8 July 1997 Page 5 » V Health Resources A ll phone numbers (802) unless noted. HIV/AIDS HOTUNES Vermont: (800)882-2437 New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 New York State: (800) 541 -2437 Massachusetts: (617) 522-4090 Maine: (800) 851-2437 National: (800)342-2437 National ‘I'|'Y: (800) 243-7889 Teen Hotline: (800) 234-TEEN Addison County AIDS Network (ACAN) 352-6679 or 388-4193 AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) PO Box 608 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-1149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACoRN) PO Box 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - (603) 448-2220 or (800) 816-2220 - E-mail: acorn @val|ey.net ALANA Health Care Organization PO Box 357 - 179 S. Winooski Street ~ Burtington VT 05402 - 864-2631 or 864-2632 Bennington Area AIDS Project PO Box 1066 - Bennington VT 05201 - 442-4481 or (800) 845-2437 Brattleboro Area AIDS Project PO Box 1486 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 254-8263 or 254-4444 (Helpline) - E-mail: sbell @sover.net Comprehensive Care Clinics (for HIV/AIDS) Hotline: (800)763-2460 Bratlieboro: 257-8860 Buriingtonz 656-4594 Rutland: 747-1831 St. Johnsbury: 748-7361 Dawnland Center (Native American) PO Box 1358 - 121 Barre St. - Montpelier VT 05601 2290601 - E-rnail: Nadrumin@aol.oom GayIl.esbian Alcoholics Anonymous PO Box 5653 - Burlington VT 05402 - 658-42 Lesbian Cancer Support Group 660-8386 Men’s Health Project (see Vermont CARES listing) National Association for People With AIDS (202) 898-0414 NI-WT HIV Information Network on the Web htlp1/www.dartmoulh.edu/~hivnet/ "North Star Holistic Health Care RR2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT 05661 - 888-2858 Tribal Remedies (ALANA Community Organization) 8 Vlfilliston St - Bratlleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 Twin State Women’s Network PO Box 3 - Cavendish VT 051 42-0003 - 226-7807 E-mail: margoc@mail.tds.net Web Site: http1lwww.dartrrtouth.edul~hivnet/orgs/ TWSN1 .htrnI Vermont AIDS Council PO Box 275 - MontpelierVT 05601 - 229-2557 E-mail: vtaids @plainlield.bypass.com Vermont CARES PO Box 5248 - Buiiinglon VT 05401 - 863-2437 or (800) 649-2437 PO Box 6033 - Rutland VT 05702 - 775-5884 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project PO Box 172 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - (800) 257-1123 (TTY); (800)253-0195 (Voice Relay); (802) 257-2013 (Fax) Vermont Department of Health 108 Cherry St. - PO Box 70 - Burlington VT 05402 "AIDS Program Office: 863-7245 AIDS Hotlinei (800) 882-2437 Vermont HIV/AIDS Care Consortium PO Box 9 - Hinesburg VT 05461 - 482-5100 Vermont HIV/AIDS Education Network PO Box 1784 - Burlington VT 05402-1784 - 862-1668 Vermont Office of Minority Health clo VT Dept. of Health (see above) - 863-7273 Vermont People With AIDS Coalition PO Box 1055 0 Bratlleboro VT 05302 - 229-5754 or (800) 69-VT-PWA - E-mail: vtpwac @sover. net Web Site: http 1/www.sover.net/-vtpwad Vermont Wornen‘s Health Center 336 North Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 0 863-1386 New group ? Chan ge of address ? To update, correct or add any infom-ration included in the resource and health resource listings, please e-mail information to 0lTM@together.net Tami Eldredge, Outright VT’s new executive director CONTINUED, from page 1 its ne_w youth space, Xando, which will open as a weekly drop-in center in Iuly. Access to services is another area Eldredge hopes to give focus to. Isolation is at the top of her list when asked about GLBTQ youth issues. Their website, youth ‘zine ”Reaching Out,” 800 number, and new pen pal program are some waysthe agency is working to link young people to services and to each other. Social pressures and a lack of dependable transportation can otherwise keep many Vermont youth from getting to Outright’s Burlington office in the first place. Eldredge also plans to do more reaching out, proactively getting educational messages to queer youth and to the community at large. She plans to continue working with schools and other youth serving agencies to provide as broad a baseof support as possible. ”Faggot is still the most common epithet in school hallways,” she says, also pointing out a recent study showing that GLB students in Vermont were seven times more likely to have been threatened or injured with a weapon at school. This, she says, happens in spite of Vermont's relatively high receptivity to the needs of GLBTQ youth. ”Schools are hostile and unsafe," She says, ”That’s a need for us to fix.” Eldredge cites Montpelier High School as an example of what schools are capable of doing. She made several visits there this Spring, going beyond the usual one-shot homophobia training. The school also invited Outright to make presentations to health and sexuality classes, and to participate in a speaker's panel at a school town meeting. Says Eldredge, ”They’re really a good example of what schools can do...incorporating information about who GLBTQ people are [and] what their lives are like.” On the business end, plans include a major ' donor campaign to bring the agency into a better financial balance. ”We’ve been heavily dependent on grants,” she says, ”We’re moving toward distributing that more evenly.” In addition to cash donations, Outright also seeks to fill a wide variety of volunteer positions, for adults and youth. The group currently has a volunteer base of 60 group facilitators, administrative volunteers, and organizers. With the challenges of relocating and starting a new job, Eldredge has found time, for little else. While she's been impressed with what she describes as a diverse, active and interesting community professionally, she looks forward to making more personal connections. Eldredge tells a quick story about coming home one day last winter to find that her elderly neighbor had shoveled the walk for her. ”I thought that was fabulous. It was so delightful to have a stranger looking out for me.” It's a case of giving what she's getting. As the new face on the block, Eldredge is doing the same thing for Vermont youth every day.- oven ._ 82:23:’ 7 days EQQKSELLERS welcome We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. 8] Church St., Burlington, VT ' 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK Antiques,, Collectibles, and Vermont Handcrafted Creations McC[eary Qirook fllntiques and gifts Route 14 HC 65, Box 2320 Albany. Vermont 05820 One mile north of Albany village. Open year round Thursday-Sunday 10-6 David and Louanne Nielsen (802) 755-6344 Or by appointment or chance. BLACKWOOD AND Eileen l\/l. Blackwood KRAYNAK P.C. Pamela Kraynak ATIO I? N EYS AT LAW l3l Main Street PO. Box 875 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-2517 - Employment law - Education law - Wills, Relationship Contracts - Commercial & Residential Real Estate - Small Business I 0/ Seafood and Steak Tavern LUDLOW‘S PREMIERE DINNER HOUSE ,' ‘K Vednt - 802-228-5622 Visit Our Web Page: http:/ / www.sover.net/ ~seafood1 Arcadia House V Elegant Accommodations PO Box 520 V Hyde Park, VT 05655 V 802-888-9147 john Townc V Ed Pepe V Innkeepers *1. 25 Z1(.‘l't?$ V pond V meadows V trails V river V pc:lcc& privacy Michael Gigante, Ph.D. 3 Psychosyn thesis Counseling 6* Therapy ‘(802) 254-8032 I 15 Myrtle Street, Brattleboro VT 05301 ill-IINBDW IATTLE ED. Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music Route 5 Brattleboro Between Exits 3 & 4, I91 (802) 254-9830