Out in the Mountains Transgendered Activists Unite to Create National Group KING OF PRUSSIA, PA -- A number of transgendered community organizations came together on November 2 to create a new coalition, GenderPAC. The organization is the first national community organization dedicated to transgendered individuals and their issues. GenderPAC describes itself as a public advocacy coa- lition. The group seeks to end not only gender oppres- sion, but discrimination based on race and affectional ori- entation as well. Founding members of GenderPAC include American Boyz, American Educational Gender Information Service (AEGIS), Deaf Transgendered Alliance, Expressing Our Nature Inc., FTM International (Female to Male), Inter- national Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Intersexed Society of North America (ISNA), It’s Time America! (ITA), Renaissance Education Association, So- ciety for the Second Self (a.k.a. Tri—Ess), Transgender Health Action Coalition (TEAC), and Transgender Offic- ers Protect & Serve (TOPS). Additional groups are ex- pected tojoin in the near future. V ...-v.~-‘,»...,., ;_ . ffzetfy 5 we of sum qrwen in em omen . filo YOU'RE AT TITE veT BECAUSE THE CAT KEEPS HAVING HAiRl>ALL ATTACKS‘. C-911 Ha YOUJRE cHEwtHe OVER THE o>Ros&c.oHs oF GETTiNG bAGK TOGETHER WLTH DOUG. THis HA5 You so PReoccuRtE& THAT You BARELg« NoTlC.Eél LUCYIS cARR~riHes-on DURiN6 THE CAR TioHisT... How Do I ' fl Now THAT 700. I'LL BUZZ THE DocTaR. - I REALLY own HER ~ . T’. (\ 45$. If M E’ .5. \ (‘EN THE ONE HANPNOU 06% STARTLED BY A BOXER PUP, «Ms RUN EC.EPTi0NiST is TR%iN6To coAx AER ouT wtTH AYbE YoU8rDou6wil.l. SPENT LAsTwEEi To‘ ouT THE_ DoOl_Z AND iNTo THE PARKiNG L°TNllERE A _sowL oFfamc7fza4t, wHicH Lucv wouwwz SPEHJI THE HoLiDAYS AT 3eTHER in BED... ON THE SHE IS HiDl N_G UND_ER A CAR 3: sPEwiH6 eATiFiT wAs‘THE LAST BOWL or KiTTY Foov on GOD'S Youfl Mews... oTHER HAHv.THERE MUST KiTT*,1v iNvEcTive. .., u: = BE ANOTHER HAND, "em ‘ Hgt;EY ‘ ~~~ T. .7/;eAtaae;,ttn,eaz2ueuw,5aczae£geea4:emangwen BY ERIC ORNER g EJTHAH GREEN .tiAs eons our AND 60TTeN E’5 THE NEW (?ER- @VER‘l SENTI'ENT BE_lN6 in THE TRi-STATE AREA HiMsE_L\= A NEW JOB... soHAL AsstsTAHT ,;"0R Knows MONTY’s A BIG ow QUEEN... MONT7 M\E,,:.N,::::."‘ —~ WOMEN ‘ ~ KVAE':|::3':iFi-P‘J8y YEA‘ wm MONTE’ POOLE, NEWS‘ DOES NOT KNOW THEY KNOMHOWEVER. F.‘ uevgg; w M °=;::;;;;:,~*;l* ;;g"»«_;g;;g CENTER 1215 LEGENDARY N _ /‘ 9 cars» W E ATHERMRN. ‘iv ‘ f I I‘ Basil-D‘: \ I’ L] T » "“ SP‘a’1".:‘4E£TL°lE \ " . lags — Ta ;‘= ' 1' . ‘ ' |’*B°\' - ~~-. 5? E M: I I I . 3 ¢ vm Ls HAT's THE DAY THAT MoHTg«~s s.MRTs ac to [ENE or THE ewe; NE Bic» auEsTioN cg»: THE S_ToRM'TRACKlNG THE LAUNDR9’. EXTRA sTARcH,BoxE&. _REMaiNs: TAFF MIGHT BE GAY‘A|.S0. , _,_ ANPITAiN“'l'AbouTTHE HE Exminso _To ETAAH Egg § 3, w§ExgNp_ "°"TJ"R|PAY5- °' W‘ ’" ...‘a*;Jt1£':7.t:‘.t« ‘»' " " ‘ You. M°NTY‘5 HEW ~‘-‘.- [2 I 0 _ :. .5 . . 35°“"-‘P "V pfiw L: 1:: A ‘ a“"’”"“ "' . ' .’w E “ —_. ', : '\'\p-5...-u # VI: E’ ;‘ ‘ x . °= 3? .. *3 i/\~2§r—:: ‘.2. ~ ‘ E —z 50 5-!f:\\-- G =n==== 1""? §i.\:\k ericsorner@ao1.com muRI==H-.-'5 ai §ll lI'IFlI'1DR lav Kurt Erichsen Puchess, what dofltl don't nwl cm, Trim, All my monzq? Lovaiq, Did she Some ihingsgou )ustc8n't So she decided At least 2 Faggot Hqsdo? lfgqu donf thou ! hava a whem «sat at? Mg Aunt Faring know qou hide. She almost disowned gou weren't all still ranks above mind mg prgmglt M3 Wegrza how“./7 left 2|/erg/ffi/fy io me. wore rm. She had to ei‘rh