\ Dr. Shoshanna Shelley Licensed Psychologist Helping individuals & Couples With Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Sexual identity. Addictions. Self Esteem St Relationship Concerns. Over 20 Years Experience Most insurance Accepted 496-4964 WARREN, VERMONT Michael Gigante, Ph.D. Psychosynthesis Counseling 8’ Therapy (802) 254-8032 15 Myrtle Street, Brattleboro VT 05301 Burlington 860-6360 Montpelier 2295220 JOSIE JUHASZ, M.A. _ tic. Psychologist - Master .. »' ':«.= 4. - OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1997 COALITION NOTES: The Conference is Coming BY DAVID GRAMLING The 5th annual VCLGR conference, Our Family Re- union: Embracing All Shades of Lavender will take place on Saturday, November 8th at Rutland High School. This year's Keynote presenter is Karen Williams, nationally known lesbian African-Ameri- can comedian and educator. Ms. Williams’ fabulous presen- tations combine sex awareness, sexual difference, anti-racism, and social justice in a comic brew which is certain to be a long-remembered event of growth and connection in gay . Vermont. Workshops will include Ms. Williams‘ ”Let’s Laugh About Sex”, as well as work- shops on social justice, second- parent adoption, the current dynamics of the Vermont Free- dom to Marry process, queer . youth voices, challenges in glbtq youth service providing, issues in the national media, and Vermont regional and lo- cal gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues. The Con- ference Committee invites any and all to propose workshops or caucuses which work with themes of importance to glbtq people, Values, spirits, pets, foods, cultures, identities, fu- tures, and pasts. If you and a friend would like to lead a workshop presentation or fa- cilitate a caucus group discus- sion, please call David in the next few days at 388-0750. We won't FedEx a proposal form to you, but we'll get one out as quick as possible. Act now, or forever hold your workshop— at least till next year. For those who've already proposed workshops or caucuses, we will be contacting you by Sep- tember 25th. On the day of the confer- ence, elections will be held to create next years VCLGR Board of Directors. Elected one— and two- year positions as well as two Chair positions will be filled at that time. Please consider nominating yourself or a friend for these positions. Please call Judith Lashof at 623-6131 with nomi- nations. The following is a sur- vey which VCLGR will use to choose new and/ or tradition- based directions for the next year. It should take only as long as it takes to drink a hot bev. Please help us out to shape and renew our Coalition vision for 1997-1998. WKjXijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijfjfi 1. Howmuch do you know about the Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights? justa little < 2. Would you like to work as a volunteer with the Coalition in any of the following areas: > quitea lot __ planning a spring community event __ political action, lobbying, media work administrative, book—keeping, financial coordination liaison with other community or _ conference planning attending board meetings membership campaigns educational outreach LYNN GOYETTE, M.s., M.A. Lac. Clinical Mental Health Counseior - sliding fee scale it insurance accepted $04 COUNSEUNG CENTER or NORTHERN VERMONT DANE LEARDI. Llcsw Counseling ’ Dcqchotherapq (802) 2547545 Bmttlelmo, VT 05:50: James R. Nelson MACP Feminist Therapy Sheila D. Rawls, M,.S.C. Pathways for self-discovery/and growth addictions '7 coming out V relationships V, spirituality VACOA 2 Church Street, Suite 4B Burlington, Vermont 0540i (802) 865-2609 *sliding fee scale state-wide organizations If so, which? : diversity committee Explanation? _ newsletter _ legislative update for this honor? Please fold this page of Out in the Mountains into an envelop Montpelier VT 05602. We thank you very much. outreach in a particular area or part of the Vermont glbtq community coalition with,other states’ and national gay/lesbian/trans/bi rights organizations 3. Do you feel that the VCLGR’s work benefits you or your community? _ Yes No If so, what aspects of the VCLG R's work has affected you most positively? A If not, what would you like to see more of? 4.. Do you support same—gender marriage? _ yes __ no 5. In what ways would you like more contact with the Vermont Coalition? coming to board meetings _ county or regional community forums Psychotherapist _ notice about special events 6. Would you like to become a MEMBER of the VCLGR? .} _ one year ($15) - '« V g _ _ two years (525) I, Professzonlal ‘ _ . (802) 651.--77,54 7. The VCLGR will present its annual community awards to those folks who've worked with courage, ' C°"fld?"““l gB“'h"E‘°”: VT05401 leadership, integrity, and/or sass to pursue rights and freedoms for people in the gay, lesbian, bi- sexual, and transgender community. is there someone you have in mind that you'd like to nominate 8. Your name, address, phone and/or email: e and send it on its way to PO Box 1125, With pride, J VC LG R L111111111111111:11111111111111J OITM ----iS0nthe'¥ WEB