. y Out NI LB Hf.-175 .. (J'9'71 in theMoun E L ,"“’4sy tdfiis C e, V VERMONT'S FORUM FOR LESBIAN. GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES '7' Volume XI I, Number 6 September 1997 Marriage Battle Moves to Green Mountains Meet the Plaintiffs: back row — Lois Purnham, Peter Harrigan, Stan Baker, Nina Beck. front row — Holly Puterbaugh, Noah Iolles, Stacy Iolles -Three couples sue the state for the right to marry BY CHRISTOPHER Moss COLCHESTER — Three couples took what some people see as the next step for- ward and others see as an un- fortunate step back when they took to the courts their fight for legal recognition of their rela- tionships to the same extent that the government encour- ages and honors heterosexual relationships. The three couples, Stan Baker and Peter Harrigan of Shelburne, Nina Beck and Stacy Jolles of South Burlington, and Lois Farnham and Holly Puterbaugh, of Milton sued the State of Ver- mont for discrimination against them for refusing to grant marriage licenses. The couples are being represented by Susan Murray and Beth Robinson from the law firm of Langrock, Sperry «S: Wool in Middlebury, as well as Mary Bonauto of Gay and Lesbian Advocate and Defend- ers, (GLAD), a Boston-based law firm created to defend the rights of gays and lesbians. According to a statement from the lawyers, ”the refusal to al- low our clients to marry vio- lates both state marriage laws and the state Constitution, which require that all citizens and families have the same ac- cess to the legal protections and obligationsof civil mar- riage.” Further, ”marriage is a fundamental, individual per- sonal choice, which should be available to all Vermonters.” The’Attorney General, William Sorrell, has stated that he is going by the 1973 Attor- ney General decision to forbid such marriages, and has told the press that this issue should be decided by the legislature. Governor Dean, on the other hand, while not taking a posi- tion on the issue, called it ”an emotional issue” and ex- pressed that it belonged in the courts. The law suit is a second judicial front in the same sex marriage battle. For three years now a similar case has been making its way through the Hawaii courts. On the leg- islative front the battle is less optimistic. Twenty five states have already outlawed same sex marriage, and DOMA, the defense of marriage act de- MARR|AGE,19 Curtse Seats: St. Iohnsbury Installs Gay Minister ST. IOHNSBURY — On Sun- day, September 14 at 4 p.m. Rev. Brendan Hadash will be installed as minister of the Uni- versalist Church in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Previ- ously, Hadash served churches in Derby Line and West Burke, Vermont and in North Hatley, Quebec. ‘ Hadash has long been active in, the gay and lesbian community in Vermont. He is the founder of VOWS (Ver- mont Organization for Wed- dings of the Same Gender), a group of clergy and religious leaders in favor of gays and lesbians having the choice to marry. In 1995 he spoke and performed the “mass wed- ding” at the Vermont pride march. From 1988 to 1990 he was board secretary of Ver- mont CARES. He also has co- ordinated a gay men's social group. "I am very excited to have been calledyas minister of GAY M|N|STER,v~‘p19