OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1997 — 13 Enter the 7'0/-7/7/D p Z0/VE with ReBecca Beguin BY DONNA FREEMAN One glance at the title ”Torrid Zone” and those of us en- lightened folks immediately think, ”Romance novel, a little bit of sex, a little bit of that...” That's what I thought, anyway. The cover declares this a mystery novel, so I also sneered my usual, ”Oh goody, another soft-porn lesbian murder mystery, by a Ver- mont writer, no less. Save me!” Even so, Ibegan reading and discovered to my delight an apparently simplistic story about a farm-girl Vermont lesbian who is anything but simple. I was surprised, but not disap- pointed when I discovered that Torrid Zone did not refer to any- thing sexual, but rather was the name given to a warm and trust- worthy friend. Beguin’s novel is a mystery more about Ida, the main char- acter, rediscovering her own lost (or hidden) emotions and be- liefs, than it is about a 20 year-old unsolved murder. Her thera- pist in this rediscovery comes in the form of Viv, a young col- lege student. Viv, in need of shelter from harassing violence on campus, wants to use Ida's experience in a 70's separatist collective as fodder for a Women's Studies project. Her prodding, youthful persistence enables Ida to unlock many of her dormant feelings. Viv’s research also nudges Ida into introducing Viv to the mem- bers of the now defunct farm collective, as well as finding jour- nals and documents from the collective years. Ida holds Viv spellbound as her sometimes painful memories bubble up to the surface while she recounts daily life in the collective farm. I found myself to be as captivated as Viv, with Beguin’s Fried—Green-Tomatoes—esque first person writing style. I got im- patient with the daily events and chores that Viv and Ida found themselves dealing with - I wanted more of the nightly tale. What was it that caused this ideal wimmin’s community to dis- integrate? And, why did it seem that Ida was existing in a life with no emotion, even though she had a lover? As she digs to recover her repressed memories, Ida shows Viv that she is anything but a simple ho1d—over from the com- munal times of twenty years ago. She also reveals to herself the true complexity of her own emerging psyche, the true solution to her own mystery, that although it appears everyone from the collective besides her has changed, this is not true. Beguin’_ s tale is a novel chronicling how some of our lives evolve over the course of time. It is a revealing account of changes experienced when the determination we acquire in our twenties, becomes the disillusionment and disappointment of our thirties, and, eventually, through grief and regrowth, be- comes our reawakening. OB Brattleboro Area Gay Men’s Film Club. 7-9pm. FMI call Ron (603) 876- 4825. GLITTER at Rhombus Gallery, Burlington. 7:45-10pm. Pink Flamingoes , by John Waters. By now, the disgusting film that launched John Waters career into the gutter has achieved cult status. Come watch a 400 pound drag queen eat dog poop. The recently released version will be shown in our new location on a huge projection screen. EATlNG WITH GRACE. a ten week psychoeducational support group for women w/food issues. Lesbian/ ,bisexual/survivor‘ positive. Mondays ~94-6pm. B'ton, Fee. FMl call Theresa '{l3acon, MA, ABMP, MSW 985-4045. 09 Brattleboro Area AIDS project annual meeting at the project office, 67 Main St., 4th Fl. FMl call 254-8263. Game night with SAM. FMI call 649- 3133. 09 6th Annual VT HlV/AIDS Educators Training Conference Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, VT FMI call Jonathan at 862- 1668. 19-21 Gender-free dance camp. Becket/Chimney corners camp, Beckett, Massachusetts. Contact Ruth FMI 649-1164. ’=i§?§i.l‘é6:'féh§aTlfiit5tJil*lll3l3llli{3il%1fi§l_'l "l929?7/2*'7/9271229?//tits?/9lét3%thi‘§”li'dm‘6lrq-5 _I l ‘:1; : Benefit Concert I September zoth I 8pm (doors 7:30) ” Unitarian ’ Universa|ist,152 Pearl St., Burlington Tickets: $15 in advance, $13.50 student, $17 door (student rate for advanced ticket sales only. all door tickets 517.) Tickets available at: Outright Vt. Office, Peace and Justice Center, or by mail: checks payable to Lavender Visions, Productions, Inc., PO Box 307, St Albans, VT 05478 i_nformation: (802) 849-2739 o all profits from this concert benefit Outright Triangle Ministries AVAYAVAY A Center For Lesbian Er Gay Spiritual Development 14 White Birch Lane, vwlliston, VT O54-95 802-860-7106 or Email: revcsl@aol.com "Surfacing Our Souls” A Study of Families, Fear, fir Faith November 28 - 30, 1997 ," "Having the Holy in Our Holidays" ’/ ~ December 1 9-21, 1997 / "Body & Soul” / A Valem‘.ine"s Retreat For Lesbian Couples / February 13 - 16, 1998, I I’ Contact for ratesxegistratiorr, 5! further information I or visit TM web page http://members.aol.comIrevcsl V A \ an " l E WITH RlCHARD SHlNDELL I ; in a benefit for the I i Peace & justice Center II 4< SEPTEMBER 21 st, 7 PMS 1 Unrrnsmn Cnuacr: ,’ I BURLINGTON, VT ’ E $15-$20 sunms SCALE 1’ __l Tickers AVAILABLE AT Peace & Justice STORE Fawn Box Omcz _ Fun: 909, suamisron A d v e r t i s e Mmnuaauav Nnum. Foon Co-or — ' VERMONT Eiummc Co., MONTPEIJER Y O U r F a I I C0-SPONSORS!) BY 5 P E C I A_ L . E V E N T S I n r E : , Q rox iriroririmon CALL 555 T5326 furniture. We also need paint brushes, pans, and rollers. Contact Tami FMI 865-9677. @ AlDS walk in Rutland to benefit VT CARES. Walk starts in the Main St. Park at 9:30am. FMI call Leah at VT CARES, 863-2437.30th Anniversary Annual meeting of the ACLU at the Cortina Inn on Route 4 in Killington. Beginning at 9 with registration. BAD Grrrls (Brattleboro Area Dykes) Pot Luck. 6pm. Call 254-7721. The Amelia’s Underground is adopt- ing a NH highway in the name of “Up- pe_r Valley Lesbians”. We’ll be doing \ "‘ou'r in tial=6l6a§§rl£; ofliléiilte-'itfr’c'im"tfie Enfield/Lebel ffifv’l‘1’lli'tla‘llf<5L'lili‘-zl'*llri- terstate exit (I89 #17) We’re meeting at the Interstate Tire Parking lot at1'0am. FMI call (603)632-7146. Amelia’s potluck and open house at Vanessa and Jayne’s (603) 448-5201 . Lucie Blue Tremblay at the Unitarian Church, 152 Pearl St. Burlington. All proceeds will benefit OUTRIGHT VT. Tickets available at OUTRIGHT, The Peace and Justice Store or call, 849- 2739. 20-21 Sleepless in September. Get off campus and explore the beauty and fun of the Green Mts. with other VT GLBT college students and allies ‘*'ét§iii’éi6i‘l§‘:l$l’a 6i'bdr'i‘l=Mi'§§‘lé=lli‘§6 0ITM'ps Arts 8: Entertain- ment guide. at AIDS Walk in St. Johnsbury. To ben- efit VT CARES. Walk starts in Ramsey Park (across from Troll Press). FMI call Leah at VT CARES: 863-2437. Dar Williams with Richard Shindell at UU Church, Burlington to benefitThe Peace & Justice Center. Tickets avail- able at Peace & Justice Store, Flynn Box Office, Pure Pop, B'ton, Middlebury Natural Food Co-OP, Ver- mont Trading Co., Montpelier. FMI call 863-8326. more CAENDAR at Middlebury College's Breadloaf “stings on campusin__Ftlpton. Sponsored by p ' _ -I 4 H -'l$IEGilEiA'ahiiJ=.fe_e"To;Be.‘at.’UVM. ,;_’;.i;_; i‘";;:;_‘j»;¢;,,