW A full 225 swimmers joined the 1997 Swim_for Life in Provincetown, 50 more than last year. The response was so unexpected that organizers ran out of wet suits and bathing caps. Even in its 10th year, the Swim for Life keeps growing. More and more, Ver- monters seem to want their own version of this AIDS fundraising event. Initiation of a Vermont Swim for Life on Lake Champlain, or Lake Elmore has captured the imaginations of a handful of Vermont swimmers. Susan Aranoff, a two—ti_me partici- pant in the Provincetown event, believes this idea ”is tre- mendously yiable. There are so. many.Verm,ont swimmers who have done other swims and raised funds through their par- ticipation - this tells me that there is a huge potential here.” Aranoff has discussed this possibility with Swim for Life coordinator, Jay Critchley. Critchley has already spun off his event to a half-dozen other locales, including a swim in Chesapeake Bay, and is even working internationally now, having founded ‘I Swim,‘ the International Swim for Life. In exchange for his tech- nical assistance, which in- 4 cludes the names and ad- dresses of regional swimmers, help with the timing mecha- nisms, provisions for safety of the swimmers, measuring dis- tances, and securing the sanc- tion of the US Masters Swim- mers Association, Critchley re- quires a percentage of the gross funds raised or, alternatively, a flat fee. Aranoff's early budget projections suggest that Critchley's compensation would be the largest up front cost, perhaps as high as half of the total budget. Ironically - enough, payment of this fee represents another instance of fundraising dollars flowing out of state. Anyone with an interest . in participating in the organiz- ing of a Vermont Swim for Life may contact Bennett Law in care of this paper, or at (802) 234-9344. All interested will be heartily welcomed to partici- pate in a planning session later this fall! COALITION NOTES: 1 Can we tawk?— it's been ages! Coming together is something we rarely get a chance to « do in the Vermont GLBT community. For those who were able to make it to Burlington Pride this year, walking together with friends, kids, parents, scheming and screaming with pride about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lives, lives of women and men, differently-abled lives, white lives, Dominican lives, French—Canadian lives, feminist lives, Black American lives, and Jewish lives, we were reminded of what it is to be together. In most every sense of the experience, it was worth the trip. _ On November 8th, the annual statewide VCLGR confer- ence will be another of these shared locations among us. Vet- eran queers, gay men, bisexuals, transpeople, queer youth, les- bians, parents, college queers are all where this thing is at. Our Family Reunion: Embracing all Shades of Lavender extends an invitation to your life, your family, your needs, and yes, your politics. ' Be with us for nationally—known lesbian and African- American comedian Karen William's keynote presentation on sex awareness, humor, and social justice. Throughout the day of the conference, local healers, vendors, craftspeople, and com- munity non—profits will have tables for folks to explore and con- nect with. The range of workshops will include the following subjects, and more: Let's laugh about sex, Queer youth speak- out, the Freedom to Marry in Vermont, obtaining domestic part- ner benefits in your company, adoption, building a queer com- munity, revolution and relaxation, gays in the Holocaust, OlTM’s role in the gay community, second-hand religion to first—hand spirituality, Radical Faeries, gay activism and AIDS activism, and healing in lesbian relationships. Karen William's first VCLGR ‘appearance will take place the evening before the con- ference, on-stage at Middlebury College, half-way between Burlington and Rutlan_d. (FMI, call David, 388-0750) The afternoon Town Meeting will reintroduce the work of the VCLGR and its Board of Directors for 1996-1997. Also at this time, the one- and two— year terms of service on the Board will be open for nomination and election. Pleasetconsider nominat- ing yourself or a friend (18 years of age or older) to be a 1 Boardmember for 1997-1998, and be a part of VCLGR's continu- ing missions and changing visions. Nominations for the Board, as well as nominations for the VCLGR couirage, leadership, and volunteer of the year awards are welcome at 623-6131. Coffee and muffins will be served at 8:30 am on the 8th. We realize the significant travel involved for many Vermonters in attending the conference, and we would like to make men- tion of the special confe'rence-rate of $49/ night at the Rutland Holiday Inn. For people coming to Karen William's pre-confer- ence comedy show at Middlebury College on Friday evening, the Holiday Inn (802-775-0113) might be a good place to ca_tch a full nine hours of sleep. ’ The VCLGR would like to express its gratitude to the people and organizations who have supported us in prepara- tion for the 5th annual statewide conference. We're looking for- ward to seeing you. /COME EARLY, GAY, ALONE, AND TOGETHER. Please pre-register with Charlotte Gladding. (438-2023) In Pride, Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1997 - 7 ons/dining 100 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub 5 Trails 6.56‘ ‘H1 20 Charming Rooms Peace 8: Privacy Claude; ‘Inn PO. Box ll8 Bethlehem, NH 03374 (603) 869-3978 A LESBIAN PARADISE Seafood and Slmk Tnzzem LUDLOWS PREMIERE DINNER HOUSEE Route 103 - I.,udIow, v.:mu§n: - 802-228-5(i22 V"isiI Our \*\/cl) l’uge: hI'tp:/ wu«"w.sovei‘.net »-sL’rnI‘oruIl .’~\I‘Cil(lI2l Ilouse V Elegzmt. Accomnioclzuions PO Box 520 V Hyde I’;n'k, VT 05655 V 802-888-9147' john 'l'o\\-‘nu V Ed Pepe V Innl-zccpcrs (802) 524-6135 g Feesn SEAFOOD, LUNCHES. Omneas. SPECIALTV Fooos. CATERING 65 NORTH MAIN Smear ST. ALBANS. VT 05478 One way to facilitate the involvement of a broader Eagle Group Soars at IBM population of Vermonters in community fundraising is to create opportunities for indi- viduals to engage their per- sonal interests, talents, and en- thusiasm; the importance of developing fundraising events that spark real interest in its participants is crucial to their success. As the AIDS Rides have demonstrated, there is a continued from front page EAGLE hopes to promote a sense of community among mem- bers, to serve as an information resource on lesbian and gay is- and/ or for lesbian and gay employees. Other goals of EAGLE are to be a resource for IBM in identifying and maximizing busi- ness relationships in gay and lesbian markets and participate in corporate, location, and community projects. The Burlington Chapter was formed in ]uly. The question of who can be a mem- ber of is best expressed in the first article of the by-laws: ~ sues, and to recognize and communicate contributions made by parties. population likely to be in- tensely interested in undertak- ing a border-to-border bike ride, say from Canada to Mas- sachusetts. Are there folks in- _ terested in developing this as a community fund—raiser, per- haps as a PRIDE event, or to benefit Out in the Mountains or Outright Vermont? Let us know here at OITM, and we will help connect interested other guests. representatives listed here. I ‘EAGLE/eagle.ht_ml). ”Membership in the EAGLE for IBM Employees — Burlington Chapter shall be defined as those members of EAGLE for IBM Employees working in the Burlington area, as well as those working in nearby areas that do not have their own local Chapter. Regular members include IBM US employees who are full-time, part—time, on a flexible work leave of absence, supplemental, or retired and vendors or subcontractors who work for IBM US. Guest members include commu- nity constituents, IBM customers, the partners and family members of regular members, and IBM employees interested in becoming a member of EAGLE may contact one of the group \ For EAGLE information, Contact either Mary Alice Schatzle at (802) 769-4835 _(, or Jim Leavens at (802) 769-4413 ( For IBM em- ployees with intranet web access, check out the EAGLE web site (http:/ / I