i I i 1 g.a~ -i -4 .v-.?,«' .--.-.4 ax- :»..V-v «; Out in the Mountains V CALENDAR December 15 VGSA 3rd ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY —— Members of Vermont Gay Social Alternatives throw a party for resi- dents of St. Joseph’s Home for the Eld- erly in Burlington, 1- 3pm. For more info, call Mike at 860-7129. 16 GROUP DATE: DINNER AND A MOVIE — Dinner at the Main Street Bar and Grill followed by "Beautiful Thing" at the Savoy (see ad below and review). In Montpelier, 5:00 p.m. For more info, call the Men's Health Project at (800) 649- 2437. _ 18 LOVER, PARTNER, HUSBAND, WIFE: A forum on marriage and relation- ships for gay men and lesbians. A presen- tation by the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force will be followed by men’s and women’s discussion groups on the subject of same—gender relationships. 6:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington. For more info, call Vermont CARES Men’s Health Project at 800-649-2437, Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT, or Jean Szilva of the Freedom to Marry Task Force at 655-5312. VGSA MEMBERS’ HOLIDAY PARTY —-— An annual affair for members of Ver- mont Gay Social Alternatives. In Shelburnc, 7-10pm. For more info, call Cliff at 985-4937 20-22 CHRISTMAS TREE WEEKEND ——A party on Friday night followed by tree- cutting and sleigh rides on Saturday to benefit the New Hanmpshire AIDS Foun- dation. At Parker’s Motel in Lincoln NH; call (800)766-6835 for more info. . 21 WINTER SOLSTICE HOWL OPEN HOUSE — Join the Hun- tington Open Women’s Land (HOWL) group for an open house. For more infor- mation, call 864-5595. UNHOLY NIGHT CABARET AND HOLIDAY SACRILEGE —— A drag cabaret featuring Endora, Cherie Tartt, Yolanda, Agnes de Garron, Sticky, and Gabriel Q. Tickets $7-$13 to benefit the Faerie Camp Destiny Land Fund.) 8 p.m. at Cafe NoNo in Burlington. For tickets or more info,.call 453-5760 or 863-2307. DICKENS’ "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" — A one-man comic version of the clas- sic tale, starring Adam Reese. Benefit for __ the Make a Wish Foundation; suggested donation of $10. 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington. ' 22 VGSA BOWLING NIGHT — In Burl- ington, l0 p.m.—midnight. For more de- tails, call Mike at 860-7129. 23 GAY GUY GET-TOGETHER — A regular gathering sponsored by the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. For more info, call Carey at 254-8263. VGSA DOG TEAM TAVERN DINNER TRIP — In Middlebury. For details, call Cliff at 985-4937 29 CLUB RIO T-DANCE — Rutland’s bi- weekly Provincetown-style tea dance for men and women, sponsored by the Men’s Health Project and Proud in Rutland County (PIRCy). $3 cover at Club Rio. For more info, call MHP at (800) 649-2437. 31 VGSA NEW YEAR’S EVE-NT PARTY —— Come ring in the New Year at Vermont Gay Social Alternative’s Fourth annual dinner, dance, and party. Sponsored by Vermont Gay Social Alternatives. 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Inn at Essex, Burlington. For more info, call Cliff at 985-4937. January 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY HOWL OPEN HOUSE — Join the Hun- tington Open Women’s Land group for an open house. For more information, call 864-5595. 7 “THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK” — A free video showing by Youth Aware of Addison County at the Ilsley Library Meeting Room, Middlebury. Business and planning meeting at 7 p.m.; video at 7:30. Come for one or both. For more info, call Hugh at 388-6503. VGSA NEWSLETTER STUFFING — Help send out the new calendar. In Burl- ington, followed by dining out, 6:30 p.m. For more info, call Chris at 862-3689. 11 VGSA MOTORCYCLISTS —— Monthly gathering in Burlington. For details, call Gary at 863-4935. VGSA BOWLING NIGHT —— A . monthly event sponsored by Vermont Gay Social Alternatives. In Burlington. For details, call Bob at 865-3734. 12 ...DEADLINE FOR 0ITM—, Deadline for items‘ to appear in the February 1997 is- sue of Out’ in the Mountains. For more details, call Hugh at 388-6503 or e-mail us at oj_frn@aol.com. 12 (cont.) CLUB RIO T-DANCE — Rutland’s bi- weekly Provincetown-style tea dance for men and women, sponsored by the Men’s Health Project and Proud in Rutland County (PIRCy). $3 cover at Club Rio. For details and more info, call MHP at (800) 649-2437. 15 SAFE SEX 301: BEYOND THE BA- SICS —A workshop for gay and bi men, presented by the Men’s Health Project and Outright Vermont. Cruising, toys, fetishes, and other pleasures between men will be discussed with presenter Jay Schuster. For more information, contact Men’s Health Project at (800) 649-2437 or Outright Ver- mont at (800) GLB—CHAT. 1 ADDISON COUNTY AIDS ACTION NETWORK — Monthly meeting of the group. Open to all. 7:30 in the Meeting Room of the Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury. For more info, contact Dick at 352-6679. VGSA COOK’S CLUB — Come cook up a storm with Vermont Gay Social Al- ternatives in Shelburne. For more info, call Cliff at 985-4937. 17 “JEFFREY” — Youth Aware movie night: a free coffeehouse/movie night for g/1/b/t/q youth and their supporters in Addison County. 7 p.m. at the Ilsley Li- brary Meeting Room, Middlebury. For more info, call Hugh at 388-6503. 19 VGSA 3RD ANNUAL “THANK YOU” DINNER — Vermont Gay Social Alter- natives celebrates the volunteers, residents and employees of Respite House in Williston. For more info, call Cliff at 985- 4937. 21 PERSONAL CARE TRAINING -—- Kris McDermet will teach a personal care class (lifting, assisting with bathing, making up an occupied bed) for volunteers. For more info, call the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project at 254-8263. . . 25 OITM STUFFING — Come meet your Valentine as we stuff the February issue for mailing. New volunteers (writers es- pecially) are always welcome. Mailing at 10 a.m., Board meeting ofMountain Pride Media, Inc., at 1:00 p.m. 109 South Winooski Avenue (2nd floor). For more info, call Hugh at 388-6503. '31-Feb 2 NEW ENGLAND BEARS HIBERNA- TIONVRUN '97 — In Provincetown, MA. For more info, call (800) 648-0364., -Ann" Taubin. VILLAGE \'()I(‘I‘3 rgunr “A_Hugely ’Iender-Hearted F"ldaV! 'D°°- 13 ' Fi]m!...A Crowd Pleaser!” Thursday, Dec. 19 (5:30 & e:3o_ “sat. and sun. 2 PM February 14-17 WOMENSPHERE WINTER RE- TREAT — A weekend to relax and meet other women. Lodging, meals, workshops, and entertainment at a low price with 36 acres of trails. For advance registration ma- terials, write Womensphere at 589 First NH Turnpike, Northwood NH 03261. Film Review: Beautiful Thing MONTPELIER -- "Beautiful Thing," the acclaimed British film directed by Hettie MacDonald, will be shown at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier from Friday, De- cember l3, through Thursday, December 19. It will screen at 6:30 and 8:30 each evening, with additional matinees at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The film stars Glen Berry and Scott Neal. Gary Ireland, co-owner of the Savoy, says, "I saw the film at the Boston Film Festival and found it quite touching. It deals with themes of emerging sexual iden- tity, coming out, and parental acceptance in ways which are not preachy, and was the most genuine and affecting film of its type that I have seen." The setting of "Beautiful Thing" is a London "estate" (public housing project). Jamie, who hates sports and loves old movies, lives with his barmaid mother and her lover Tony in a tiny flat that leaves little room for privacy. Next door lives the quiet Ste, who stoically endures beatings from his father. When Ste takes refuge in Jamie's apartment, a hesitant love affair begins. Amy Taubin of the Village Voice said, "'Beautiful Thing‘ isn't the best film of the year, but it's the one I'm most crazy about. This is a coming—out story about a boy scared silly by soccer practice but coura- geous enough to act on his sexual desires. More sweet than bitter, this tiny but hugely tenderhearted film is buoyed by a fine score featuring, believe it or not, The Ma- mas and the Papas." For more information about the show, call the Savoy at 229-0598. Don't forget to ask about the huge selection of g/l/b/t- themed videos for rent in Downstairs Video, just under the theater. V For up-to-date calendar listings, check out the OITM Web Site at http:I/members.ao|.com/oitm/ E-mail your group's schedule to us at oitm@aol.com '.5em{ a ‘Valentine to your Sweetie! Share our love! 1 FM‘? 4 Express yourzelf with a Valentine's Day greeting in the ' February issue of Out in the Mountains! Send your message (15 words or less, please) by January 15 to OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402 or e-mail it to us at oitm@aol.com Please include name and phone number for verification. $5 donation appreciated, but not required. VAL. ii? 2 w v v : r vv -.‘.'T;.....u..-- ii (7:11 1' I ) ‘l P ‘ rvvvfl rwr-v-v r..A—LA# 1 1) 1 ¥ ' fV"R'V"\ firvv