s e pte m be r Amber and Margurite perform at 135 Pearl at 9pm. GLITTER, 7-10pm at Rhombus Gallery, Corner of College and Church St, Burlington. 0/:7//yes ,4/5 /Va/ 7725 0/74/F/1//2.‘ Jeanette Winterson's adapted her thought provoking novel about growing up gay in a fundy household for the screen. The BBC is here to help us OUT again. We’ll start at 7pm this week because this film is 162 minutes long! Q 27 & 28 The Body Electric School of Oakland, CA will present its “Celebrat- ing the Body Erotic” workshop for men at the Walnut Hill educational center in Raymond, NH. FMI call William (508) 454-4875. @ Tea Dance in Rutland at Rio’s, 4- 10pm. @ Socializing with Social Alternatives GLITTER, 7:45-10pm at Rhombus for Men. Where is SAM headed? Gallery, Burlington ' Where do We Wahtto 90? Call 649- Naked Lunch - We lost sexually am- 3133 FMI. biguous authorWil|iam S. Burrough’s in August, but the cool thing about being an author is your name lives on long after you’re gone. David Cronenberg directed it, and he was the one who did that incredible re- make of ‘The Fly’. The typewriters @ AIDS walk in Burlington. To Ben- efit VT CARES. Walk starts at the Unitarian Church at the top of Church St. FMI call Leah at VT start flying at7:45, CARES 863-2437. DYKE TALK. "Coming out." Share a your stories of coming out and living out. FMl call Carolyn 388-9435 , see Camel‘s Hump Hike the source (p7) for more into regard- ‘ A day hike to Camel’s Hump via Forestry and Dean Trails, and Long Trail. Meet at Waterbury Holi- day Inn parking lot (just off l-89 exit 10) at 9:30am. Round trip time ap- proximately 5 hours. Rain date Sunday, ‘Sept’. 28. Call Bill McBroom 229-5910. ing this newly formed discussion group. “ Vermont Law School, GLAD, and the Alliance will be sponsoring a confer- october continued ence entitled Sexual Orientation & Family Law at Vermont Law School Chase Center. Registration begins at 8am. The conference is free and open to all interested parties. For more info call Pamela at 763-7388 or Greg Johnson at 763-8303. Stuffing and Board meeting for 00///7 7//:9 /V/am/a/775. Stuffing the paper begins at TEN AM, promptly. If you have an item to be inserted in the paper you must contact Chris at 658- 6008 a week before the stuffing. e 10-13 Radical Faerie Columbus Day gathering at the Vagabond in Grafton, ($30 for two nights / $45 for three). Contact Moon FMI 254-6276. Columbus Day Biking and Hiking. We’ll do some light to intermediate bicycling and hiking the next three days, depending on the weather. Free lodging. Chip in for breakfast and veg-, etarian dinners. Limited to 9 in the A house, 2 in the cabin. Unlimited camp- ing. Bob Bland 333-9448 bland@sover.net. 3 Oct. 31- Nov. 2 Murder Mystery week- ' end at Highlands lnn, Bethlehem, NH (603) 869 3978. r ‘{ OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1997 — 15 DANl§H COMFORT SHOES 80.Sl‘/les V for Q Men & Wome'n Flmreu all P 552.80 n._1A L ‘S E rat/zcra _ H Al 0 ”The Best Shoes at the Best Prices” Danfor Shoes Rte. 7. Si. Aflmn-5 527-0916 Rte. 127, Colchester 863-2653 ms-. 7, Sht.-Ibu rm? 985-3483 *1, O - E srzziuuc LOCKER ROOM Acrroufl‘ JOIN IN on JUST mvzsbnqp mom: sex FOR rm; GAY 905' V 'I—900-4-7,4.5~-~~33O6 ‘ Mon Acrlcu Ar. I-Q00-74.5-2845 l-.lFE.'S"l'lll.E(s" Au. unssrnesb - LOCAL ‘AND ~mmoNIvI(IP! ‘I-900-'-745-3710' RIALW3 REAL MEN Dy1<;zsTowatchOu£E‘or byfitisonzechclel ou.a¢£Af!“wA1m«:uw _ WOMfl"‘l5KT1H£'n'W«M.’ Db”-..r dirty movies surge. rm. um ”TUP¢JClLB’HP§bl1 if M£:l-toncfmu A. ‘ ~ mmwummaeo: r‘va5>?é;4Tour~m:ury~Fiv£ gm; f “WW nest};-wsaaoeorredwlo E Ed! I (‘T Ow. N0oai£uAsrrs;rui4lt?r;- W085. 0t2PEoPL£ um! Saw ’scu:2w: 0ll.8NY- LET ME Pmvr LC-GC mm» rormou ~ Amy By ussnarumb you: agony M£TA7w3A- , ,.,. , -rug” . ' oggmnc £4lL{.’fP;;l(< A . . )° ~5§3{¢isr!'- __ _) _ lion: amwmalls ARI oersrmmwa um? «- wérutcs we: cm urs! Tm’. await? ‘; sum»; Dttncrmy Jon DECIDED 330771: _ . * io1c£uI:E N mamas M New -"W3 air If yam: Eezwe Meufcn-lsu. £mAm Tntsm As. , Cl‘/EN‘ WM MEQALORPQEMOMS )‘1RE‘rUl0ll~lC: out conmumtiéa W0 A SOUuES$ EXHAIISE or CHAIN §TaR£$: MD Jimwm or; was; WE'A1‘fl1 Tb Di5Tr‘WTCTiOs um: EARN 140 TIMES lv¢'HAT‘EH£‘rE waRK£RS Do, my rxmmsazicmls Fuxx T0 mace; Luce McDOWfi'_S two mumur INSTEAD of Eggs .:- in Couem/E Rim? Aczlwsr me umsr E£0NoM:(. 0 is K. DIJfl!I1H:uxrz»rD£wM‘_ .M')u.m:mEuyoun1m » ‘llwaosqu afiaumi cumfiznié offilohhlfflwl 816 N5" lT3’AlL1W(T Jkm/trsn rm’. cues ms weueu. ‘fRJN$- _ Mrr-‘SR5 mam-Rsw BIWU AB\lJTY‘lDMM<2' CoWB.‘TloNS. mm