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Tanning beds are OK, but the best cure for seasonal affec- tive disorder, Constance has found, is wearing bright colors, enjoying a great show, and dancing one’s booty off. This can surely make up for that drab-colored rodent crawling back into its hole for another month or so. “But what is Drag'.”’ Constance has been asked. “I don’t look good in a dress,” she has heard from both men and women who believe themselves too butch for sequins and hose. Drz g, Constance replies, is anything that you don’t wearlon a daily basis. lt’s that tuxedo or the UPS uniform or anything else that some- where deep in your hippocampus lies a thriving desire to don and show off. Drag is a cocktail dress or Prom Dress or bubble wrap or a union suit, or curlers and a house coat. Drag is an ace bandage across the chest, or condoms filled with water. (One drag queen’s secret last year was forty pounds of lentils in balloons.) Drag can be a fez and a tutu, or can be dressing like Desmond Tutu. Hell, come as Boutros Boutros Gali ifyou wish. But honeys,_just leave the baseball hat and T—shirt at home. Even ifyou can’t support the cause of glamour, come and enjoy the show dressed as you wish. Now, having gotten that off her forty pounds of lentils, Constance can continue. This year’s entertainment will be more exciting than ever. Burlington‘s next up-and-coming band Wide Wail will show us what all the buzz is about. Vermont’s (not to mention Germany’s) performance diva, Janice Perry AKA Gal, will host and send her guard- ian leather queens to drag from the stage any performers who go over their time limit (you know who you arel). Endora is back, spinning her magic arias, as is Agnes de Garron, spinning. This time she has promised to bring out her other half. the irrepressible Sticky Dickford. Yolanda will be there, wrapped for immediate consumption and sing- ing his/her booty off. Steph Pappas will spread her magic, as will the . sisters LeMay, Amber and Marguerite. and ofcourse Noel, Noi:’1,Noel! The theme for the Drag Ball will be “Duets.” Constance felt it was appropriate, being the sequel and all. Two is a great number isn’t it? Much better than one. Rumors are spreading that Endora will sing with Judy Garland, newly back from the grave; Tamah and Cherie Tartt will ‘see who can do what better than whom; plus a number of surprises still in the works. " Then later, after dancing, the next Drag King and Queen of Burl- ington will be crowned. Many prizes are up for grabs. Last year the competition was intense, so start planning now. And all of this is fora great cause, and I don’tjust mean glamour —~ I mean Vermont CARES. Tickets are twelve dollars in advance and sixteen at the door, and are available at the Peace and Justice Store on Church Street in Burlington or atVermont CARES itself. All proceeds after expenses go directly to Vermont CARES. V- I 9/ Seafood and Steak Tavern LUDLOW'S PREMIERE DINNER HOUSE "-42?", ~ -’-, ,». H ». ' __,~gfi,., ’ Route 103 0 Ludlow, Vermont 0 802-228-5622 Visit Our Web Page: http: / /www.sover.net/ ~seafood1 ll.llllllEDW EATTLE El. Lasso yourself some fun at Southern Vermont's only gay bar! Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music Route 5 Brattleboro Between Exits 3 8. 4, I91 (802) 254-9830 V Vermont Area Resources Please help us keep this list current by advising us of changes in your’ group ’s status or arlrlress. All phone nuIn- bers are area code 802 unless noted. A "»" symbol before the group ’s name indicates a new or updated listing. Addison County Women in Crisis 53 Court Street - Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-4205 Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) PO Box 6345 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 363-4961 »ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, Native American) Community Program 8 Williston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 Amelia Earhart PO Box 746 - Lebanon NH 03766 »Ameriean Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) " 110 E. State St. - Montpelier VT 05602 ° 223-6304 E-mail: ac1uvt@ao1.com Web Site: http://members.ao1.com/acluvt/home.htm1 Battered Women’s Services, Inc. PO Box 828 - Montpelier VT 05601 24 hour Hotline: 223-6855 »Beacon Club (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Straight Alliance) Lyndon State College, LSC Box 7335 - Lyndonville VT 05851 - »Big City Players, Inc. PO Box 1012 - Burlington VT 05402 - (888) 212-5884 Brattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians PO Box 875 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 254-5947 Brattleboro Area Lesbian Center _ 7| Elliot St. ' Brattleboro VT 05301 Burlington Police Department Community Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill LaWare - 658-7658 Burlington Women’s Council City Hall - Burlington VT 05401 - 865-7200 »Chiltern Mountain Club - Vermont Chapter _ Bob Bland - 333-9448 - E-mail: b1and@sover.net Web Site: http://www.chiltern.org/chi1tern/ Christ Church Presbyterian-More Light Church UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 CRONES (for women over 40) PO Box 242 - Winooski VT 05404 DaGLO (Dartmouth College) Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 Dignity Vermont PO Box 782 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-1377 East Coast Wrestling Club . PO Box 40868 - Providence R1 02940 (401) 467-6737 - ecwc@b1ockparty.com Friends in Adoption 44 South St. - PO Box 1228 - Middletown Springs VT 05757 - 235-2373 Gay Fathers’ Support Group PO Box 234 - Essex Junction VT 05423 - 879-7883 Gay Info Line (NH) Box 181 - Concord NH 03301 - (603)224-1686 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Alliance Goddard College - Plainfield VT 05667 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Alliance Landmark College - Putney VT 05346 - 387-6752 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Legal Association c/o Blackwood and Kraynak - 863-2517 »Gay/Lesbian/Straight Teachers’ Network (GLSTN) PO Box 930 - Amherst MA 01004-0930 S. VT: RR3 Box 708 - Putney VT 05346 ~ 387-1712 Gay/Lesbian Victim Assistance Hotline (800) 259-1536 - 24 hrs. a day - AVProject@ao1.com Golden Threads (Lesbian Contact Publication) PO Box 65 - Richford VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 E-mail: goldentred@aol.com Hear Us OUT PO Box 285 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-0332 Huntington Open Women's Land (HOWL) 864-5595 »Interweave (Unitarian Universalists) 152 Pearl Street - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-5630 Kwanzaa PO Box 583 ° Burlington VT 05402-0583 Keene State College LBG Alliance Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 »Men’s Health Project PO Box 5248 - Elmwood Ave. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-2437 - (800) 649-2437 Men Alive! PO Box 423 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-2247 Middlebury GLB Alliance Middlebury College - Middlebury VT 05753-6033 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) PO Box 1124 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 357-5544 Mountain Pride Media, Inc. PO Box 177 - Burlington VT 05402 NH Citizens’Al1iance for Gay and Lesbian Rights PO Box 730 - Concord NH 03302 - (603)224-1686 Old Lesbians Organized for Change (OLOC) PO Box 242 - Winooski VT 05404 One in Ten (Castleton State College) 468-5611 x.392 »Out in the Mountains PO Box 177 ' Burlington VT 05402 388-6503 - oitm@together.net Web Site: http://members.ao1.com/oitm/ Outright Vermont , PO Box 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - 865-9677 Youth Hotline: (800) GLB-CHAT (452-2428)‘ E-mail: OutrightVT@ao1.r:om Web Site: http://membersaol.com/outrightvt/ Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) Brattleboro Area J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds - Brattleboro VT 05301 257-5409 Central Vermont New contact to be announced. Lake Champlain Chapter Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Lane - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-4285 Malzcliester Area Mae and Jay Morrow - PO Box 92 - Manchester VT 05254 -, 362-4400 Rntlaml Area Julie and Peter Cooper - 1 1 North St. ' Rutland VT 05701 - 773-7601 Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St. - Burlington VT 05401 ° 863-8326 »Radical Faeries . RR2 Box 1640 - Plainfield VT 05667 ' 454-1635 PO Box 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-2307 PO Box 224 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-4871 Radical Faerie Camp Destiny c/o Endora - RR 1 Box 30 - Bristol VT 05443 453-5760 »Rainbow Business Association PO Box 1776 - Burlington VT 05402 - 351-5527 E-mail: rba@pwsolutions.com SAGE (for gay men over forty) PO Box 863 ° Burlington VT 05402 - 860-1810 Social Alternatives for Gay Men (SAM) PO Box 479 - Norwich VT 05055 - 649-3133 »Take Back the Trails Local Contact: Mel ° (603) 543-1700 Web Site: http://www.princct0n.cdu/~rcurtis/acetrail.html »TRANS (Transgender Radical Action, Networking, and Support) PO Box 5687 ' Burlington VT 05402 E-mail: transvt@ao1.com »Umbrella Women’s Center (Research, referral, and support groups for lesbians and lesbian parents) 16 Main St. - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-8645 University of Vermont GLBA 656-0699 ' Vermont Bisexual Network (BiNct) PO Box 8124 3 Burlington VT 05402 658-9554 or 865-3062 Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (VCLGR) PO Box 1 125 ~ Montpelier VT 05602 - 454-8552 Co-liaisons to the government: Virginia Renfrew Keith Goslant - 454-8552 Vermont Education Association Network of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Educators and Their Allies Contact Rose-Marie at 442-3978 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force PO Box 1312 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-6356 Vermont GLBT Pride '97 Committee PO Box 5113 - BurlingtonVVT 05402-5113 865-3734 or 658-1602 i Vermont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond P1. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863-9684 Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) PO Box 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 865-3734 ' Vermont Human Rights Commission 133 State St.'- Montpelier VT 05633-6301 828-2480 Vermont Lesbian and Gay‘ Parents 131 Richardson St. - Burlington VT 05401 860-1922 I »Visible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) PO Box 812 - Burlington VT 05402 ' 865-0385 Woman Center 5 School Ave. - Montpelier VT 05602 - 229-6202 ‘ Women’s Crisis Center PO Box 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 24 Hour Hotline: 254-6954 Women Helping Battered Women PO Box 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - 658-1996 Women’s Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. - Lebanon NH 03766 (603)448-5922 - 24 Hour Hotline: (603)448-5525 Women’s Rape Crisis Center PO Box 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 Women of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260 - Worcester VT 05682 - 229-0109 Youth Aware ofAddison County c/o PO Box 646 - Middlebury VT 05753 (800) 452-2428 (Outright Vermont) The next issue of 01 TM will be out on March 1. (There was no January issue.) 16