,¥. ter ”gay marriage” one more time, I'm going to squeal like my sweet pet pig, Babette. I mean really! This is the worst case of ”please let us be like you” since our palpita- tions to get into the military. Why are we fighting to become included into an institution which is obviously failing? Most of my straight friends live ”in sin” because they see mar- riage as the patriarchal dino- saur it is. Many of my (former) gay friends drone on inces- santly about how beautiful the world would be if only they would let us ride the pretty di- nosaur. I don't get it. Is our need to be accepted so great that we are reduced to plead- ing for our rights to join the club of governmentally-sanc- tioned relationships? I don't know about you, but I don't need anyone, least of all the same government that denies my basic civil rights, to tell me that my rela- tion of 15—years is acceptable, genuine, or holy to God or Goddess. I don't want their nose in my choice of family structure, even if that nose comes in the form of a mar- riage license. What if I choose not to couple? What if I choose to marry three people? Are these somehow less holy, less I f I hear one more queer ut- or, why Gay Marriage is a bad idea OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1997 — 11 What about DOMA? BY ENDORA DISCLAIMER: This represents my own personal viewpoint, and not that of any organization that has the poor taste of allowing itself to be associated with me. acceptable because my family might not get it? Because Uncle Sam says it's bad? It is a sad day when we look to main- stream heterosexual society to validate our ways of forming family. I believe that as a com- munity, instead of fighting to gain access to an institution that discriminates, we should be fighting against laws that give one particular way of liv- ing advantages over another. Isn't that what diversity is all about? This is the worst case of “please let us be like you” since our palpitations to get into the military. Why are we fighting to become included into an institution which is obviously failing? In her article last month in Out In The Mountains. ”Faith Matters and Marriage Mat- ters”, Rev. Christine Leslie spoke about what a powerful event her "commitment cer- emony had been. I'm sure it was. As a clergy-person my- self, I have performed dozens of marriages and commitment ceremonies, and they are deeply meaningful and sin- cerely moving. ...BUT. T00 of- ten they are also rooted in showing our straight families that we can be good normal people ”just like them” be- cause, see we got married, too. And although this might chip away at social homophobia among our families, it does so by asserting, (read: desperately trying to prove) that we are just like they are and therefore de- serve acceptance. Goddess for- bid they be asked to accept something really different. They'd bust open from that stretch. And the result of this commitment ceremony cam- paign has been that now in the gay community, marriage is the exalted and socially ap- plauded norm. OK. I concede that the presents are tempting. As is making our families squirm when they have to give us the same thing they gave our sib- lings or admit they are homophobic. Good sport. But then we pour out in droves for commitment ceremonies so We, too, can celebrate how mainstream and upstanding we've become. Why? Why do we do that? Friendship? Sup- port? Yes, but doesn't it run a DEMANDING, p14 ‘I I I I I I I I I I I .,” .9 p ./ I THE FREEDOM To MARRY: A or This seventeen minute informational video was filmed entirely in Ver- mont and features twentyr—two Vermonters talking about the issue of same gender marriage. Hear voices from all over the state speaking about how the inequality of marriage laws affects them, their friends, and family. Lis- ten to you r neig h bors' personal stories and learn what rights and respon- sibilities are denied same gender couples. N ow is the time to find out how this issue affescts us all This video is a great way to introduce the topic with non—gay friends and family. A Placeyour pre-paid order today! Your purchase will help educate others about same gender marriage. ' i"’9_51éi'.P"<€: