July 1997 Dykes Towatch Outfor byAlisonBe<':hd¢l 7bU'r2£ Gomcno smock’; P/nary? I «Now in A are PEAL 5|-IE FNALLY GOT HER Docrdrkri. I MEAN, I WAS I~vmsL>‘roo, Bur r1uLJ> SPARROU WAIREAPY HAD PtAN5.1'M mkme my SPECIM Mu .,~ WELL, my DON'T (swear: AND I _.= ' PICK you uP?1nA-r way wE‘LL SEE ;‘ EACH OTHER AND Go7bTHE PARTY.’ ‘- Klu Two BIRD} NITH ONE STONE. n’: we £v£»:To'1ne SEASON.’ J’£e1,I‘|>Lo£‘1D. B07’ ,. _ |0H.m.no. usy, 1'l£fTA JWNEY'5CoAMe ol£R.I'n MESJAEE fi7ll)OU« I Krbhl ‘T5 'WFM_l‘/ wrnmurr. Mme amuev ARTroloKE Lost lW._FOUl FEDRII fimuo. STAND nine Bur wt RE HA»/we A 2 Mynuie aw eunao N0 wzvt eon-an: wow! ‘.‘NPu5ED1b is: sore mm EVER mo weep HELP. _ CELEIMTEGNGR eemua oON BECHDEL "" . .,1r;:: ’ {Q 5.57 '. 1 I r -1 AC1’oNLy wHv.5‘rn? wnH‘fl1E r2EPuBLl- cms ? c’urmu's we owe mo JUJ1 ' -' .\7:.yH-lily‘-4” "3 " 'f\ ' 2:. ». 7 "- 1 ., ' _ l I . , . ,, _, . \\\\\\\\\\: / 5. Carol L. Thayer, M.D. Family Physician KAISER PERMANENTE Community ' Health Plan NORTHEAST DIVISION Georgia Health Center RR#2, Box 1160 Fairfax, VT 05454 Tel: 802/524-9595 ‘ FINE. rail: Au»: IF XJU Have ‘ro. an fix IUSIIKSI 3: col? Fax: "802/5'24-‘2867 Mwrm I .5UPR2SEL> 1omwIL£>bu‘I?£ or-1: IN Bzlfohl ATBUSINESS SCHOOL? srr HOPC Knrmae >'uU _ Pbu£R’TIE5 ? wvLw.v'nsi.eomI~opra'u-iel Page 15 \vJElL...IDUr1rh. Mme ussuouw TAKE A BREAK. -_ 525 omen PEOPII ' Foe A wmL£. HI.’ I PKKEP ur me CAKE. NEED HELP NI ' . DINNER ? « meilxs IVEIMDEA -=4‘ PACTLJM ‘mi DCVIL? Body Centered Psychotherapy L_. Leah Wittenberg MACP‘ Lesbians Considering Parenthood ' the choice ' the process ‘ the challenges Body Centered Psychotherapy Keeping your body in mind Psychotherapy 8 V 2 Church St. Burlington (302) .855-4568 OH.i.M...11IuM65 ARE R£ALLy 5l%RRovl,|l" IND kf'll(E$0lEL1ER.HE JUJT YOU'RE GONNA , /Ar/k_—:r_—fllLI _l\ .{: G81‘rnK1Mr_Il.B.A. ISNOTA awe! ’ .//fagggie.//hob £12 6211-9, .720. - Day Care Days/Evenings - ‘I I . . 6% - Bozzrdingfizr Dog: and Cat: — - Hauxexittingfbr Dogs and Cat: - - Home Pet Care Service: - Horn‘: Away From Home - 658-5323 ' 3017 Williston Road ‘ S.‘Burlington, VT 05403 Feminist Therapy Sheila D. Rawls, M.S.C. Pathways for selfldiscovery arid grovyth ‘ addictions V coming out V relationships V spirituality V ACOA \ (802) 865-2609 *sliding fee scale Burlington, Vermont 0540] 2 Church Street, Suite 4B '