Out in the Mountains VBRUSH surface finishing & refinishing interior - exterior quality painting Janice Goodman Hinesburg. Vermont 482-3680 Out in the Moimtains vsnmours rowuu ran tssrrmu GAY nrssxunr Arm rnnrrsosrrnrn recurs OITM is now available on the World Wide Web! Get all the latest news, along with updated to other g/I/b/t sites! Check us out at http://members.uol.com/oitm/ MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA calendar listings and links _ . ' Publisher or’oufin'rné ’Mo'un't’oin‘s7 - Quality Web Page Design gl Our quality designs and reasbnable rates make establishing a Web presence a viable option Phone: 802-879-4527 Ii-mail solutions@pwsolutions.com h ttp ://pwsol u,tions.com[.paperwork/, Measuring Success One Investor At A Time We know that no matter who you are or what you do for a living, you want to see your family se- cure, your children educated, your retirement assured. We're ready to help with aiwidc range of investments and a pro- lcssiontrlly trained Account Ex- ecutive who can tailor a program to your needs. At Dean Witter, we measure success one inves- tor at it time. Ginger Williamson Account Executive Seven Burlington Square Burlington VT ()54()l (802) 863-7728 Vermont AIDS Symposium: Page 6 Large Gathering Tackles Tough Issues A BURLINGTON — Over 300 people will gather in Burlington for Vermont’s first large-scale conference on AIDS-related issues for service providers in over eight years. The Vermont AIDS Symposium is scheduled for May 8-9 at the Sheraton Conference Center. The Symposium will bring Vermont providers up-to—date infonna— tion on the rapidly changing medical treatments for HIV-related illnesses. It will also provide an opportunity fora wide range of professionals and those living with HIV to discuss strategies for treatment and care as we move into the next century. The conference’s subthcme, “Issues in Mental Health, Substance Use and Pain Management,” recognizes the interconnected nature of the most pressing medical and social issues of our age. Over thirty workshops will address the twin epidemics of HIV and addiction; the challenges of homophobia, racism and geographic isolation; and the breakthroughs in medical treatment that cannot be separated from issues of access to those treatments. ‘ The Symposium was first conceptualized by the AIDS Professional Training Group and later identified as a priority during an extensive state- wide needs assessment undertaken by the Vermont HIV/AIDS Care Con- sortium. The Consortium is charged with overseeing the effective delivery of services throughout the state and has received seed money from the New England AIDS Education and Training Center for the conference. Additional sponsors include the Vermont Department of Health/AIDS Pro- gram and University of Vermont College of Medicine The event, an intensive skills building, training and networking op- portunity, targets physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, home health pro- viders, mental health workers, social workers, substance abuse counselors, and case managers. Up to sixteen hours of Continuing Education credits will be made available to participants. ~ A Thursday evening banquet will feature Karen Vlfrlliams, an Afri- can—American lesbian comic who has been dubbed the “Diva of Comedy” and “Queen of Improv.” Williams tackles tough issues in her humor, a balance the entire Vermont AIDS Symposium has striven for. The banquet will also beabenefit for the VermontPWACoalition, the Twin State Women’s Network, and the ALANA Health Care Organization. For a detailed brochure or to register, contact the Continuing Medical Education office at (802)656-2292. For scholarship informa- tion for people living with HIV/AIDS, call Rachel Lurie at the Vennont Department of Health at (800)244—7639 or(802)65l - 1534. hands, kissing, sneezing, W-rest Vngvo dancing. V LIl\lE;1 ealth. Divisioof E ' .Burlington. 5 _ (802) 869-9660 0) DEAN wrrrrr 1199-1 Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Member SPIC 882- State Departme ,8 Main Street, P.O._. out 0