V Letters to the Editor Some of Our Straight Readers Speak Out Responding to John Dear Folks: Re: The letter of John C. Dechon of El Paso, Texas (see Letters to the Editor, Dec. 96) ; re: “only homosexuals would read the magazine.” I never did have any attraction to men, and John certainly hasn’t done much to change my mind. However, since I did read his letters in OITM, I must not be stra-ight after all. I’m not interested in asking him for a date (I’m married, and I never go out with cultists), but maybe I should thank him for recruiting me to homosexu- ality via his all-powerful logical proof. Either that or I’ll have to cancel my subscription. He did insinuate he might be on his way up here. Maybe I’ll just buy a gun. Peace and love, Walter Forest HIV/AIDS Coverage Needs Attention Dear Folks at OITM: Thanks for putting together such a great publication. I look forward to each new issue, in spite of the fact that I am a practicing het [even though nasty old John from El Paso, Texas seems certain that all your readers must be gay]. One issue I’m hoping to see addressed, though, is the growing controversy over AIDS — i.e. is AIDS really caused by HIV? Are the tests actually reliable or accurate? Is AIDS in fact not one disease but many? Not to mentionthe fact that many AIDS or HIV patients have been “cured” (more or less) of this supposedly incur- able disease by alternative therapies, whereas conventional treatment (AZT, etc.) produces nothing but death. When I first heard ‘such theories I felt a bit skeptical, I admit, but now I am hearing such things from reputable folks who have done their homework and know what they are talking about (Gary Null, for one). I hope someone can tackle this important topic in upcoming issues. ' Nancy Ellen Plainlield, Vermont We hope to address HIV and AIDS issues more fully in future issues. A few short notes: New treatments (some including AZT) have helped HlV+ individuals live longer lives, though a “cure” remains unavailable at this time. Asfor the accuracy ofHIV tests, it depends on the test in question. Most are fairly reliable, though check- ing twice when in doubt is always a good idea. Many of the groups listed on our Health Re- sources page can answer any further questions you may have about the virus. - Editor ----1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .| Out in the Mountains Paper Chase Dear OITM: Keep up the good work! I love “Dykes to Watch Out For.” Sorry that you went to news- print from nice old white bond paper. I used to save OITM, but now I recycle ‘em with the other newspapers. Didn't any libraries complain? But for the rest, you’re doing a greatjob. B.M. We recently investigated returning to white paper stock, but the cost per press run was nearly four times what we pay for newsprint.’ With paper prices continuing to rise and our funding still at the break-even level, it seems unlikely that we’ll be able to afiord a return to the good old days any time soon. - Editor Letters to the Editor can be sent to us at OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402, or by e-mail to oitm@together.net. Please include your name, address, and telephone number in case we need to contact you for verification or clarifica- tion. Also, please note if you wish your letter to be signed "Anonymous" when published. Letters must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. V Vermont Pride ‘97 Organizational Meeting . Planned MONTPELIER — It’s not too early to start plan- ning for the 1997 Vermont GLBT Pride celebra- tion. Last year’s coordinators (Bob Bolyard, Craig Stevens, and Robert Toms) will hold an organiza- tional meeting for all interested people on Sunday, February 9th, at 2:00 p.m. at the Vermont AIDS Council offices, Room 27, 73 Main Street in Mont- pelier. This will be a great chance to get together with people from all over the state and discuss what was good about last year’s event and what can be done to make this year’s even better. All clubs, groups, organizations, and businesses are encouraged to send a representative to this meeting. It will only be through total participation from our community that the Vermont Pride cel- ebrations can continue to grow. If you have any questions, contact Craig Stevens (802-658-1602) or Bob Bolyard (802-865- 3734) or send information to Vermont Pride, PO Box 5113, Burlington VT 05402-5113. V VERMONT’S FORUM FOR LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES I By subscribing now to Out in the Mountains, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox | (in a discreet envelope), but you will also help us to underwrite the rising costs of publishingvand I distributing the newspaper. We welcome any additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made payable to our publisher, Mountain Pride Media, and sent, along with this form, to: OITM ' PO Box 177 0 Burlington VT 05402-0177. Name I Address I I Town/City State Zip One Year ($20) Low Income ($10) __ Sponsor ($ ) I Would you like to join our Email "alert" list‘? Address: I Sponsors who contribute $30 or more will be honored in an upcoming list in the paper. 2/97 E1111111::111111111111-1111111 3 February I 997 Out and About. . . Mary Alice Schatzle and Donna Lescoe were featured in an article on domestic partnerships in the January 2 1 st issue of the Advocate, the nation’s gay and lesbian news magazine. The couple subsequently was invited to join Elizabeth Birch of the Human Rights Campaign Fund for a “Gay Marriage” talk show on MS—NBC, a national cable channel...Kevin Moss, 21 Profes- sor of Russian at Middlebury College, celebrates the publica- tion of Out oft/1e Blue by Gay Sunshine Press. Moss edited the collection of classic and contemporary gay Russian writings... Check out the winter issue of the Vermont-based holistic news- paper Eleventh Hour Cauldron (Box 1596, Waifslield VT 05673) for a refreshingly honest article called "Does Gay Mean Cheerful?" by publisher Chris Coolidge. . .Planned Parenthood of Northern New England recently addressed gay and lesbian concerns and featured the P-FLAG group (Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays) in a segment of its television show “Facts For Life,” which ran on local cable stations in January. The group plans an upcoming workshop called “I Am What I Am: Working with Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth. For more information, call (800) 488-9638. . .Nearly one hundred people attended a memorial for Jimmy Moyer, one of the previous owners of Pearls in Burlington. Moyer died of a heart attack on December 6 while vacationing in Africa. The service was held on December 28 at the Dog Team Tavern in Middlebury. V lfyou have news you’d like to include in our monthly “Out ana' About" column (weddings, anniversmies, births, deaths, awards, promotions, etc.), please send them in to us at PO Box /77, Burlington VT05402 or e-mail us at oitm.@toget/iernet. I)on '1 forget to include your name andp/tone number in case we need to contact you for clarifications or verification. Vav 9.‘ ' I -~......7 V Qv~Q"‘Q ‘V- Happy ‘Valentine's Day, ,5hez'[a! I hn/e you more each passing day. foreveryaars, 9\[ett1'e ‘ . vi.‘ .‘? Happy '1/akntine’5 Day to my one (“I only ”Tz'm, ” antfalsa to my pais flllan &’D0n. L07/e, Ray L — Tharzhsfor the Chnlstvrzas rincq. 7{ere’5 hoping for years afha/id- fazzdliny and passion, in a creative, ha[ancea'relat1'anship with you. Happy 1/afent1'ne’5 (Day. Love, K. h_‘j_2_“—:: Searching for a Realtor with considerable experience? Call on the agent people have been turning to for 15 years‘. 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