Out in the Mountains . - . Revlews A Funny Time to be Gay, edited by Ed Karvoski, Jr. Simon & Schuster, $12.00 paperback Reviewed by Bruce Johnson Gay men and lesbians have always had a place in the entertainment industry. That, however, is not readily apparent due to the large number of gay entertainers who remain clos- eted throughout time. Welcome to the l990’s, in which, accord- ing to coinedienne Lea Delaria, ‘,‘It’s hip to be queer.” In his book A Fmmy Time to be Gay, Ed Karvoski, Jr., offers a sensational compilation of gay and lesbian humor from the l970’s through the current decade. Contributors include Michael Dane, Danny McWil|iams, Barry Steiger, Scott Silverinan, Judy Carter, Suzanne Westenhoefer, Robin Tyler, columnist Ms. Behavior, and more. They reflect the diversity of the gay and lesbian community as they carry their joyful mes- sage: “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to laughing along with us.” Many gay and lesbian comics address social issues and light for gay rights through their own routines. For example, Robin Tyler tells ol‘ a man who once screamed at her, “I think they should take all you queers and put you on an island,” to ' which Robin replied, “Oh, but they did, darling. They call it Manhattan.” Danny MeWilliams, talking about medical waste wash- ing ashore in; New York, quipped, “Twenty years ago I had an appendix removed. I found it at Jones'Beach.-Thank God I didn’t have a sex change!” _, . Michael Dane, a bisexual, relates, “I keep telling myself I’m not queer. It’s just that all the men..that I fall for are.” Bill Maher, host ofABC-TV’s “Politically'Incorrect,” said of Karvoski’s collection, “This is thetsort ofibookthat all of America — gay and straight —- should be reading.” According to actress Whoopi Goldberg, “There’s not a closet big enough for this book.” i A Frmny Time to be Guy provides the gay, lesbian, bi- sexual, and transgendered communities with role models who convey the message that it’s OK to be proud of ourselves and our identities. What a refreshing change from society’s homopho- bic diatribes‘. The comedy routines presented offer something to which virtually everyone “— gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or straight — can relate. I highly recommend this book to all who need some inspiration along with a good dose of knee-slapping humor. V Log Cabin Club Republicans Honor Senator Jeffords = _. by Paul Olsen WASHINGTON DC — Vennont Senatorlames Jeffords was recently honored by the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Log Cabin Club for his work promoting gay and lesbian civil rights in the 104th Congress. Jeffords, a Republican, has represented Vennont in the U.S. Senate since 1989. Prior to his election to the Senate, J etfords served in the U.S. House of Representatives, as Verrnont’s Attomey General, and as a State Senator from Rutland County. The Capital Area Log Cabin Club ofWashington, D.C. presented Jeffords with its annual Walt Whitman Award at a reception attended by more than l0O Log Cabin Club members and guests. As Chair of the District of Columbia Subcommittee, Jeffords was cited by the group for his successful defeat of House attempts to repeal the District of Columbia’s Domestic Partnership Act and to restrict the ability of unmarried couples to adopt. “Senator Jeffords demonstrated through his leadership that Republicans are in fact concerned with equal Page 14 Size Queen, “Pimps, Pumps, and Pushers.’.’ Twisted America Records, 1997. Reviewed by Alex Corey First it was RuPaul and “Supermodel;” then along came “Diva” by Club 69. Dance Sizequeen has released “Pimps, Pumps, and Pushers,” queens everywhere strutted their stuff, lip-syncing a full-length disc just bustling with beats. Alas, there’s glamorously as the house beats pounded. Attitude was every- thing. Self-indul- gence was de rigeur. Then came the “Macarena,” and ev- erything changed. Overnight, dance floors changed from Fassbinder fantasies to Brady Bunch sing- a-longs. Hets and breeders everywhere Q grabbed their asses and swiveled their hips alongside their queer sisters and brothers. DJs shud- dered in revulsion. Club owners threat- ened suicide. Demo- crats everywhere lost what little shreds of self-respect they had left. But even as most Americans followed Al Gcre’5 lead and cigarette-smoking hooker flashing her wares in the night fondled their butts to the beat, Club 69’s Paul No matter how good the CD sounds on the stereo, it just Rauhofer took 0n the ngtmg Sizequeen and W0l'l’[ on the COiT6C table, and that’s bound IO D6 whipped up “Wa1k!”, an impctuous and fierce 21 turnoff t0f the m0deI'n gay man —- YOU know, the One track that blended the best elements of who now claims an interest in classical music because of “stipenncdel” and “Diva” with a few references the shirtless studs pictured in the liner notes these days. to “I’m Too Sexy” thrown in for good measure. The song shot high on the hit list in clubs, need of something, anything, to combat Macarena mad- but never quite stayed in orbit. Perhaps the suc- neSS, SiZ6Clueen’S bound to be asure fit. Flip up the thermo- cess of the “Macarena” symbolized club culture’s Stat. Sllp ln the disc, StIlP d0Wn, and let the deep l10USe beat inevitable bci-eddni with catty ca[wa]](erg_ seen take care of your pre-summer blues. Within minutes, it’ll from this angle, “Walk!” was trite and passe. Been feel like 1994 all 0Vef again. 7 \ there done that, girl — next! And so, as a follow-up to “Walk!”, Rauhoferl not much here that one ean’t find on his leg- endary Club 69 release “Adults Only.” Even raunch- p r o m i s i n g titles like “Horny” and “(that body made for) Sin” only recall the past glories of tracks like “Let Me Be Your Underwear.” Theeover art (sorry, no buff bodsthis time) certainly won’t grab the attention of the discriminating disc-buyer, either, what with its sleazy Still, if you’re living in denial and are in desperate rights for all citizens,” said Log Cabin Board member Carl Schmid at the award ceremony. Although Jeffords no longer chairs the District of Columbia subcommittee, Capital Area Log Cabin" members expressed optimism regarding his continued leadership as Chair of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over the EmploymentNondiscrimination Act (ENDA) and federal HIV/AIDS programs. In the Senate, Jeffords has been one of the primary co—sponsors of ENDA, which lost by one vote in the Senate last fall. Gay Republican Log Cabin Clubs began in Califomia in 1978. Nine clubs fomied a national federation under the name Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) in l 990. LCR cunently maintains 57 chapters in 28 states; the group does not have an active chapter in Vermont. V The Gay Guy ’s Guide to Love by. Ken Hanes Crown, $8.95 Reviewed by Bruce Johnson Every gay man, no matter what age, can always use some sen- sible advice concerning love, dating, sex, and communication. Ken Hanes offers 500 wise and witty sayings to guide not only first-time lovers, but also long-term companions. Above all, he stresses the importance of learning to believe that love is possible between two gay men. Throughout the book there are many “instructions” that could also apply to heterosexual couples. Most of it boils down to following the Golden Rule — i.e. treat others with the same dignity and respect with which you wish to be treated. Given the high failure rate of straight relationships, it is undoubtedly even more important for gay couples to view their relationships seriously. Keeping the lines of A communication open, along with a willingness to compromise, is vital to any relationship. Ken Hanes present this material in a very straightforward yet non-threatening manner. Moreover, he advises gay men to be realis- tic in theirlexpectations. While this advice is valuable to anyone, it is especially important for those of us who are just getting started in a relationship. This book provides an infonnative as well as witty guide, onekwhich I recommend very highly. V kg wemews taaimeeaa "tibair or even‘ a . ' I WED W B i waif? " = $3.5 . §fl°5@ M” lBoz.lllEll ”1°r°B"‘“S (draft 8( bottle) Drafts llllllllls 32.75 135 PEARL ST. 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