Out in the Mountains gmwdf . i < ters Leltllayi eiixpliorelfriew ways toiact up at Febriuary’s .« .<-61‘ “Winter is a Drag” Ball, a fundraiser for Vermont CARES. _ by Paul Olsen ' - Amber and Marguerite LeMay, The Lucy and Ethel (or Fred and Barney?) of Vermont drag queens. Two tall girls that make Attorney General Janet Reno §'?Tiii5‘i)i’l§§1‘Av3lili»,:“'C3't1ti<’:.i'.$Having performed at Gay Pride, the “Winter is a Drag" Ball, and I35 Pearl, they’ve devel- oped a reputation for their well—rehearsed shtick, big hair, fabulous sense of fashion, and support for a vari- ety of charitable catrses. In celebration of April Fools Day, Amber and Marguerite LeMay (a.k.a. Bob Bolyard and Michael Hayes) agreed to answer a series of questions for Out If; infltc 7/l/I_J"()1tI1tqtiIi.r. .' OITM: When did the Sisters LeMay first appear in pubhc? Amber: Appear or perform‘? Marguerite: Don’t mind her. The Sisters’ LcMay debut ‘occurred on New *Yc‘ar’s,Eve,' 1992, at the Sheraton . Burlington for the big VGSA party.’ ' Amber: Did we get lucky that night‘? Marguerite: No, Amber. Amber: Everyone else did! I ' — .. '0ITM,’£‘iA.Al‘C. you transves'ti»tes, cross—drcssers, or drag queens? Amber: Are you ajournalist, a gadfly, or hack writer?" Marguerite: Amber, behave. (An aside to the ' interviewer)Remember, Iflm the nice one. --Amber: Wciare Cl1lCl’lfjl~lnCrS: No labels are needed. _Besidcs, you ‘forgot “female illoooooooosionist.” ' ' ‘Marguerite: And were fun, damnitall! How long does it take youto get in drag‘? “tier-ityer‘ H"o’_w«mu_chi_t_irrr_e"_ ' OITM:.>Yo,u must be‘pcrpcti:i_ally late. ; _ . . 1 ".Miargueri_te: Obvit)usly."'I'n one’ 'of'our shows we applied our makc—up and wigs in front oifyvthe audience while singing“:Ma'scara" from “La Aux Folles.“ Amber: If the audience’is-—focusi_ng on your eye shzidow, they ain’t laughing at your jokes! f Marguerite: No. They’re laughing. at YOUR eye shadow! Amber; Oh well, a cheap laugh is still a laugh. Marguerite: No one knows that better than Amber. OITM: At Pride Day you were criticized by some lesbians, for referring to yourselves as “female impaired.” How do you respond to this criticism? Marguerite: Well, take a look at us! Amber: Should we be considered vaginally challenged? Marguerite: Oh Amber...., Amber: Attackediffcir‘otinuieforlslesisnessi? ' Marguerite: Amber! Amber: Just more labels! OITM: If Ben & Jerry’s named an ice cream flavor after the Sisters LeMay, what would it be called? Marguerite: Nutty LeMayple Fruitcake. OITM: And what would be in it‘? Amber: Cherie Tartt-’s tongue. OITM: How do you respond ‘to the rumors regarding the marriage of Cherie Tartt and Fred Tuttle? Amber: Does the name Anna Nicole Smith ring a bell‘? Marguerite: Let’s face it, that media maniac knows how to get what she wants. Amber: And she got a movie deal out of 01’ Fred. And being the gracious person she is, she hired us to be extras in the movie. Marguerite: Amber plays the younger Cherie Tartt. Amber: And Marguerite was Cheric’s body double during the sex scenes. OITM: A bill prohibiting gay marriage (H.182) in Vermont has been introduced in the Vermont legislature. What are your thoughts on gay marriage‘? Amber: Gay marriage? Sounds like an oxymoron to ‘' me. . . Marguerite: As opposed to the regular moronsiyou date, Amber‘? ' V Amber: While understand some peoples’ objection to gay marriages for religious reasons, society has to find a wayto acknowledge andyaffirm commitments . between two people - no matter whatsex either of them 5 is. Sex should have nothing to do with it. Marguerite: Sounds lil