e t t e r he Burlington Womyn’s Council under the present ‘director, Iennifer Matthews has been a valuable resource. She earned our respect by creating refuge from the misogyny and homophobia of the every day ”normal” world. We have come to expect complete inclu- sion regardless of orientation, respectful dialog and genuine commitment to issues affecting all womyn today from her of- fice. For this we appreciate the dedication to womyn’s com- munity that Iennifer has dem- onstrated time and again. Ty Robinson Joy Griffith Lynn McNicol Kara DeLeonardis Farar Elliott Nat Harrison am responding to Peggy Luhrs story in the Septem- ber issue of Out In The Moun- tains ”Dykebaiting and Heterosexism at the Women's Council”. As many of your readers may be aware, lesbian rights is one of the National Organiza- tion for Women's four priority issues. _(The others being Com- bating Racism, Reproductive Rights and Economic Rights.) I have worked with Iennifer Matthews in Vermont NOW for some eight years and at no time has she not been support- ive of all of NOW’s priority is- sues. Ihave not seen any_evi- ITM ----isonthe WEB For confidenfial HIV/AIDS Information Call _8oo-882-AIDs # dence that Iennifer is homophobic. I urge those who would attack by calling people names to look at the real en- emy and get down to the work at hand. I assure you, the en- emy is not Iennifer Matthews, folks. Let's work together for our rights. Yours For Equality, Iudy Murphy, State Coordinator, Vermont NOW I am writing in response to an article written by Peggy Luhrs— Sept. 1997. Does Ms. Luhrs really seem to suggest that as gay people no one has a right to criticize or disagree with us? Are we above respon- sibility for our actions? Be- cause it would be bad for the gay community? That sounds a bit repressive to me. Sandy Baird is ademocrat with politi- cal ambitions? By all means lynch the woman. As I under- stand it one needs only be a woman who lives or works in Burlington to be a member. Yes Democrats too. It seems Ms. Luhrs would like to control us all straight and gay alike. I don't intend to tell anyone . what to do. I, however, reserve the right to voice my opinion. I've been criticized as sharply as she by her cronies for attending a BWC meeting ; and then stating my perception of what I saw there. Since lam a gay man, should I start yell- ing ”homophobia”? ”sex- ism”?—but then if she criti- cizes me she'll be damaging the gay community. Don't blame me that's her logic- not mine. V Michael Brennen In response to the piece writ ten last month to Out in the Mountains concerning the Burlington’s Women Council, this letter is written in support of Iennifer Matthews, Director of the Council. I have had the pleasure of working with Jen- nifer on many different issues concerning women, including, pay inequities, same gender marriages, health care, and child support. I I can think of many words to describe Jennifer such as, dedicated, knowledgeable, and caring but never would I use the word ”homophobic”. Some have said that ]ennifer’s involvement with women's issues is ”politically motivated”. I have seen noth- ing less than sincere care and . concern about women's issues. She works toward tripartisanship and realizes that in order to best support women's, issues all political parties must be involved. I thank you, Jennifer, for the heartfelt work that you have done and will continue to do to improve the lives of all women. Sincerely, Virginia Renfrew OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1997 — 3 .'uiia:1<',',vermoi' Birthchart Relationships Oounselling ><1t><1 . ~ ' X Waterfront Holistic llealing Center _ _ Comerslone Building. Suite 213 0 3 Mam street, Burlington, Vi" 0>40l (802) 865-2756 Specializing In the 162 south mam sreet (802)? 75- 291 1 ervices 6% North B 3%s independently Owned and Operated E ' Louanne Nielsen =’ Certified Buyer Representative HC 65, Box 2320 . Wffi Albany, Vermont 05820 Office: (802) 755-6344 . Toll Free: (888) REMAXNP E_n-‘oil: |n|9i5an(@1oge1n9[_net Quite Simply. . . The lll'l£‘Sf coll<\:riz..~ii wt l-5urniL'L1rc, (‘.-Mpcring & f\CL‘.C$Sl)l‘l("\ in \’c1'monr Rutland House Ltd. r1s.1‘.‘30-inthe hem of rnanchester center, vmmonl (302)362-2001 it 05701 from all over verrnoni: (800)649—2911 (802) 878-0095 OFFICE (802)862-1375 HOME OFFICE (800) 488-5609 TOLL FREE JACQUELINE MARINO REALTOR?’ COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART zzae WILLISTON ROAD wn usrom. V7 0.5495 li‘:\}0{)43n(lC'f1{iy (Jwneu mm’ f);uoz:m>