Letter from a "Web-eneezer" Scrooge Preface: Alas, not much mail this month, with the exception of this exchange prompted by our Web Site (http://members.aol.com/oitm/). A link to the Site exists on Burlington’s Web Page, and it can also be accessed via the national Lycos City Guide search engine. When you call up “Burling— ton” and then links to “Local Color” and “Out in the Mountains,” you’re treated to a beautiful color ‘ photo of Pride ’96 co—organizer Craig Stevens and his partner John smooching on the streets of Burlington. Lycos itself chose to link to the photo rather than to our current front page, obviously sharing our sentiment that it was a beautiful and loving picture. Some folks, however, disagreed... Dear Sirs, I found the “Local Color” item “Out in the Mountains” (re: homosexuals) not only decep- tively worded but also a disgrace (I expected to see scenes of hiking trails, nature, etc., I did NOT expect to see two sodomites kissing). I DO expect to find such perversity proudly displayed on sites located in California (San Fransisco, for example, a beautiful city defiled by overt displays of homo- sexuality) but certainly NOT in Vermont. I surely do not want to move to a place where men kissing men (as pictured) is deemed to be a part of the “local color.” John C. Dechon El Paso, TX The Burlington WebMaster Responded... John, Regarding your email below: I went to the LYCOS site (which I have NOTHING todo with) and found your specific reference to the OITM link from ‘Local Color.‘ As Webmaster for the City of Burlington, Vermont, I have offered a free link to ALL Vennont sites (except student sites, because there’s too many of them and they are in a constant state of flux). If you feel the LYCOS site to be “deceptively worded,” then I suggest you contact LYCOS directly. Further, if you feel the content on the “Out In The Mountains” site objectionable, then I suggest you contact OITM directly. I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for however, I’m hopeful there is some informa- tion herein that will prove useful to you. If you truly are planning to move to Vermont you should know that we are as sophisticated as V Letters to the Editor the most diverse city in America and as rural as the deepest backwoods of the Appalachians. We’re only puritanically lilly—white“while it’s snowing... Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Respectfully, Sandy Combs Webmaster Burlington, Vermont And then OI TM Responded... Dear Sir, _ Thanks for the note. I’ll share it with our readers in the next issue of our paper so that everyone can bear witness to your kind and loving spirit. I’m sure they’ll join me in wishing you a pleasant life in Texas, and celebrating the fact that you've decided againstjoining us here in our wonderful Green Mountain state. Peace to you and yours... Hugh Coyle Editor, Out in the Mountains And Then, ‘J ust When You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back on the Net... Dear Sir, Thank you for your reply. There is really no need to discuss it with your readers since I did not really expect to change anyone’s mind there at OITM headquarters, of course, and you all would not take any contrary view seriously. You might print itjust to show that you will never convince ALL of simpleton America that homosexuality is okay: it never will be. Besides, only homosexuals would read the magazine anyway, not heterosexuals, so you would only have the “jury,” like all those sorry talk shows ‘ one sees on TV when discussingvsuch liberal issues, stacked in your favor. In the real world out on the street, however, you would not survive very long... be sure to thank liberal American politicians for your survival so far. Hopefully, the pendulum will swing the other way to your detriment. Basically, I just wanted to register my complaint re: Burlington’s Web Site...what a black mark to have OITM included, to detract from an otherwise beautiful part of the country both figuratively and concretely speaking. The city fathers of Burlington must be fools....you can tell them that if they support OITM in particular, and “gay rights” in general. As for my having decided NOT to come to Vermont, I never said that so I don’t know from ' where you got that idea...if you inferred that, you rm"2:-m-—E--———:-n———"—‘1 Outin the Mountains VERMONT’S FORUM FOR LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES I By subscribing now to Out in the Mountains, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox | (in a discreet envelope), but you will also help us to underwrite the rising costs of publishing and ' . | distributing the newspaper. We welcome any additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should bemade payable to our publisher, Mountain Pride Media, I and sent, along with this form, to: OITM - PO Box 177 ° Burlington VT 05402-0177. Name I Address I Town/City State Zip . One Year ($20) Low Income ($10) (Sponsor ($____) I Would you like tojoin our Email "alert" list? Address: I Sponsors who contribute $30 or more will be honored in an upcoming list in the paper 12 /96 I 5111111111111:j:11:jj1:1j1j11jJ 3 . did so in error. Besides, maybe I can be part of a program, voter or otherwise, to take a stand against such activities as yours or at least vote against any matter re: your “rights” every time it comes up. It’s just a matter of time before I leave here. But the main thing I like about Vemiont is its carrying concealed weapons/gun laws...perhaps the only true interpretation of the Founding Fathers re: the inalien- able right of self—defense, which should be an example to the rest of the states AND the federal government. Have a nice day, John RS. “Loving spirit" has nothing to do with one being against abominations such as yours as described in the Bible (I feel negatively re: heterosexual adulters (sic), too, like Bill Clinton, for example). I have no “loving spirit” for criminals, either. There is certainly a place for a loving spirit, but not re: sin/immorality...NO compromise is acceptable whatsoever in that arena. God is loving, but He hates sinful activities. Persist and you perish, cosmically speaking. You’ve made your choice, I mine. Both of us will have to answer for it, and you’ll find out, too late, that you were terribly wrong. V Decemb_er 1996 Out and About... Ginger Williamson, an account executive with Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., and OITM advertiser, was honored with the Champlain College Single-Parent Program's Partners in Change Award for helping create employment opportunities for displaced homemakers, single mothers, and other women in transition. Amy Beth, an Associate Professor and Access Services Librarian for UVM's Bailey/Howe Library, offered a presentation on De- cember 3 about the Lesbian l-Ierstory Archives project. Amy Beth has been a coordinator for the Archives since I986. Burlington's ubiquitous drag queen Cherie Tartt continues to ascend toward the title ofMedia Dominatrix. She was recently seen (among many other places) at City Mayor Peter Clavelle's side during the rib- bon-cutting ceremony for Sweetwaters, which had been renovated after a kitchen fire this fall. Cherie also has a new greeting card on the market, designed by Vermont artist Dug Nap. Jane A. Van Buren announces the opening of Noonmark Consulting, special- izing in the management of small businesses, non—profits, collec~ tives andjoint ventures. Noonmark Consulting is available to help write or review business plans, design and produce brochures, write marketing plans, prepare financial statements, manage data bases and mailing lists, consult on human resource needs and provide financial and tax planning. Van Buren has 15 years of business management experience in the private, public and non profit envi— ronments. She can be reached at 660-2713 (fax: 862-0292) or e- mailjanevb@aol.com.V I lfyou have news you ’d like to include in our monthly "Out and About" column (weddings, anniversaries, births, deaths, awards, promotions, etc. ), please send them in to us at PO Box I 77, Bur- lington VT 05402 or e-mail us at oitm@aol.eom. Don ’t forget to include your name and phone number in case we need to contact you for clarifications or verification. Searching for a Realtor with- considerable experience? Call on the agent people have been turning to for 15 years. ‘Bill Desautels Realtor, CRS, GRI North Professionals - 655-3333 ext. 17 Each office independently owned and operated